Pirates Post
Week of February 3rd
Message from Principal Drew...
Seniors don't forget to return any and all scholarship applications that are due on February 1 to Mrs. Biggs no later than 10:00 AM on Monday. The deadline was extended due to the original deadline falling on a Saturday. There will not be another extension so be sure to complete all requirements and return your applications on Monday by 10:00 AM.
Congratulations to our swim teams as they competed at the 1A Regional Finals in Cary this past Friday. We are proud of your excellent season and the outstanding individual performances.
Class registration for the 25-26 school year has begun. Counselors met with each grade level on Tuesday to provide information about the registration process and due dates to return course requests. Parents be on the look out for course registration information. We ask that you and your student review their course options and complete the form together so that the best choices can be made for them moving forward.
This week at PCHS:
Monday - Basketball hosts Gates County at 4:30, Spanish Club meeting 7:35 AM
Tuesday - Indoor track will compete, Beta Club meeting 7:35 AM
Wednesday - Basketball hosts North Pitt at 4:30
Friday - HOSA blood drive, Basketball at Tarboro
Upcoming dates of interest:
2/12 - Spring sports begin, Any student interested in playing softball, baseball, jv baseball, girl's soccer, golf, boy's track or girl's track must have a physical on file and all rank one paperwork complete prior to this date to tryout
2/15 - Baseball Jamboree at PCHS
2/17 - Optional Teacher workday - No school for students on this date
4/12 - Jr./Sr. Prom
4/18 to 4/25 - Spring Break
5/15 - Graduate Walk
5/18 - Baccalaureate Service for all graduates
5/23-5/30 - Final Exams for second semester
5/26 - Memorial Day - No school for staff and students
5/30 - Graduation
PCHS Highlights...
Math Students of the Week...
Mrs Baker: Marli Wiggins (Math 1H)
Ms Gregory: Kimberly Phares (Math 2H)
Mrs Riddick: Katelyn Mizrahi (Math 3)
Mrs Tynch: Juan Pablo Moya Ordonez (Math 1)
Spanish Students of the Week...
Spanish 2: Caden Winslow
Spanish 2: Amelia Lane
Spanish 1: Ryleigh Watson