Field Elementary
Summer Updates 2024
Summer Communication Edition #2
Front Office
2024-2025 Priorities & Updates
School Year 2024-2025 Donation Request
July/August Dates, Events & Activities
Master Calendar Events/Activities DEADLINE week of August 19th
2024-2025 Parent Homeroom Interest Form
NEW 3rd GRADERS (2024-2025) Survey DEADLINE August 1st
Summer Communication
Field Elementary Grade-Level Summer Packets DEADLINE August 19th
LA Dodgers Reading Champions Opportunity DEADLINE August 31st
Front Office
I trust that everyone is off to a great summer break with family and friends. Our front offices are now closed and the front office staff will return August 1st. As we settle in for the rest of summer, I wanted to send out a few reminders and items to consider over the summer as we plan and prep for the coming school year. We are excited to meet our new families starting Pre-K-5th for the fall of 2024! My next communication will be sent on Sunday, August 11th with updates and information needed to successfully start the school year. For now, please enjoy the rest of your summer vacation and we will see you soon!
2024-2025 Priorities & Updates
As we settle in for the rest of the summer break here are a few items to consider:
We have a few construction projects that are occurring on campus this summer. As we get closer to the start of the school year an update will be provided on any changes that will need to take place in order to access the campus with ease.
Due to budget cuts for the coming school year, we will not have noon aides working during our morning drop-off. The front semi-circle will remain our car drop-off for students and the side east gate (TK/Kinder side) will remain our walking gate for all students. All issued Simple Dismissal numbers for pick-up will remain the same for returning students-please do not discard your number cards. All new students will have the opportunity to pick up their Simple Dismissal numbers during our planned meet & greet on August 15th or on the first day of school-August 19th.
Drop-off in the morning will move to 8:25am to ensure we have adult supervision on campus. Please see the morning schedule listed below:
Our drop-off times will be adjusted as we return for the coming school year. Please reference the information below:
Morning Drop-off- 8:25am (adult supervision)
All students report to the cafeteria
Breakfast 8:25am-8:35am
8:35am- Dismissal to the Playground (Kinder & Upper Grades)
8:35am-8:40am Playground Time
8:40am- First Bell
8:45am- Classes Begin (all tardy students must report to the front office)
LEARNs provides early morning care from 7:00am-8:40am for parents that need assistance due to the new drop-off times. Sign up information is listed below.
Registration Application (A waitlist will be generated as space has filled up quickly which will trigger a need for additional classrooms for fall 2024)
Our focus for next school year will be on increasing our daily attendance rate and continuing to build our academic program. Your commitment to our program is truly appreciated. Our teachers and staff are committed to ensuring your children have the best educational experience here at Field Elementary. Thank you for your continued support to our incredible program!
School Year 2024-2025 Donation Request
In May 2024 our School Site Council (SSC) team discussed and decided to ensure financial support in our school budget for continued professional development training for the coming school year for our teachers. Due to budget cuts this decision has left us with a need to find creative ways to fund our schoolwide supplies that we normally carry in our school budget. Our instructional leadership team met at the beginning of June to determine ways to approach this situation. The supplies we normally take care of include but are not limited to copy paper, pens, pencils, folders, art supplies, printer ink, print jobs through Staples and other approved vendors etc. The team took the time to reach out to our teachers to create a list of supplies per grade level that we would need assistance with during this upcoming year. We are appreciative to the PTA team that provides our teachers with a monetary stipend for classroom specific projects and supplies during the school year. This stipend is projected to continue for the coming school year once the budget is approved by the association but our donation request for general school materials is still needed. A few of our teachers are on vacation but our list is included below. Grade levels that are still missing will be added once teachers officially report back to work on August 14th. To minimize multiple purchases of the same item, a Google form has been created to allow the donor to communicate their purchase/donation. In advance we want to thank you for your generous donations in order to assist our school site for the coming school year.
List of Requested Supplies by Grade Level (highlighted items indicate a donor has committed to purchasing this item)
July/August Dates, Events & Activities
July 2024
Please rest, relax and enjoy your time with family, friends, and loved ones!
