CHS Counseling Office Updates
January 2021
Hello Cavalier Family!
In the coming weeks, we have some very exciting things happening at CHS - counselors will be meeting with 11th grade students to plan for senior year and beyond, semester classes will change on January 28, and we will begin to work with students to choose their courses for next school year! Not to mention, we are all awaiting the move to Hybrid Instruction in Calvert County.
If there's every anything that we can do to support you or your student, please let us know. We are here to help!
Student Grades and Progress
Registration Update
Attention 10th Grade Students!
CTA will be presenting information to current 10th grade students during Advisory on January 20. Students will receive the link to join this presentation in their CCPS email.
In the meanwhile, if you would like to get more information about the CTA, Mrs. Akins, principle of CTA, has put together a website. You can view it here: http://bit.ly/CTA_Info2021.
Any 10th grade student who wants to start a program at CTA next year must complete an Enrollment Form. The PRIORITY DEADLINE to complete this form is February 26, but students can complete it now: http://bit.ly/CTAENROLLMENT2021. Student forms received after the deadline will be added to a waiting list and contacted only if spaces become available.
Optimist Club Essay Contest
Dual Enrollment at CSM
Junior Breakfasts
Are you the parent of a junior who is planning to attend college after graduation? Are you already feeling overwhelmed just THINKING about how to help your child apply to college? Get in to college?? Pay for college??? CHS counselors are here to save the day and make your journey to college easier! The counselors are planning virtual Junior Breakfasts on the 2nd Thursday of each month, starting in December to present information to help you and your child get ready for college. The following topics will be covered:
- Thursday, December 10: College Search Process (if you were unable to attend this session, you can watch the recording here: https://youtu.be/MyN8EPMjK-U)
- Thursday, January 14: SAT/ACT & Standardized Tests
- Thursday, February 11: College Application Process
- Thursday, March 11: Financial Aid & Scholarships
Registration is required to receive the link to join the virtual meeting. Sign up here: http://bit.ly/CHSJuniorBreakfastRSVP. We will send out the links to the meetings the day before. Open to parents/guardians of 11th grade students ONLY!
Junior Information for the Class of 2022
Students who take English at CHS (with Mr. Morgan or Mrs. Milton) will meet with their counselor during English class time. Students who take English at CTA have been emailed instructions (on their CCPS student email) on how to set up an individual meeting with their counselor.
We have created a video that shares important information for 11th grade students and their families. You can view it here: https://youtu.be/dyXM17Z2doc. Please talk with your student and encourage them to ask any questions that they may have. If you have any questions, please reach out to your child’s counselor.
Senior Information for the Class of 2021
FAFSA is the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. This is a form that both seniors and their parents will need to complete in order for students to receive financial aid at most colleges (including CSM – this is how you apply to get the Promise Scholarship aka FREE community college!) and trade/technical schools. We recommend that ALL seniors complete the FAFSA! The Maryland State deadline to file the FAFSA is March 1, but some colleges may have earlier deadlines. There’s limited availability of some grants/scholarships, so it’s important to complete this quickly. You can complete the FAFSA at www.fafsa.ed.gov. Attached are three documents that may be helpful to you as you complete the FAFSA – one covers things you’ll need to complete the FAFSA, one covers the step-by-step process of how to complete the FAFSA and one explains the Promise Scholarship program.
If you need help with this or have questions, please reach out to your child's school counselor. Mrs. Kidwell, CHS’s representative from Chesapeake College Plan, is also available to answer any questions you may have about the FAFSA. She can also schedule one-on-one virtual appointments to help you complete the FAFSA. She can be reached at collegeplan.mk@gmail.com.
Wall of Acceptance
Don’t forget to share your acceptance letters with your school counselor! We love hearing your good news! 😊 Check out where the Class of 2021 has been accepted so far: https://bit.ly/CHSclassof2021wallofacceptance.
Application Deadlines
College application deadlines are quickly approaching! We ask that students submit transcript request forms and recommendation request forms to their counselor AT LEAST 10 SCHOOL DAYS in advance of any deadlines! If students turn the forms in later than that, we cannot guarantee that the documents will be sent to the college on time. The transcript request form and recommendation request form can be found on the CHS Counselor Schoology page.
The CHS PTSO is also sponsoring a virtual SAT and ACT prep class. Details are below!
Chesapeake College Plan
Mrs. Kidwell offers weekly virtual meetings (on Google Meet) every Friday from 12 - 1 PM for students. To request an invitation, email Mrs. Kidwell at collegeplan.mk@gmail.com.
Mrs. Kidwell is also available to meet with students or families via an individual virtual appointment. To request a meeting, email Mrs. Kidwell at collegeplan.mk@gmail.com.
Connect with Your Student's Counselor!
sinclairk@calvertnet.k12.md.us / 443-550-8896
Link for student appointments: https://bit.ly/CHSSinclair
Ms. Aris - Students Last Names F-J
arisb@calvertnet.k12.md.us / 443-550-8894
Link for student appointments: https://bit.ly/CHSAris
Mrs. Ponti - Students Last Names K-Q
pontij@calvertnet.k12.md.us / 443-550-8895
Link for student appointments: https://bit.ly/CHSPonti
Mr. Verlich - Students Last Names R-Z
verlichd@calvertnet.k12.md.us / 443-550-8897
Link for student appointments: https://bit.ly/CHSVerlich
Calvert High School Counseling Office
Email: pontij@calvertnet.k12.md.us
Website: https://chsweb.calvertnet.k12.md.us/guidance
Location: 520 Fox Run Boulevard, Prince Frederick, MD, USA
Phone: 443-550-8893
Twitter: @CalvertGuidance