Wayland Union High School
December 2024
Upcoming Dates
December 4: Blood Drive, Aux Gym
December 4: Debate League, Media Center, 3:45pm-6pm
December 10: 7-12th grade Holiday Band Concert, 7pm, FAC
December 11: Allegan Tech Center tour, Sophomore class
December 11: 7-12th grade Holiday Orchestra Concert, 7pm, FAC
December 12: 7-12th grade Choir Holiday Concert, 7pm, FAC
December 13: States for Debate, Wayne State University
December 13: Senior yearbook picture submission deadline
December 20: Choir District Christmas Caroling
December 23- Jan. 3: No school, Winter Break
January 6: School Resumes
January 14-15: Freshman Vision Screening
January 15: Freshman Parent Night, 6:30pm
January 17: Progress Reports Published
January 20: No School - Teacher PD Day
January 20: Parent/Teacher Conferences 4 -6:30pm in person
January 31: Snowcoming/Coaches vs. Cancer Game 6pm
February 1: Snowcoming Dance 7:30 - 10:30pm FAC
From the Guidance Office
December 2024
December 11: Sophomores will visit the Tech Center to learn more about the programs that are offered.
Scheduling for the 2025-26 school year will begin in January. Keep an eye out for email reminders from the Guidance Office, so that you are able to assist your student as they prepare for their post-secondary plans; whether it is apprenticeships, trade schools, community colleges, universities or the military. Scheduling class meetings will be held on Wednesday, January 8th.
Credit Recovery: Students who failed classes (during first trimester or in previous years) should strongly consider credit recovery. Please see your counselor to sign up!
Senior Credit Recovery: If you are a senior who failed a course during the first trimester, please sign up to see your counselor asap!
Winter Break
Wayland Union Schools will be closed for Winter Break December 23rd, 2024 - January 3rd, 2025.
We are back in school Monday, January 6th, 2025, for a full day. Enjoy your time off!
Missing something? Be sure to check the Lost & Found (located in the Main Office) before you leave for break!
Unclaimed items will be donated.
Capturing Kids' Hearts
Take responsibiity for how you choose to learn and grow from previous experiences.
Wayland Snow Fest
This Saturday, December 7th, our performing arts students will be downtown Wayland for Snow Fest. Our theater, band, choir, and orchestra students will all be participants in the various events happening throughout the evening! Stop by and check them out!
Freshman Vision Screening
The Allegan County Health Department will be at the high school Tuesday, January 14 - Wednesday, January 15, 2025 conducting vision screening for all Freshman students. Students will be called to the Cats Den via intercom.
Students-if you wear glasses, be sure to bring them with you!
If you've recently had an eye exam, please bring a letter from your physician to Mrs. Ewing in the main office.
Please see the following letter for more information. Thank you!
For more information on vision screening from the Health Department, please click on the button below:
SADD will be hosting a De-stress session on December 16th during PRIDE in the Media Center. There will be cookie decorating. Sign Ups will be posted around the school.
Upcoming Events:
improv.anonymous will be performing at the Catz Den downtown Wayland on December 19th at 6pm. Come show your support for an enjoyable evening!
Previous Events:
Wayland Theatriks put on the student play, "Mrs. Dilber's Christmas Carol" on November 22nd and 23rd, in the Fine Arts Center. Students did an amazing job! Here are a few photos from the show:
These pictured students participated in this year's Theater Solo and Ensemble. They prepared two Showtune style songs of contrasting nature and sang them in front of a judge this past Saturday, November` 16, 2024. They all received High ratings 1’s and 2’s. This is an extra element we use in choir to grow within our singing capabilities. Students rehearse after school, during Pride Time and on their own in preparation for this event. Say congratulations to a job well done: Jenna Hendricks, Jess Lee, Ovelia Taylor, Amber Terry, Connor Bush, Madison Campos, Rylee Brown, Suryia Wilson, Kaden Balch, Kaylee Cooper, Bella Newcomb, Kayleigh Warmbold, Alexis DeLaney. Not pictured: Lilian Harrison and Cassidy Almy.
