HMS Newsletter
November 15th, 2024

Make sure to complete the Federal Impact Form! Help Support HMS!
Meet Charlotte! Here is why she is at HMS!!
HMS Upcoming Events!
November 25-29: Thanksgiving Break
December 2: HMS Basketball Boys @ Ruidoso, HMS Basketball Girls vs. Ruidoso @4:30
December 4: HMS Basketball Boys vs. Cloudcroft, HMS Basketball Girls @ Cloudcroft @ 4:30
December 7: Basketball Girls APS R/R Tournament @ AHS
December 9: HMS Basketball Boys @ MVMS, HMS Basketball Girls vs. MVMS @ 4:30
December 10: IMSSA MOY: Math
December 11: IMSSA MOY: ELA
December 11: HMS Basketball Boys vs. Chaparral, HMS Basketball Girls @ Chaparral @ 4:30
December 18: HMS Basketball Boys vs. Mescalero, HMS Basketball Girls @ Mescalero @ 4:30
December 12: IMSSA MOY: Language Usage
December 20: Elf on the Shelf Zip Line Competition
December 23-January 3: Winter Break
January 7: Students Return
January 15: Board Meeting @ 6pm
January 20: MLK Day: No school
HMS Lunch Menu
This Week: December 2nd
Monday: Crispy Chicken Bowl or Hot Dog
Tuesday: Frito Pie or Chicken Tenders
Wednesday: Chicken Alfredo/w Broccoli or Taco Sloppy
Thursday: Sweet & Sour Meatballs/w Brown Rice or Ham Panini
Friday: Cheese or Pepperoni Pizza or Quesadilla
HMS Student and Faculty of the Week!
HMS Students with the most growth in Math for November!
Thank you Josh Uzueta from Bradbury Stamm Construction!!
HMS Quiz Bowl won all 10 rounds! Way to represent!!
HMS won the "Best Attendance" Award for all secondary in APS!
Kiwanis Most Improved HMS Students!
The Alamogordo Kiwanis Club is recognizing the Most Improved Student of the Month. The most improved student is chosen by each of the school faculty. The criteria for each school selection is based on attitude, behavior, school involvement, and academic grades. Domino's Pizza, The Bluestone, Caliche’s and KHII / KTMN Radio/ Pizza 9 joins the Alamogordo Kiwanis Club in congratulating these students. The following students were honored for the month of NOVEMBER.