MS East Updates & Celebrations
December 7, 2020
Principal Kelly's Message
Thank you for your continued support, encouragement, and engagement in the important work we have to accomplish together during the upcoming months. This is a lot for all of our stakeholders. Students, parents and teachers are being asked to do more than ever before. We sincerely appreciate your partnership and want you to know how much we care about your children and will be here to support them as we continue through this chapter of our school year!
Jennie Kelly
STMA Middle School East Principal
Continued Connection through Distance Learning Tri 2
Following their SEL time, students will participate in each of their classes via 30-minute synchronous taught lessons. During synchronous lessons, students are able to watch and listen to their teacher LIVE via Google Meet. Each department will have a designated time for instruction building wide, which means all students that choose to participate in synchronous lessons will follow the same schedule each day (see schedule below). In addition, all teachers will be holding open office hours from 1:30-2:30 every day! This time will provide students and teachers with individual and small group support to answer questions that they have about their work for the day, guided practice opportunities and personalized support. Teachers will be communicating directly with students to provide the necessary information to join the synchronous learning links.
Daily postings of lessons will continue to be available for students at 9:00 a.m. These are great options for students who have been successful with more independence in learning, who may need to experience multimodality of learning to be successful, or who are unable to participate for that day in the synchronous option.
Band and Choir Programs
STMA Distance Learning Norms
Food Service
Updated STMA 2020-2021 School Calendar
DL Materials Pick-up
Materials for distance learning are only required to be picked up for specific classes. If your child is not in one of the classes listed above, there are no materials to pick up on December 9th. Your child's teacher will also reach out via email to confirm there are materials to pick up on the 9th.
If your child does not answer the daily attendance question between 9am and midnight on a day we have school, you will receive an automated phone call and email on the following day. The purpose of this message is to keep you informed of your child's participation with the daily attendance question and communicate that they have been assigned a DLA (Distance Learning Absence) for the previous school day.
If you have any questions about Distance Learning attendance monitoring, please contact Assistant Principal David Holler (
Youth Matters
Youth Matters has gone digital during Distance Learning. Students still attend sessions on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:15 to 4:45 with a MSE teacher to improve their academic skills, work on homework and increase independence.
If you would like your child to attend Youth Matters, please reach out to Mr. Holler at or open the link to the Youth Matters registration packet for a schedule and more information.
Technology Tools
Check out the STMA Digital Learning Page. Here you will find frequently asked questions and quick tips to help navigate the commonly used resources by STMA students.
Check out these technology resources to help students who may get distracted by online learning.
Check in with Dean of Students, Molly Schleicher, if your student does not have a device to use for distance learning. or (763) 497-2655
Counseling Corner
Need a break from Distance Learning? Not sure how to quiet your mind? Check out STMA's Virtual Calming Room. Between journaling, coloring, mindfulness and mind games, you can find an activity to calm your mind and body. Use these tools to manage your emotions and find new ways to cope with the stress and anxiety of everyday life.
Congratulations to our Students of the Month - December 2020
8th Grade Dragsters - Check it out!
- Destination Imagination
- Student Council
- Yearbook
- Knightengals
- King Arthur's Court
- Spelling Bee
Fall Activities Highlights
Holiday Parade
Thursday, Dec 17, 2020, 03:30 PM
4862 Naber Avenue NE, St Michael, MN
Connect with us
Location: 4862 Naber Avenue Northeast, Saint Michael, MN, USA
Phone: 763-497-2655
Twitter: @stma_ms_east