Members of the High School Symphony Orchestra were able to attend Western Michigan University’s String Day on November 29th and were immersed in the music of students and professors. Students got to listen and participate in a lecture about practicing habits and goal setting strategies, listen to high school students perform and get feedback from the college professors, sit in on a professional rehearsal, and watch the college recital that was happening that day. Students learned tricks to help them grow musically, and shared their insights all day long. It was a short, yet inspiring, day of music!
New York City Trip
🛫🌆Do you love to travel? Do you love Broadway? This could be the trip for you!
Join us on an exciting and educational trip to NYC! Read on for more details.
Please reach out to Mrs. Black for any questions: blackr@waylandunion.org
Class of 2025 Senior Photos
Senior photos should be emailed to yearbook@waylandunion.org. Please share only ONE photo to be used in the yearbook. Photos need to be in portrait orientation. The clothing choice needs to follow the school dress code. A simple head and shoulder shot looks best in the yearbook. Please crop photos before submitting.
We request that the pictures look professional (i.e. no “Selfies”). If there are financial issues preventing a student from having a senior picture taken, please let us know because we can arrange for a yearbook photographer to take some nice pictures. For questions please contact yearbook@waylandunion.org.
🚨📸 Photos due are by Friday, December 13, 2024📸🚨
That's right.
🚨Senior Photos are due Friday, December 13, 2024!!🚨
Purchasing Yearbooks
Walsworth is our yearbook publishing company. Order your 2025 yearbook this fall at yearbookforever.com. A few, 2002, 2023 & 2024 Yearbooks are leftover and available to purchase at a discounted price of $25 while supplies last. Please email yearbook@waylandunion.org to reserve your copy and arrange for pick up before Christmas break!
WUHS 2025 Senior Salutes
Senior Salute space is now available for purchase in the 2025 Wayland Union High School Yearbook! Senior salutes are spaces for parents, grandparents and friends to congratulate, honor and recognize their senior with a baby or childhood photo and text.
Senior salute sizes are ⅛ of a page and are available in color or black and white. Pictures need to be submitted as jpeg and text is limited to 30 words. Cost $20 per Senior Salute. Checks can be made payable to Wayland Union Schools and can be delivered to Mrs. Denhof in room B216 or mailed to Wayland Union High School, Attn: Yearbook, 870 East Superior Street, Wayland, MI 49348. Email text and jpeg picture to yearbook@waylandunion.org by Monday, January 27, 2025!
Business ads
Email yearbook@waylandunion.org to buy a business ad in the 2025 Yearbook. Yearbook sponsorship is a great way to advertise and your advertising dollars also help Wayland Union High School build a better yearbook for the students in this area.
1/8 page ad- $30.00
1/4 page ad- $50.00
1/2 page ad- $100.00
full page ad- $200.00 (parents or grandparents who buy a full page ad get a complementary copy of the 2025 Yearbook)
Social Media
Follow the WUHS Yearbook on social media Instagram @waylandunion_yearbook & Facebook @Wayland Union High School Yearbook.
Hygiene Pantry
Wayland High School is offering FREE hygiene products to students this year. All requests are kept private. Simply scan the QR code below and answer which items your student could use.
Student Handbook
Student Handbook
Deliveries: No food or drink is to be delivered during school hours. The only acceptable items are school related items and items needed for school sponsored extracurricular activities. These may be dropped off by parent/guardian as an exception to the policy.
Dress and Grooming: No hoods are allowed. Hats are acceptable as long as they adhere to the dress code. Blankets are not allowed during the school day.
Please review the student handbook. Use the button to visit the link:
Happy Holidays from the High School Administration staff!
Mr. Santino Di Cesare
Email: dicesares@waylandunion.org
Location: 870 East Superior Street, Wayland, MI, USA
Phone: 269-792-2254
Mrs. Karyll Russell
Assistant Principal
Email: russellk@waylandunion.org
Location: 870 East Superior Street, Wayland, MI, USA
Phone: 269-792-2254
Mr. Brett VanDeRoer
Assistant Principal
Email: vanderoerb@waylandunion.org
Location: 870 East Superior Street, Wayland, MI, USA
Phone: 269-792-2254
Mr. Adam Valk
Athletic Director
Email: valka@waylandunion.org
Location: 870 East Superior Street, Wayland, MI, USA
Phone: 269-792-2254