Jaguar Journal September 2024
Johnson PK Center Monthly Newsletter
We're WILD about Learning!!
A Note from our Site Administrator - Mrs. Huggins
First off, a big THANK YOU to everyone who came out for our Parent/Guardian Information Meeting! Your interest and involvement in your child's education is vital to a successful school career, and you have taken the first step in the right direction! If you were unable to attend, this newsletter will hopefully provide you with a lot of the school information that you may have missed. I am sure that your child's teacher has shared any additional information that they had for you already. Please know if you have questions about anything here at the Pre-K Center at Johnson, you are welcome to reach out via phone or email. You can also respond via text message to the messages that I send out to you. My contact information is always located at the bottom of these newsletters. I look forward to hearing from you!
Mrs. Huggins
Important Dates for September
Friday, 8/30 - College Colors Day
Monday, 9/3 - NO SCHOOL - Enjoy the Labor Day Holiday!
Tuesday 9/24 & Thursday 9/26 - PM Parent-Teacher Conferences
Friday 9/27 - NO SCHOOL
College Colors Day
On Friday, August 30th, students may dress to support their favorite college team as we impart on the college football season. Students may wear their favorite college shirt and jeans or jean shorts on this day. Please be sure that shorts are of an appropriate length, and that jeans don't have holes as per OKCPS dress code.
Please be sure that we are aware of any medical issues or allergies that your child has that may affect them here at school. As per district policy, we are unable to provide or administer medication to your child unless we have an Authorization of the Administration of Medication form that has been completed by your child's physician. Please DO NOT send medication - including inhalers - in your child's backpack. When the form has been completed and sent to us, you will need to bring the inhaler into the office where it will be locked in a medical safe.
Also, if your child has food allergies that we should be aware of, please have your child's physician complete a Medical Statement form and return to us so that we may share this information with our cafeteria staff to make accomodations for your child. Both of these forms are available in the front office or on the OKCPS website.
School Menus
Johnson PK Center is a Uniform School
As part of OKC Public Schools, we follow the elementary uniform policy. Students will need to wear uniforms daily.
Uniform Policy
• White, Red, Grey, & Navy Collared Shirts/Tops
• School Shirts
• Navy Blue, Khaki, & Black Pants/Bottoms
Closed-toe shoes - we have recess daily (weather permitting) and PE several times per week. Please help us keep everyone safe.
All bottoms must be at least fingertip length. Please have students wear shorts under dresses and rompers.
Johnson Pre-K Volunteer Group
We are in the process of putting together a Volunteer Group for Johnson Pre-K. We are not able to have our own PTA or PTO, but we are working on putting together a volunteer group to help with putting together activities for students and staff, and volunteer opportunities throughout the year. Please scan the QR code and fill out the information if you are interested. We will begin reaching out in September to put together our first meeting. Everyone must be an approved OKCPS volunteer in order to volunteer in our building, so be sure to visit the website and sign up if you haven't already done so.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Parent-Teacher Conferences will be on the evening of Tuesday, September th and Thursday, September 26th from 3:30pm - 7pm
Please look for sign up information from your child's teacher.
Because we have evening conferences this week, there will be NO SCHOOL on Friday, September 27th.
September Character Trait: Respect
Respect means: giving honor to another
Quote: The Four R's: Respect yourself; respect others; respect your school; respect the law
Johnson PK Center Core Values: Respect, Responsible, Safe
GE - 8 Expectations for Living
School Information
Arrival & Dismissal Information
Mrs. Jana Huggins, Site Administrator
💻 send me an email
☎️ give me a call
Email: jjhuggins@okcps.org
Location: 1810 Sheffield Rd, OKC, OK 73120
Phone: (405) 587-6700
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JohnsonPKCenter