WES is the Best Weekly Newsletter
We Before Me Edition 7: September 30th- October 4th
Dear WES Team,
As we enter Week 8 of our journey together, I want to take a moment to highlight how we are continuing to embody our "We Before Me" vision. The work we are doing to support the whole child is more important than ever, and I am incredibly proud of the collaboration that is taking place across our campus to address the mental health needs of our students.
This week, our counselor, behavior specialist, and CIS liaison have shared exciting updates on how we are strengthening our wrap-around services for students. Through Second Step lessons, targeted social-emotional groups, and the upcoming opportunity for mental health counseling through TCHATT, we are creating spaces for students to feel supported, safe, and heard. These efforts ensure that our students have the tools they need to thrive, both academically and emotionally.
In addition, this week marks the beginning of our focused ELAR Reading Small Group PLCs for WIN (What I Need) time. A huge thank you to our ELAR teacher leaders for their hard work in planning and leading these sessions. The goal of WIN Time is to provide tailored instruction that meets each student's individual needs, and I am confident that, with your dedication, this initiative will lead to great growth and success for our students.
Let’s continue to lead with heart and a "We Before Me" mindset, putting our students' well-being and success at the center of all we do. Together, we can ensure that each child feels supported and empowered to reach their full potential.
Thank you for your hard work and dedication!
Venitra Senegal
⭐WES Grade Levels and Departments with Perfect Attendance
September 24th 4th Grade, 5th Grade, Office Staff, ESL paras, Special Ed staff
September 25th - 4th Grade, 5th Grade, Office Staff, Special Ed. staff
September 26th- 2nd Grade, 5th Grade, ESL Paras, Office Staff
September 27th-🌟Staff Perfect Attendance 🌟
October 1st- We will have a drawing for the grade levels with the best attendance for September who will receive a THE BEST Attendance Award during announcements. Stay tune for the winners!
Attendance Award Incentives
- Premium Parking Spot
- Drawing for Special Prizes
- Recognition Breakfast/Lunch
- Pop Up Surprises
Student Attendance
2nd Grade: 93.32
3rd Grade: 96.11-🤩 Attendance Stars!!!
4th Grade: 93.46
5th Grade: 96.02
Student Attendance Average: 94.71%--- WE Have to work hard this week to increase our percentages, teachers, please call and send Class Dojo Reminders for Attendance!
Let's ALL work hard to ensure that our staff and student ratings stay up! Who's got first place next week?
Weekly Updates
September 30th- October 4th
C&I Instructional walks focus: "Work in the Power Zone" paired with Differentiation (Alignment to T-TESS Domain 2: Instruction & TIL Action Steps Alignment - Independent Practice and Respond to Student Learning Needs
- TTESS Goals Setting Meetings & Informal Walk-throughs- TTESS Assignments Link
September 30th- Team leader Meeting @ 4:15pm in PLC room 308
October 1st- PTO Meeting @ 4:15 pm in Room 602
October 2nd- McGraw Hill Science Virtual Science Training @ 4:30- 6:30pm (Flyer)
October 4th- Growth Templates Updates Due for RLA Reading levels & Data Updates/Students Smart Folders (data folders updated)
*Upcoming Events
October 10th- End of Nine Weeks Report Cards Grades Due
October 31st- District Online Staff Videos Modules Due
Wharton ISD Elementary Nutrition Program
Exciting News: Daily Fruit for Students!
Starting October 1st, we are thrilled to launch our "Fruit a Day" program! Each day, students will receive a fresh fruit at the end of the school day to encourage healthy eating habits and the enjoyment of nutritious foods.
Here’s how it works:
- Daily Fruit Distribution: Every student will receive a different fruit and enjoy.
- Taste Exploration: Teachers will guide students in learning about the fruit of the day, helping them expand their taste buds and try new things!
- Fun Learning Activities: Teachers will also go over interactive activity sheets with the students, which are designed to educate them on the nutritional benefits of fruits and vegetables.
We hope this program will encourage students to develop a lifelong love for healthy, delicious fruits. Let’s work together to inspire our kids to make nutritious choices! A folder of fruit activities are available on WES is the Best Resource link WES Nutrition Lessons
WE BEFORE ME School Shirts Orders
Weekly Reminders
Circle Lessons- Circle lessons are to be conducted daily on the floor with students, centered around the week's topic or topics the teacher selects.
Math Teachers- Students should complete 2 lessons assignments set by teachers per week in Zearn
WES Tutorials - Fall-October 15th- December 12th & Winter/Spring- January 6th- March 27th
Fall Tutorials- Our Fall Tutorials are from October 15th- December 12th from 3:45pm- 4:45pm. Tutorials are for TIER II students in Reading, Math and Science (5th grade only). General education teachers are required to provide two days of tutorials each semester. Club sponsors will need to schedule club meetings around the tutorial schedule. Teachers will be compensated for tutorial sessions.
Seeking UIL Sponsors- Ms. Smith & Ms. Senegal are seeking 5 UIL sponsors for our Spring UIL competitions, please see Ms. Smith or Ms. Senegal for more information.
Student Behavior Supports & ODR's Reminders- Please follow the Student Behavior Intervention Process to address behavior concerns in the classrooms. Special teachers/paras are to complete ODRs for students' behaviors during Specials. Consequences for ODRs during specials should occur with the grade-level administrator's guidance with the special's para/teacher, not the classroom teacher.
WES is the BEST- PLC Schedule & Information
PLC Schedule & Conference Meetings of the Week
Monday, September 30th-PLC
Reading/SS: Amplify Region 3 - Must Do's
Math/Science: Science Curriculum Must Do's & Preparations
Tuesday: October 1st-PLC
Reading/SS: Amplify Region 3 with Megan (Bring your students' Amplify Preassessment data)
Math/Science: Math Internalization- Must Do's
Wednesday: October 2nd PLC
Reading/SS: Social Studies SAAVAS Curriculum Overview
Math/Science: Eureka Math with Region 3- Lisa
Thursday: October 3rd PLC
Reading/SS- Reading Small Group Planning (WIN Time)
Math/Science- Math Small Groups & WIN Intervention Review -Zearn Lessons Assignments
Friday, October 4th PLC
Both- End of Nine weeks grades & Growth Templates Updates
Social Emotional Learning Counseling Support Request
Please complete the "Counselors Request Form" if you believe you have a student or have observed a student, who has raised any discipline or family concerns. Mrs. Perkins (School Counselor) and Ms. Molina (CIS Site Coordinator) will coordinate their efforts to support students by addressing their needs and identifying any underlying issues.
Team Preparation & Internalization Planning Schedule
Each grade level has developed a schedule to support internalization, lesson preparation, and planning.
2nd- Monday & Tuesdays
3rd- Mondays-Science & RLA, Tuesdays- Math & RLA, Wednesdays- Math/Social Studies & Small Group/WIN Time
4th-Wednesdays & Thursdays
5th- Tuesdays & Thursdays
Fridays are Conference and WES Staffing & ARD days during the Conference Time as needed.
Fundamental Five Focus
Our campus focus for this semester is teachers/staff working with students in the Power Zone.
See the video for the Fundamental Five Instructional Model- Staying In the Power Zone below.
Character Trait of the Week: Growth Mindset & Goal Setting
Character Traits Lessons of Week: Unit 2- Emotion Management
2nd - Help Yourself Feel Better
3rd - Take A Break
4th - How to Rethink
5th - Planning for Change
Happy Birthday to our Wonderful Staff!
September & October Birthday Stars!!!
9/30- Kendra Walker
10/18- Hayley Plunkett
10/18- Donna Jackson
If it's your birthday...please let me know by completing the staff survey.