Reeceville Raptor's MMM
September 30, 2024
Dates to Remember
- Tuesday, October 1st: PTA meeting (7:00 PM via Zoom)
- Thursday, October 3rd: Teacher In-Service. NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS
- Friday, October 11: Picture Day
- Wednesday, October 16: Early Dismissal
- Thursday, October 17: Trunk or Treat
Back-to-School Night!
Thank you to all of our families and faculty for a great Back-to-School Event! it was wonderful seeing all of you and the amazing things our teachers are doing with our students!
Parents Learn, too!
We are so proud!
Students help their parents!
Johnny Appleseed Day!
Mrs. Neff's class celebrated Johnny Appleseed Day by making applesauce and taste testing various apples and apple treats!
We Love Applesauce!
Happy to Eat Applesauce!
This is so yummy!
Mrs. Cooper's class celebrated Johnny Appleseed Day and made homemade applesauce last week! It tasted delicious!
Chop, Chop!
Now we put it in the crockpot!
Wow! Look at our finished product!
PTA Information
- PTA Meeting: October 1st at 7p on ZOOM
- Urban Air Family night - October 2nd from 4p-8p. Flier has been sent home and parents/guardians should stay with their kids during the event. $20.99 to enter.
- Pretzel Day - October 10th. Pretzels are $1 and will be distributed during school. Forms will be send home.
- Our first pretzel day is October 10
- Orders are due October 8
- Forms and payment may be returned to school, made via Venmo (@ReecevillePTA), or completed online (tinyurl.com/rvpretzels)
- Trunk of Treat/Family Engagement at RV: October 17th from 6p-8p. Fliers and sign up will be sent home next week.
- Restaurant Night - October 22nd with Pizza Hut. Fliers will be sent home the week of 10/14.
- Twin Valley Coffee - Available as an online only sale through the entire month of October.
-Student Directory- Return registration slips or register online at (https://tinyurl.com/RVStudentDirectory) to be included in the 2024-2025 student directory.
PTA text alerts - text "@reeceville" to 81010 to sign up
Technology Update
Dear CASD Parents and Guardians,
I hope this letter finds you well. As we continue to embrace technology as an integral part of our educational environment, we want to ensure that your child’s school-issued device is well-protected. To this end, in leu of our previous TIF, we are offering optional insurance coverage for these devices to help mitigate any potential costs associated with accidental damage, loss, or theft, outside of any warranty covered repairs.
Why Device Insurance?
School-issued devices are an important tool for learning, and while we strive to take great care of them, accidents can happen. Device insurance provides peace of mind and financial protection by covering repair or replacement costs due to unforeseen circumstances.
What computer insurance covers
A stand-alone computer insurance policy through Progressive includes coverage for perils (laptop theft, vandalism, fire damage, and more) and unexpected accidents such as:
- Water damage (including liquid spills and submersion)
- Damage from dropping or stepping on your laptop
- Power surges due to lightning
What laptop insurance doesn't cover
Laptop insurance doesn't cover everything. Some exclusions are:
- Computer viruses
- Wear and tear or corrosion
- Software issues
- Blatant neglect
All policies and claims are the sole ownership of the Parents and Guardians.
Complete details and common questions can be found at the following link: https://www.progressive.com/electronic-device-insurance/computer-laptop-insurance/
Lastly, for anyone that has already paid a TIF for the 2024-2025 school year, the district will be issuing those families a full refund.
CASD Office of Technology