1st Newsletter
May 2024
Welcome Back to School!
Important Dates
✔️ Meet the Teacher is Thursday, Aug. 15, 4:30-7:30 pm
✔️ First day is Tuesday, Aug. 20
✔️ Evaluate: Aug. 26
✔️ Back to School Bash: Sept. 27, 5:00-7:30 pm
A Message from the Principal
Welcome Back!
We are thrilled to have students back in the building after Summer Break and look forward to meeting the new faces in the halls and seeing familiar ones as well. Check out the message above from Dr. Russell, the Ozark Middle School Principal.
-Mr. Jared Lotz, Dr. Eric Russell, and Mr. Brandon Scott (left to right)
How to Read Schedule
Having a tough time figuring out how to read your child's schedule? Ms. Monsanto, our 6th grade counselor, will walk you through understanding how to read your student's schedule in the video below.
Note- We operate on a 3 day rotation for elective/related arts classes. So, students will have 2 elective/related arts classes each day that will share a 90 minute block of time. They will have a total of 6 elective/related arts classes; 2 classes on an ‘A day’, 2 different classes on a ‘B day’, and then 2 other classes on a ‘C day’. Core classes will meet every day at the same time.
Come and Go Event During Meet the Teacher
If you have been a member of an elementary school PTA, or if you have always wanted to join the PTA, we also have an opportunity for you to serve here at the Middle School. Our OMS PTA is open for membership! Amanda Barnes-Adams is our PTA board president this year, and we are excited to work with her and the rest of our PTA. We will have a membership table set up at "Meet the Teacher" if you would like to join. It is only $5 to join our OMS PTA! Additionally, they will have T-Shirts for sale at the table. We are looking forward to another great year working with our amazing PTA!
Meet Our School Nurse
Tina White
- In nursing profession since 2008
- Worked in the pediatric ICU and pediatric floor at Mercy hospital for six years and then transferred to Pediatric GI and Specialty Clinic for seven years
- Started at Ozark School District in 2021
- My WHY: I knew at a young age that I wanted to take care of and help people and decided early on that I wanted to be a nurse. As I grew in my career as a nurse, I had a pull to start helping and taking care of people in my own community. I knew that working for a school district, I could do exactly that. I grew up in a family of educators and spent most of my childhood in a school setting. I saw first hand how important a school district is for the community and know how important health plays for the success of children in the classroom.
Phone: 417-582-4807
Fax: 417-582-4802
Email: tinawhite@ozarktigers.org
Meet the Teacher on Thursday is a good time to meet the school nurse and drop off any necessary medications!
Drop-Off & Pick-Up Info
- After-School Pick-Up: Communication is key! Be sure your child knows how they will get home on the first day and their routine.
- Bus Pick Up/Drop Off: Approximate times can be found in your Parent Portal, on a web browser.
- Walkers: Must live in McGuffy or Hillstone neighborhood and parents must message the office and child's homeroom teacher to confirm.
- Parent Pick-Up/Drop-Off: Be on the lookout for more information to come later. Our parking lot is still a work in progress but should be ready to go by the first day of school.
You should have received this in the mail, but just in case, our District calendar for the 2024-25 school year can be found online here.
- Here is a printable version
- Here is a link to our Ozark Middle School Calendar
- Visit the OMS website to find more middle school specific information - oms.ozarktigers.org
Behavior Expectations
Ozark School District is committed to creating a positive and productive learning environment for all students and faculty. We strive to promote safety, respect and responsibility.
Please review these Behavior Expectations with your child.