July 30 & 31, 2024 Principal Operation Data Dive Meeting
August 2024
August 1, 2024 School Front Offices Reopen
August 9, 2024 Admissions Day all PUSD schools and district offices are closed for this holiday
August 10, 2024 Pre-K/TK/Kinder Playdate scheduled for 10am-12pm @ Pirate's Park Pasadena, Ca hosted by PTA
August 11, 2024 Summer Edition #3 Sunday Message
August 14, 2024 First day back for teachers/staff (PUSD Professional Development Day)
August 15, 2024 Second day back for teachers/staff (Site-Based Professional Development Day)
August 15, 2024 Announcement of student’s teacher for the coming school year via email 2pm
Meet & Greet Event 3:30pm-4:30pm (Not all teachers will be available)
August 16, 2024 Teacher/staff prep for the first day of school
August 18, 2024 Sunday Message to the community
August 19, 2024 First Tea and Talk w/ the Principal 9am-10am
Thank you and we look forward to seeing you in the fall!
Ms. Tucker
Master Calendar Events/Activities DEADLINE week of August 19th
All calendar events/activities should be communicated by the week of August 19th. Our master calendar will be finalized and shared with the community by the end of August.
2024-2025 Homeroom Parent Interest Form
If you have interest in being a Homeroom Parent for the coming school year please complete the following form HERE
NEW 3rd GRADERS (2024-2025) Survey DEADLINE August 1st
For all of our new 3rd graders for school year 2024-2025 please complete the following survey form HERE.
Our front offices are now closed for the remainder of the summer break. Teachers and staff start reporting back to campus (various dates) the week of August 12th. Summer communication will be limited but will be provided for families on the following dates to allow for planning and preparation:
Sunday, June 30th- Last School Communication
Sunday, August 11th- Week Before School Preparation
Thursday, August 15th- Meet & Greet Information
Sunday, August 18th- Day Before School Starts
As we conclude our school year and transition to the slower months of summer, we want to ensure you have materials to review and prep for the coming school year. Please find the appropriate link below for the corresponding grade level that you would like your child to review and/or prepare for in the areas of Mandarin, Math and English. Students that return for the new school year in August with completed packets will receive a small incentive. DEADLINE is Monday, August 19th. This is an OPTIONAL activity. The incentive period will end on Monday, August 19th. NO EXCEPTIONS.
Students can now register and participate in the Dodgers Reading Champions Challenge (DRC) today!
The Dodgers Reading Champions was created to encourage students in Kindergarten through 8th grade (ages 5-14) to read daily by incentivizing them with fun Dodger prizes.
This challenge is open to students in Kern, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara and Ventura Counties.
Students track their reading minutes online with a goal to read 30 minutes per day (450–900+ minutes a month) in order to be recognized as a Dodgers Reading Champion.
The instructional leadership team will meet for our annual retreat in June. We would like to set aside time to meet with all parent leads to ensure we plot all calendar events/activities for the coming school year. We have set aside Wednesday, June 12th (12:30pm-3pm) in the afternoon to accomplish this task. Please RSVP below if you are able to join us. If you are not able to join us please forward your proposed dates/times for all 2024-2025 events (via email) that will take place next school year. All dates/times will need to be shared by the week of August 19th to then be shared out with the community by August 31st for the entire school year. A separate email with instructions will be sent to all parent leads (PTA, Annual Fund, Lion/Dragon Dancers, GATE PAC etc). Thank you!
Email: tucker.charlene@pusd.us
Field has hosted 3 Summer Academic Bootcamps since 2021. We will not host a Summer Bootcamp this summer. Both LEARNs and PEF are hosting summer programming for students this summer. Please reference the following links below for information:
PEF Registration
Please let me know if you are having difficulty or hardship enrolling for the PEF Summer Program HERE
PEF Summer Enrichment June 10th-July 11th
The Summer Spark Program Application Deadline is Friday, March 29, 2024. For more information, call (626) 396-3614 or visit https://www.pusd.us/learns https://forms.gle/esKPbJNEuAhm9qMW9
You can now follow us on Instagram
If you would like your child excluded from all posts for Instagram, please complete the form HERE.
Upcoming Events/Activities
Summer Communication
Sunday, August 11th Edition #3
Thursday, August 15th Edition #4
Sunday, August 18th Regular School Communication
First Day of School August 19th 8:40am