The Specialists Update
January 2025
Here is a monthly update about what is going on in the Specials classes at WMS!
Students have art, music, technology education, health and physical education throughout each of their three years at WMS. We are fortunate enough to really get to know your students and see them grow throughout the three years here with us!
The specials classes are listed below.
Art: 6th, 7th and 8th grade
Technology Education: 6th, 7th and 8th grade
Health: 6th, 7th and 8th grade
Music: 6th, 7th grade and 8th grade
Physical Education: 6th, 7th and 8th grade
Orchestra, Band and Chorus: 6th, 7th and 8th grade by student choice
Specials classes meet for 1 trimester every other day with the exception of physical education; physical education meets every other day for 2 out of the 3 trimesters. This means that by the end of the school year your student will have had all four specials for one term and physical education for two terms.
Art Class
It has been clay month in the art room! A student favorite unit that has become one of the most expressive and interesting lessons we do!
In 6th grade art, students are finishing up their clay sculptures that they have been working very hard on. We looked at different examples of how to use the clay to create different forms and shapes. We looked at color mixing and how to create the clay of the right color for their sculptures. Students had the chance to create either a candy or a creature with their sculpture. They had to plan out the entire design before figuring out how to create it with the clay. Some students even wrapped their candies or created dioramas for their creatures!
7th +8th Grade:
In 7th and 8th Grade, students created pinch and coil pots. We looked at the history of pottery and creating clay sculptures throughout the world and then created our own! We looked at how to use the different techniques to create a vessel of any shape before drying them and painting them! Students had a lot of fun working with the materials and getting used to the process.
Advanced Art:
In Advanced Art, students are finishing up their clay aperture models. Students learned how to create a “skeleton” out of wire to create a standing figure out of clay. We looked at examples of figurative sculptures in the art world and then learned the techniques to create our own. I was blown away by some of the expressive poses and characters that students came up with!
Technology Education Class
6th grade: Students are preparing for their assessments relating to structures, bridge types and structural loads and related forces. They have been designing and modeling various bridge types using TinkerCad software, and making some excellent structural drawings as well. Following the test, they will do a number of group structure building challenges to close out the trimester. We will additionally be having some spirited contests with the online Bridge Designer software, created by West Point Army Corps of Engineers, where the students design and test various truss bridge iterations to create a bridge that will hold a crossing truck, for the least amount of money. It is a free download if you'd like to try it at home! You can access it here.
7th grade: Students are preparing for their assessments relating to Transportation Systems and Flight and the related forces (Gravity, Thrust, Lift and Drag). They have been making some excellent transportation system drawings that illustrate the key subsystem components of Propulsion, Control, Guidance, Suspension, Structural, and Support. Next week we'll be discovering how an airfoil keeps an airplane in the air, and do some related experiments and demonstrations relating to fluid dynamics and air pressure, and discuss how those affect flight. Next week we will begin some hands-on design projects in small groups.
8th grade: This week students built upon their work with their Lego Mindstorms robotics kits and programming software, putting into practice their understanding of the concepts of Inputs, Processing, and Outputs as they relate to the mechanical and communications systems models. They have been designing, building and programming a number of autonomous robot configurations to experience hands-on design challenges for themselves, and will soon be deep into their final custom design challenge.
Music Class
Albums of the Month: “Heavy Metal” by Cameron Winter, “Mindwinter Swimmers” by The Innocence Mission, “Blood on the Tracks” by Bob Dylan, and “Lives Outgrown” by Beth Gibbons.
6th Grade Music- Students are learning how to play the piano, focusing on music that uses the 5-finger pattern in both hands. Students are learning a new language, the language of sheet music, and they are more likely to succeed on the piano if they pay attention to what is on the page, and how the notes move up and down on the staff. We’ve also practiced accompanying songs on the ukulele with the recordings playing, so students can get used to changing between chords in the proper order for the song. Last week, we had our first WMS experiences with guitar; students explored playing with good tone and technique and learned how to read TAB.
7th Grade Music- We are exploring playing chords on the guitar and the piano. We’ve specifically focused on the 12 Bar Blues so students can practice making their way through a chord progression. We’ve also been practicing piano melodies, focusing on music that uses the 5-finger pattern in both hands. Students are learning a new language, the language of sheet music, and they are more likely to succeed on the piano if they pay attention to what is on the page, and how the notes move up and down on the staff. If your student is struggling with the piano, there is a high chance they are not looking at the diagrams and resources on Google Classroom. They should be actively trying to improve each class, and asking specific questions to help their progress.
