The Acorn
A Message from the Principal of AOC, Dr. Fine
Week of 11/26-12/2
Greetings AOC Families,
I hope that you had a nice Thanksgiving! This upcoming Friday is a M/W class schedule.
Thank you to our parents, students, and families for your support of the Academy of the Canyons and for participating with ROOTS. We thank our ROOTS parents organization for their generosity and support!
Students will have a busy few weeks before the winter holiday break. AOC final exams will take place the week of December 10th. The last day of the COC Fall Semester is December 9th. Students will be taking their final exams for COC the week of December 3rd. They have two weeks of final exams, COC then AOC. Students will be expected to attend school every day through final exams. We will have a traditional schedule every day until December 14th.
Please reach out to us with any questions. Have a great week, AOC!
Dr. Juliet Fine
Principal of AOC
ROOTS Parent Help Needed on 12/8 Have Some Fun Serving Hot Cocoa
Hot Cocoa Bar AOC Dec 8th
We are in need of parent help serving our AOC students. We are planning to host a Hot Cocoa Bar for all our AOC students on Friday Dec 8th and parent volunteer help for this event to cheer and treat our students during this transition time between finals would be so appreciated.
We need your help with setup, serving, and replenishing the hot cocoa, all toppings, and treats for our entire student body in a timely manner during their break. We need a minimum of 8 parent volunteers to help from 10:30am - 1:00pm to help make this a success. The critical crunch time is from 11:00am - 1:00pm. If you can come to help for even just part of this event, please contact the Roots Parent Volunteer Coordinator - Carolyn Griffiths at by Dec1st. -Thank you. Also, If you happen to have an electric hot water kettle to use for this event would be helpful.
Holiday Celebration AOC Dec
Please be on the look out for upcoming communication in Academy of the Canyons via Parent Square and ACORN for December regarding the Holiday Celebration for our Teachers and Staff. It'll be an opportunity for you to show your appreciation.
And, of course, from ROOTS, we wish you and your families Happy Holidays!
Important Dates
- November 20-November 24-Thanksgiving Break for AOC
- November 23-November 24- COC Thanksgiving Break, no COC Classes
- November 30-UC/CSU Application Deadline
- December 1 -December 8th-COC Final Exams
- December 11-December 14th-AOC Final Exams
- December 15-No School, Last Teacher Work Day
- December 16-January 7- Winter Break, no AOC classes
- January 2- First Day of Winter Term COC Classes for 2024
- January 8- AOC Returns from Winter Break, 1st Day Back'
- January 15- Martin Luther King Day, NO SCHOOL
ASB Class Cup Congratulations to Our Winners, the Sophomores! Thank You, ASB!
ASB hosted two full weeks of events and lunch time activities for students. Everyone played so well! It was a great turn out with families, friends and students to cheer on our athletes! Well done to all our competitors! Thank to our coaches and ROOTS for supplying all of the free snacks and drinks at the event!
ROOTS Thank You Thanksgiving Luncheon for AOC Staff and Faculty
Academy of the Canyons
Location: Academy of the Canyons, Rockwell Canyon Road, Santa Clarita, CA, USA
Phone: 661-362-3056
Twitter: @Academy_Canyons