Board Meeting Summary
Glen Ellyn School District 41
August 15, 2022 Regular Board Meeting
Meetings are video streamed live online and the videos are archived on the District website, Click Here.
In Attendance
President Robert Bruno, Vice President Jason Loebach, Secretary Jessica Buttimer, Julie Hill, Chris Martelli, Tayyaba Syed
Not in Attendance: Ted Estes
Celebration | watch
Young People's Music Initiative Grant
Click here for the video presentation
District 41 Emergency Operations and Threat Assessment Planning | watch
Superintendent Kaczkowski, Chief Communications Officer Erika Krehbiel, Director of Buildings and Grounds Dave Scarmardo, and Assistant Superintendent for Student Services Laurel O’Brien presented information about the District 41 emergency response and safety training plan. Click here for the presentation.
Referendum Question Discussion | watch
Dr. Kaczkowski read a draft of the proposed referendum question. Consultant Ed Sullivan shared information about the community engagement process that led to the question development as directed by the Board. Learn more about the referendum HERE.
Public Participation | listen
Superintendent’s Report | watch
Dr. Kaczkowski shared information about how the district will report to the community and the Board about the Strategic Plan work and updates.
She also introduced the new administrators who have joined the team at the Central Services Office.
Director of Student Services Molly Victor
Director of Language Programs Juan Suarez
Special Education Coordinator Jamie Westerguard
Board Reports | watch
Supplemental Pay Recommendations | watch
Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources Dr. David Bruno explained the recommendations that will be presented for approval at a future Board meeting.
Preliminary Draft 2022-2023 Budget | watch
Assistant Superintendent for Finance, Facilities and Operations Eric DePorter presented a tentative budget to the Board. He provided information about the process of creating and approving the budget, as well as the timeline. He answered Board member questions.
Action Items | watch | documents
Consent Agenda
Personnel Report
Monthly Financial Reports
Disposal of Surplus Property
Freedom of Information Act Report
Investment Schedule
Monthly Revenue/Expenditure Summary Report
School District Payment Order
Summary of Bills and Payroll
Treasurer's Report
Board Meeting Minutes
(Voted Yes: Bruno, Loebach, Buttimer, Hill, Martelli, Syed)
Approved Revised 2022-2023 Board of Education Meeting Calendar | watch
(Voted Yes: Bruno, Loebach, Buttimer, Hill, Martelli, Syed)
Approve Contract with Chestnut Health Systems | watch
(Voted Yes: Bruno, Loebach, Buttimer, Hill, Martelli, Syed)
Approve CrisisGo Safety App | watch
Secretary Buttimer asked for more details about how the app works. Dr. Kaczkowski explained how this app would support our emergency operations planning and response.
(Voted Yes: Bruno, Loebach, Buttimer, Hill, Martelli, Syed)
Approve Serious Safety Hazards | watch
(Voted Yes: Bruno, Loebach, Buttimer, Hill, Martelli, Syed)
Approve Bilingual Speech Language Pathologist Contract Services | watch
(Voted Yes: Bruno, Loebach, Buttimer, Hill, Martelli, Syed)
Lunchroom/Playground Supervision Pay Rate | watch
(Voted Yes: Bruno, Loebach, Buttimer, Hill, Martelli, Syed)
2022-2023 Inflation Adjustment | watch
(Voted Yes: Bruno, Loebach, Buttimer, Hill, Martelli, Syed)
Place 2022-2023 Draft Budget on Display and Schedule Public Hearing | watch
(Voted Yes: Bruno, Loebach, Buttimer, Hill, Martelli, Syed)
Resolution providing for and requiring the submission of the proposition of issuing $49,000,000 School Building Bonds to the voters of the District at the general election to be held on the 8th day of November, 2022. | watch
Each Board member shared their thoughts on the proposed referendum question and provided rationale behind their vote.
(Voted Yes: Bruno, Loebach, Buttimer, Hill, Martelli, Syed)
Other/Board Governance - Learning Together
School Referendum Restrictions | watch
Consultant Ed Sullivan presented school referendum restrictions to the Board of Education. He answered questions from the Board and engaged in conversation about the process moving forward.
Click here for the restrictions document.
Tuesday, September 6, 2022 | Committee of the Whole Meeting at Hadley, 6:30 p.m.
Glen Ellyn Police Department Chief Phil Norton will engage the Board and community about how the police department supports the safety of the District 41 community.
Monday, September 19, 2022 | Regular Meeting at Hadley, 6:30 p.m.
Location: 793 North Main Street, Glen Ellyn, IL, USA
Phone: 630.790.6400
Twitter: @glenellynd41