Essential Oils for Lent
How EO's Can Support Your 2016 Lenten Journey
Wednesday February 3 Hilliard, Ohio 6:30pm-8pm
From Genesis throughout the New Testament, Scripture talks about oils as an important part of the story of God. Essential oils were inhaled, applied to the body, and taken internally by the peoples of the ancient Biblical times. The essential oil benefits extend to every aspect of our beings: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. The people (Jews, Christians, and Muslims) of the Holy Land seemed to understand this quite well.
Rather than "giving up" something for Lent, this class will teach you how to "pick up" essential oils during this Lenten Season (Lent starts 2/10) to support you on your Lenten journey. Specific oils will be discussed and you will experience them for yourself. We will create a finger labyrinth to aid in your lent meditations.
And just for fun - fabulous Fat Tuesday treats will be served!
All are welcome! Invite a friend!
RSVP isn't required, but very much appreciated (I want to make sure we have enough handouts/samples for everyone!)
FREE CHILD CARE IS AVAILABLE for infants thru 6th grade is available from 6:30-8pm.
A catered tasty, healthy DINNER IS AVAILABLE for from 5:30-6:30pm. Suggested donations are $6 a person or $15 for a family. If you plan on joining us for dinner, please email brandy@srumc.org (Not required to attend, but helpful for us to make sure there is enough food.)
Earn RAFFLE tickets for an Essential Oil gift:
1 ticket – Arrive at 6:30 or earlier
1 ticket – RSVP by text, email or phone
1 ticket - Watch the pre-class video (below)
..2 tickets - For coming for dinner ($6 donation) at 5:30pm
..2 tickets – For each friend you bring w/you!
..2 tickets - First timers to an Oil Class!
The raffle will be drawn at the end of the class.
Wednesday, Jan 27, 2016, 06:30 PM
4343 Dublin Road, Hilliard, OH, United States
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
~~ Pre-Class 3 min video. Please watch!! ~~
What is a Labyrinth and how can it help support my journey in Lent?
Presented by Caroline Gatsch
Caroline pursued a theology minor in college and has had an active spiritual practice her entire life. She is a Christian who supplements her spirituality with Jewish traditions, daily mediation, and AlAnon (12-step program). As a member of Scioto Ridge United Methodist Church, Caroline connects with her faith community when she attends worship and volunteers for church ministries.
Email: EssentiallyBlendedFamily@gmail.com
Website: mydoterra.com/doterraColumbus
Phone: 614-620-2676
Facebook: facebook.com/doTerraOhio
You should know...
Our health and well-being are important. I urge you to take responsibility for our own health-related decisions. Learn about our body and how it works. Learn what is naturally available to help us. Pharmaceuticals have their place but so does natural medicine. We need to become and remain proactive in seeking optimum health and wellness.
Take good care of your temple. Live with hope and joy!
Looking for a church home?
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Sunday School & Infant/Toddler Nursery during worship
Middle School (5p-6:30p) & High School (6p-8p) Youth Fellowship Sundays
Located at 4343 Dublin Road Columbus, Ohio 43026
Learn more here... http://www.srumc.org/mission
or email brandy@srumc.org
or call 614-876-4343