Powell Publisher
Week of September 3, 2024
A Note From Mrs. Anderson
Hello Powell Families,
We had another great week of learning here at school! I hope you are able to enjoy the long weekend with your family. Monday is a school holiday.
I encourage you to join our Powell PTO! The link is below. Today is the last day to purchase items from the Powell Spirit Store! See below for the link.
Enjoy your weekend!
Erin Anderson
Upcoming Dates
2: School Holiday
9: Destination Imagination (DI) Informational Meeting, 5:00-6:00 PM (see below for more information)
11: Fall School Pictures (see below for more information)
16-20: Book Fair
18: Read for a Better Life
18: College Park High School Homecoming Parade, Market Street, 6:30 PM
11: Student Holiday
14: Student Holiday
16: PTO Meeting, Library, 11:30
21: Crust Spirit Day at Alden Bridge
25: Storybook Parade, 8:30
28-Nov 1: Red Ribbon Week
Free and Reduced Information
If you believe your child may be eligible for Free and Reduced meals while at school, please take a moment to complete the application at www.myschoolapps.com !
A new application must be submitted each year to determine eligibility.
Destination Imagination
Destination Imagination is an extra-curricular program that strives to teach creative problem-solving strategies, teamwork, and life-long skills. Each year students are offered 7 new standards-based challenges in STEM, Improv, Visual Arts, Service Learning and Early Learning. Teams choose one challenge and spend several months perfecting their solution.
There will be an informational meeting on Monday, September 9th from 5:00 - 6:00 in the Powell Library. Please join us if you are interested!
Fall Pictures
Library News
PTO News
Powell PTO fully funds all grade level Field Trips, Dreambox, Technology, Teacher Allocations and so much more. By signing up as a member of Powell PTO, your donation helps us continue to provide these wonderful things to our students and teachers. Important Note!! YOU DO NOT HAVE TO VOLUNTEER IF YOU ARE A PTO MEMBER. You can simply help us support our school by joining PTO! We will never require anything of you. If you signed up last year, it is time to sign up again! Memberships expire at the end of every school year.
Check the Powell PTO Facebook and Instagram for updates to the competition next week!
Link to facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PowellPTO/
Link to Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/powell_elementary_pto/
Click the picture to shop the Spirit Store
Powell Yearbook
Powell Lost and Found
Community Rewards at Kroger and Office Depot
Support your child and teacher when you shop at Kroger or Office Depot
Did you know your purchases at Kroger and Office Depot can make a difference?
Kroger and Office Depot will donate a portion of your purchase to Powell Elementary Parent Teacher Organization when you shop. Follow these easy steps:
- For Office Depot’s Give Back to School Program, use this school ID to get 5% back for Powell: 70101594
- For Kroger, please add Colin Powell Elementary PTO to your account under Community Rewards, organization number YY143
Thank you for your support!
Grade Level Newsletters
Community Flyers
CISD Cell Phone Policy
- Cell phones and smartwatches may be used respectfully and responsibly before school and after school.
- Cell phones and smartwatches should not be used to capture video, audio, or images at school or on the bus.
- Cell phones and smartwatches should be set on silent mode and kept in backpacks, lockers, or other designated storage areas and should not be visible during school hours including instructional time, reward time, free time, lunch, and in the hallways.
- Use of cell phones and smartwatches may be permitted in extenuating circumstances with permission from a staff member. (ex. to notify parent/ guardian of a late bus)
School SMS Messages
Our Mission and Vision
At Powell Elementary, we are dedicated to providing a positive learning environment that empowers students to strive for excellence, accept others, and treat everyone with kindness. Our goal is to encourage all students to persevere academically and be responsible citizens in our school, community, and the world around them!
The vision of Powell Elementary is to be a supportive, inclusive and intentional school community through:
- collaboration that provides consistent instructional practices to ensure daily learning and individual growth;
- focused instruction with high expectations that meets the needs of a diverse student population;
- cooperative partnerships with staff, parents, and the community to ensure a safe learning environment; and
- fostering compassion and character development through strong classroom communities.
Email: contactpowell@conroeisd.net
Website: powell.conroeisd.net
Location: 7332 Cochrans Crossing Drive, Spring, TX, USA
Phone: 936-709-1700
Twitter: @PowellCISD