Grizzly News
Nurse's Notes
From the Nurse:
We are in the process of switching to a new online health form which is accessible in "forms" in the Parent Portal. Please update permission to medicate with tylenol, ibuprofen and/or benadryl, as needed, for the 2024-2025 school year. No medication can be given without this permission updated.
Keep up to date with Charlton PTO happenings by following them on Facebook!
Student Prevention Presentations
Charlton Middle School is hosting the Worcester County District Attorney’s Office during the school day Friday, September 20th for grades 7 & 8 and next Friday, September 27th for grades 5 & 6. They will be presenting to our student body a youth education and prevention program around cyber safety. There will also be a virtual presentation for all CMS parents on October 1st in the evening at 6:00 pm. The link is the following:
Transportation Information
Feel free to visit the District Transportation Website for any questions pertaining to transportation. Don't forget! There is a Parent First View app that allows you to track the bus!! Download the Parent First View Set Up guide. It is pretty spectacular!