The Star Weekly ⭐
February 7, 2025
Important Dates:
Feb 10th - 14th - Student Holiday (No School)
Feb 20th - Spring Picture Day
Feb 20th - Family Game Night & Scholastic Book Fair 5:00-6:30pm
Feb 24th - Feb 28th - Scholastic Book Fair
Feb 28th - Go Texan Day
Scholastic Book Fair Feb 24th - 28th
During our fall Book Fair, we welcome all students and families to the Mueller library February 20, 2025 for Book Fair Night from 5:00-6:30 PM
The book fair will also be open during the school day February 24-28, 2025
Game Night/Book Fair February 20th
Family Game Night AND Book Fair 5:00 - 6:30pm
Book Fair eWallet
Book Fair eWallet is convenient, simple, and secure. When kids shop with an eWallet, they’re empowered to choose the books they want to read. Set up your child’s eWallet by clicking HERE!
Mueller Birthday Cups
Click HERE to order a Birthday Cup for your student!
Klein Oak Cheer Clinic
March 1st
Attention Parents of Walkers & Bike Riders!
If your student is PK thru 1st Grade please make sure there is a parent at the end of our Walker/Biker line to receive the student. It is unsafe for them to walk through the neighborhoods alone. Thank you!!
Early Childhood Events
Click HERE to view all of the events.
Helping Hands
Teachers often need help with classroom activities and set up. This may include putting packets together or cutting out laminate. Many of the items can be done at home on your own time. Buckets are located in the front office if you have some time to help. On occasion they need assistance in the classroom, if this is the case please be sure to complete the volunteer background check. You can access the link HERE. Thank you for all of your support!
Cafeteria Breakfast Hours
If your student eats breakfast at school please be sure they are here when the doors open at 7:45am. The cafeteria closes promptly at 8:05am. Thank you!
Become a Klein Crossing Guard
2025 Utility Assistance
School Hours
School hours are 8:10-3:20 pm.
Students may begin entering the building at 7:45 am.
Before 8:10 Students will be dropped off in their regular drop off location.
After 8:10 Students will need to be brought into the front office and signed in by the person dropping them off. This includes car riders and walkers.
Early Dismissal's and Transportation Changes
The cut-off time for early dismissal's and transportation changes must be made prior to 2:45pm. Please call the front office if you need to make a change or if you have any questions.
School Store - Open Every Friday
SchoolCash Online is an easy to use and safe way to pay for your children’s school fees. Now, with a few clicks, you can pay for your child’s yearbook, class trips and so much more from your own home. All you have to do is register an account, attach your children and in no time you will be able to make payments online. We accept many different payment forms so click HERE to sign up!
Lunch Times
We welcome you to have lunch with your student(s). All visitors must be listed on the students Skyward account. Please be sure to bring your ID to the front desk upon arrival. See the flier above to find lunch times!
School Cafe'
Click HERE to access School Cafe'. School Cafe' is an online portal to take care of all your cafeteria needs. You will be able to view the breakfast & lunch menus, add money to your students lunch account and view what your student has purchased.
A Big Shout Out To Our 2024-25 Sponsors!
Counselor's Corner - February
February Clinic News
Bus Routes and Numbers
Join Mueller PTO
Skyward Help Desk
Become a Klein Volunteer!
Click HERE for more information and to sign up.
Peachjar Community Fliers
Safety Information
All visitors are required to follow the following procedures to enter the building:
Push the button on the door to be buzzed in
Hold your ID up to the camera when asked
State the reason for your visit
Have your ID scanned in the front office to receive your visitor badge
If you forget your ID, you will be asked to go get your ID in order to gain access to the building.
Mueller Elementary
With a focus on relationships, we will inspire and celebrate the growth of EVERY learner.
Email: lbishop1@kleinisd.net
Website: mueller.kleinisd.net
Location: 7074 Farm to Market 2920, Spring, TX, USA
Phone: 832-375-7300
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/812632235946206/