Central Junior High School
Week 5 September 28, 2018
Brayden Blake showing Mr. Cauthen how he applied a strategy to find the correct answer to a math problem without working out the problem. Great Thinking Skills Brayden!
See You at The Pole
Thank You to all of the local youth pastors who came out to support our youth at the See You At the Pole last Wednesday. Also, Thank You to the community members who took the time to stop by and stand with our students. (Pictured below is Christian Lopez with his youth pastor Jordan Bryan).
CJHS Learning is in Full Swing!
Students Learning Math in Mr. Townsend's and Mr. Marshall's classes
Mrs. Enright's 6th Grade Science Classes Learn from Experiments
Mrs. Enright's science classes experimented with Electrolysis in their water lab last week. They also experimented with the Formation of a New Substance. Students made new substances by combining four white powdered solids and cabbage juice! Students noted chemical changes such as color changes, production of gases, formation of precipitates and felt temperature changes.
Click the picture below to see Mrs. Childerss's Theater Improv students.
Mrs. Windsor's 7th Grade Science Students Create Edible Plant and Animal Cells
Students created an edible cell, either plan or animal, to show their understanding of cell organelles. The creations were delicious!
Rashawn and Mrs. Basham discussing how explorers, conquistadors, and royalty from around the world made their way to the United States in 8th Grade US History Class
Bulldog Country
Website: www.jhs.centralisd.com
Location: Pollok, TX, USA
Phone: (936) 853-2216
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CentralJHPollok/