Panther Pride STEM School
Achievement: Every Student Matters, Every Moment Counts
A message from Pinello’s Administrative Team:
Welcome back from winter break! We look forward to a great semester filled with lots of student growth. At the next Coffee with Principal I will be sharing mid year data, and would love to see you all there (January 28th). Our students are working hard and making growth!
Priority Deadline February 28 ~ ENROLL TODAY! If you would like your child to attend Pinello next year, and it is not your neighborhood school, you may submit a School of Choice Application to the front office. The deadline to enroll is February 28th. Miss Taylor sent home applications before break, and if you have any further questions contact 719-391-3396.
Our website is a great place to find out about our clubs, and any other information related to the school pinello.wsd3.org. We also have a Facebook page that you can see daily pictures, and information (Pinello Elementary School).
If you are interested in buying a yearbook this year here is the link: The cost is $22 and it will go up in February to $25 : https://www.jostens.com/apps/store/customer/1091967/Pinello-Elementary-School/
Amber Crigger – Principal
Tiffani Lind – Assistant Principal
Social Emotional Learning
Happy New Year! I hope you and your family had a joyful Winter Break.
During this first month back, all of our students will review our PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports) program, which focuses on the school’s ROAR behaviors. ROAR is our school’s behavior matrix that stands for Respect, Organized, Always Safe, and Responsible. Make sure to ask your child(ren) about how to show ROAR behaviors at school like in the classroom, hallways, or on the playground.
Thank you to all our families for supporting your child(ren) during this challenging time. As students return, here are some tips to help your child cope and successfully transition back to school.
Have honest and open discussions
Class sizes might change as they could increase or decrease
Students may struggle various issues (i.e. grades, friendships issues, schedule changes)
Focus on the positives
Acknowledge worries and anxieties, but identify strategies your child can demonstrate (i.e. taking deep breaths, stopping and thinking, asking for help.
Build a routine
Keep to the same bedtime and wake up time
Consistent homework and meal time
Model problem solving behavior
Encourage “Talking it out” when there are problems
Share your own thoughts and feelings
Identify ways to solve problem (i.e. reviewing homework, talking to teacher)
We are always grateful for all the support we receive throughout the school year from local churches, the District Attorney’s Office, Toys For Tots and St. Dominic’s Church.
Feel free to contact me or our school social worker, Emily Zarkovacki if you have any questions or concerns as your child(ren) returns to school. We are here for you!!!
With Children First,
Darlene Monson
Pinello Counselor
About Pinello
Email: criggera@wsd3.org
Website: pinello.wsd3.org
Location: 2515 Cody Drive, Colorado Springs, CO, USA
Phone: 719-391-3395
Facebook: facebook.com/PinelloElementary
A Note from Music
Hello Families,
I hope you have a wonderful break and are ready to start a new year! It is hard to believe that the school year is halfway over. Kindergarten is working on moving to music, according to the mood of the music. First Grade is working on identifying same and different with pitch patterns and form. Second Grade is working on steps, skips and repeats in music. Third Grade has been working on their program. They will perform January 15 at 2:50 pm and 6 pm. Families are welcome at both performances. Fourth grade has started to work on the music for their performance. Fifth grade students are working on a harmony unit.
The choir students did an excellent job at the honor choir festival on December 14. They not only sang with all of the other elementary choirs in the district, they also performed a song on their own. Now choir students will be working on music for the In Harmony event that will happen in April.
Stay Safe and Warm,
Mrs. Means
PE News
Hope everyone had a restful break. We will be finishing up our basketball unit. Focusing on the basic skills of dribbling, shooting and passing. Don't forget to reach out to Widefield Park and Rec to enroll your students in any sport they might take interest in.
STEM News by Miss Siedler
By Miss Siedler
Big things are happening in STEM at Pinello. With the addition of the DODEA Grand that the district received, Pinello is getting first access to some of the great things being added to the district. We have received 4 Toybox 3D printers that are designed to be used with students in kindergarten through second grade. Our students will be some of the first in the district to get hands on with these new printers and will be working on creating their own 3D prints with them through the months of January and February. These new tools mean that all students at Pinello will have the opportunity to learn how to use these new tools and create their own 3d prints that they will get to take home.
Birthday Celebrations
This year, we are not allowing parents to bring treats in for parties. Parents can bring non edible treat bags to be distributed at the end of the day.
Only clear drinks are allowed in classrooms. Shared food items including lunch meals and snacks are prohibited.
Thank you for your assistance in keeping our students healthy and safe!
Boy Scouts of America Pathway to the Rockies Council is offering Scoutreach Program
at the following location
The Scoutreach Program is being offered at Pinello Elementary School free of charge to
all Pinello students in grades 2 through 5. We will meet after school for approximately 1
hour on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.
You can sign up for Scoutreach at https://bsa060.us/pinello or find out more about
Scoutreach by calling Mark at 719-219-2906
Calendar of Events-Also listed on the website
Jan. 8-Students return, report cards go home
Jan. 15-3rd Grade music program at 2:50 & 6:00
Jan. 16-PTO meeting in the library at 3:40
Jan. 17-Renaissance Assemblies K-2 @ 1:30. 3-5 @ 2:30
Jan. 20th-No School-Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Jan. 24-Buck a Hat Day
Jan. 28-Coffee with Principal at 8:45 in the library
Jan. 29-District chess tournament
Jan. 31-PTO smencils for sale before school for $1
Feb. 1-Science with a Twist competition at Grand Mountain
Feb. 6- Academic Night 5:00-6:00
Feb. 7-No School-Professional Development Day
Feb. 10- Midterms sent home
Feb. 11-Spring picture day
Feb. 13- PTO meeting at 3:40 in the library
Feb. 14-Valentine's Day parties
Feb. 17-No School-President's Day
Feb. 21-Buck a Hat day
Feb. 22-First Lego League Explore Day
Feb. 28th-Smencils for sale before school $1