FBMS Weekly Newsletter
September 6, 2024 #welcomeback
Ms. Greene, Gr. 7 English teacher, engages her students in "getting to know you" activities, which many teachers did this week.
Mark your calendars for these important dates ahead:
September 18th - Early release 12:10pm
September 19th- FBMS Open House (see below for more information)
Just a couple of reminders:
2. Drop off takes place on the gymnasium side of the school in the morning
3. Students need to bring a charged Chromebook to school each day
4. Students need to be present everyday and on time (in homeroom by 8:05am)
Thank you for sharing your children with us. We look forward to a fantastic year together!
School pictures will be taken on September 12th. All students will have their photo taken for School ID's and the school yearbook. To order pictures please use the following website and code:
Pre-order today on mylifetouch.com using your Student ID or Picture Day ID: EVT6CPN2
Get your smiles ready!
Students are encouraged to check out Mrs. Deluca's CANVAS page for information on the Library's September/October reading program. Please ask your child to accept the invitation which will appear on their CANVAS home page. It should then also be listed under "Courses." Happy Reading!
We want to welcome all Parents/Guardians to our "Back to School Night," Thursday, September 19th, from 6-8PM. We hope you will join us. We consider this a crucial opportunity to understand your child's education and meet the people who are working with your child everyday. And, while we love seeing our students and/or former students, this evening is designed for adults only so that all parents/guardians can hear the amazing and important information from our FBMS teachers.
Ask you child for his or her homeroom number and report there for a 6PM start. In homeroom, you will receive a copy of your child's schedule, so you know where to go during the evening. This is always a great evening that is well attended. Please join us! We hope to see you!
School hours for the 2024-2025 school year have changed. This change has adjusted our pick up and drop off procedures. We are happy to say that the first week has gone very well! Thank you for your patience!
Just a reminder that pick up and drop off take place on the gymnasium/hockey rink side of the building.
The information below, regarding this change, was shared last week.
FBMS Cross Country will hold an informational meeting next Monday, after school, from 2:45 - 3:15PM, in the cafeteria. Students will need a ride home after the meeting, and pick up will take place outside of the cafeteria.
Any students interested in joining or learning more about the FBMS Cross Country team are encouraged to attend. Practice starts after school on Tuesday 9/10. For all the information on the season, check out the Welcome Letter and the Draft Schedule , which can be found on the Team Web Page.
A walk around the building....
Hello, from the Clinic! Welcome Back to School!
We are requesting that all medications needed by students during the school day (epi-pens, diabetes supplies, inhalers, etc.) be brought to the FBMS Health Clinic as soon as is possible. We ran two drop off days in August but are still missing some medications.
Guidelines prior to bringing in the MEDICATIONS: Physician order(s) and written parent permission must accompany the medication. All medications must be hand delivered by the parent and be given directly to the Nurse. Medications are not permitted to be sent in with students- this is unsafe as medication could get lost or contaminated. The permission form can be found here.
ANNUAL PHYSICALS: Provide up to date information and indicate that students are receiving adequate care at and home and by their pediatrician, and clearance for participation in gym class. Please report any changes in health status e.g. health conditions, new medication, illnesses, and injuries. Students in Grade 7 are required to submit an updated physical with proof of immunizations for their health record at the beginning of the school year. Our Fax number is 781-319-1780.
ABSENT NOTES/INJURY NOTES: Provide written documentation for any important issues such as attendance, absences due to illness, injury, medical appointments, and travel plans that result in missing school. MD notes are required for out of PE and for return to PE. MD notes are required for concussion protocol.
ABSENCES: Safe-to-School Program is implemented so that all children are known to be safe and accounted for. When your child is marked absent from school, you will receive a notification from the school stating that your child has been marked absent. Upon your child's return to school, he or she should provide a written note as to the date(s) and reason for the absence. For a student's absence to be medically excused, there must be a note from the child's physician/clinician.
INJURIES: Please notify the school of an injury, major or minor, and provide written documentation from a doctor if gym needs to be restricted. If the injury is MAJOR (stitches/fractures/concussion) and your child has been seen by a MD, please provide the medical note to school upon returning to class. An additional note of medical clearance must be presented for students to return to gym following injury.
ANNUAL SCREENINGS: the following mandated health screenings are done annually in the health office:
Vision/ Hearing 7th grade Fall/Winter
BMI 7th grade Fall/Winter
Postural 6th, 7th & 8th grades Fall/Winter
We look forward to assisting families and students in achieving optimal health and wellness during the academic school year. Please feel free to contact us at any time with concerns or questions.
Maura Carroll, RN, BSN mcarroll@mpsd.org
Karen Mellen, RN, BSN kmellen@mpsd.org
Megan Owren RN, BSN mowren@mpsd.org
Contact Us!
If you have any needs or questions, please feel free to reach out to us. We are here to help you!
Patricia Casey: pcasey@mpsd.org
Assistant Principals
Lisa Lynch: llynch@mpsd.org
Scott Madden: smadden@mpsd.org
Jeannine Smith: jsmith@mpsd.org
Guidance Counselors
Lou Johnson 6th: ljohnson@mpsd.org
Julie Swan 7th: jswan@mpsd.org
Lori Damphousse 8th: ldamphousse@mpsd.org
Special Education:
Melissa Morrison: mmorrison@mpsd.org
School Adjustment Counselors:
Greg Sorensen: gsorensen@mpsd.org
Taylor Reagan: treagan@mpsd.org
Front Office Administrative Assistants:
Susan Martina: smartina@mpsd.org
Melanie Drew: mdrew@mpsd.org
Students engaged in getting to know each other activities the first week.
Teachers enjoyed snacks provided by the PTO the day before school began. Thank you, PTO, for making us smile!
See you next week!