Weekly Update

Dear Families,
Registration is now open for new families for next year! Please let your friends and family know to start the registration process ASAP as many classes are at or near capacity!
Please DO NOT double park on Salem Street. We MUST allow for the flow of traffic. There will be people outside moving you along. You CANNOT stop and prevent traffic flow on Salem Street.
Ms. Lucey
Stories from the Schoolyard
Station 8 Visits LCA
On Friday, LCA was blessed to have a visit from Station 8! Station 8 is a group of four firefighters from Lawrence who sing and dance and teach about fire safety! All classes in PreK, Kindergarten, First and Second Grade got to hang out with Station 8! We had a fabulous time learning about what to do if there is smoke, what a firefighter looks like in all their turnout gear and what things are hot or not!
Basketball Updates
LCA Basketball continues to improve! 5/6 Girls lost a close one to St. Michael's on Saturday morning. The girls did a fantastic job playing defense and never gave up. 5/6 Boys beat St. Monica's, and continue to benefit from their deep bench. It was great to see them work on their passing and get lots of players points. 7/8 Girls lost one to the Boys and Girls Club and played great defense and were never afraid. 7/8 boys played a doubleheader on Friday night and bested Bellesini and the Boys and Girls Club! It was great to see the bench score lots of baskets! All teams are back in action next weekend!
Lunch Menu
If you are interested in joining LCA's Wellness Committee, please email Mrs. Loughlin at mloughlin@lawrencecatholicacademy.org OR Mrs. Strunk at srstrunk@lawrencecatholicacademy.org.
Save These Dates
Catholic Schools Week -- Check the Schedule Below!
Monday, Jan 27, 2025, 07:30 AM
Prefects and Class Representatives
Our 15 prefects and 7 class representatives planned events for Catholic Schools Week! They do a great job sitting with younger students at mass, too!
Prefects are 8th Grade students who help our younger students, help their teachers, set a good example, are motivated and dedicated to LCA and push themselves to be better every day. These students are seen as role models and leaders and are looked at as trustworthy, kind, responsible and students who embody our core values. Our Class Representatives are students in 7th Grade who will help the younger students have their voices heard at LCA. They will meet with younger students and bring their ideas to the older students. They are role models who younger students can look up to.
8th Grade Placement Updates
Please share with Ms. Lucey your child's acceptances to High School.