8th Grade Music- Most class meetings have involved learning how to play a guitar riff, using TAB notation to help them find the notes. In one class, we learned how to play the riff for “Paint It Black” by the Rolling Stones, and how to play the chords that accompany it; students then were able to pair up and have one person play lead guitar while the other played the rhythm guitar part. I’ve shown students online resources to help them learn songs they’re interested in playing, and they’ve had class time to explore different songs on guitar and piano. We’ve also been practicing piano, focusing on music that uses the 5-finger pattern in both hands. Students are learning a new language, the language of sheet music, and they are more likely to succeed on the piano if they pay attention to what is on the page, and how the notes move up and down on the staff.
Music Class Expectations
Listen carefully to instructions and raise your hand to ask a question.
Treat the instruments with respect and handle them carefully and with proper technique.
Practice the assigned music, and ask me what to do next when they finish the assignment.
Health Class
6th grade: This week we will finish discussing puberty. Students have done an awesome job being mature with this topic, and are truly interested in learning about what everyone goes through. Students have identified physical, mental and social changes that occur during puberty. They've recognized the similarities and differences that occur with females and males throughout puberty, and were extremely respectful of one another’s questions during class time. Looking forward to beginning our next unit, Self-Image.
For some students this is a simple task and for others it is a bit more challenging. We focus on self-image in 6th grade, so that students can feel confident and comfortable with who they are. Having a positive self-image is the foundation for healthy decision making!
7th grade: Last week we had a discussion around mental health. We discussed the difference between sadness and depression. Students learned that depression can happen to anyone and identified warning signs to look for. We discussed the importance of having a trusted adult both in and out of school, as well as having healthy ways to cope with a variety of feelings.
This week the topic of alcohol was introduced. Students began stations and worked in with a partner to learn about the short and long term effects of alcohol. There were several questions on students' minds that we will continue to answer. Next week, students will be identifying different parts of the brain, what they do, and how they are affected by alcohol. In small groups students will brainstorm reasons why/why not teens choose to drink alcohol.
The last unit of the term is Marijuana. Students are identifying short and long term effects of marijuana. We are taking a look at the laws around marijuana and defining the term “gateway drug”. A big focus when learning about marijuana is how THC affects the developing teen brain.
8th grade: Over the past few weeks we have continued our conversation around changes that happen during puberty now that students are really in the full swing of it. We discussed the mental and social changes that all teens experience as part of going through puberty. We discussed impulse and feelings of attraction towards others. We spent time defining sexting and discussing both mental and social consequences of sexting. Our school resource officer came into class to continue the conversation around sexting and talk specifically about the laws in regards to sexting when under the age of 18. Students were very respectful, and had some insightful questions for the officer.
We also spent time discussing gender, identity, expression, attraction and anatomical sex. We defined these terms and looked at the differences amongst the terms. Each student spent time creating a poster to help further explain one or more of the terms. Students got very creative and were extremely respectful of the different ways students chose to explain the various terms.
Next week we will dive into talking about relationships. Students will identify various relationships in their lives and work in groups to brainstorm characteristics of healthy/unhealthy relationships. In the coming weeks students will be completing a song evaluation project. Students will have the opportunity to dissect lyrics to a song and identify the various characteristics of the relationship being discussed in the song.
*** As always, please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns about when topics are being discussed in Health class! My email is
Physical Education Class
Ms. Kelly:
Mr. Pereira:
This month in PE:
This month we wrapped up our basketball unit with a variety of mini games including; Knock out, 3 v 3, Horse, and Around the world. We then began our Fitness unit, which consisted of 3 days of circuit workouts.
Day 1: Upper body exercises
Day 2: Lower body exercises
Day 3: Full body exercises
We have also continued our Fitness Friday in which students complete 2 rounds of 8 body-weight exercises before they can participate in Free Choice for the remainder of class.
Free Choice Options include:
Looking ahead:
B Day classes 1/31
A Day classes 2/7
We will begin our Floor Hockey Unit the first week of February which will consist of 2-3 days of skill work and game play opportunities for the students to participate in
Required for PE class:
· Sneakers
· Water bottle
Recommended for PE Class:
· Change of clothes
Participation Expectations:
All students are expected to try their best, follow directions and be properly involved in class activities for the entire class period.
All students are expected to display a positive attitude and good sportsmanship. This includes proper use of language, respecting the feelings and safety of themselves, their classmates and the instructors.
All students will be evaluated on their ability to perform related activity skills and follow rules.
Student-Athletes who do not participate in PE class will not be allowed to participate in school sponsored athletics that day.
Game play opportunity policy:
In PE class, we have multiple opportunities for students to participate in game play scenarios. This year, we are introducing a two-chance policy within our game play to keep the games fun, inclusive, and safe for ALL students.
Some examples of why a student would receive a warning:
Inappropriate use of body contact, inappropriate language, inappropriate play, poor sportsmanship.
Chance one: Verbal warning
Chance two: Not allowed to participate in game play for the remainder of class, will work on independent skill work.
Grading Policy:
The following guidelines will be used:
20% = Participation in the warm-up before class
40 % = Participation (minimal 0-19%, acceptable 20-35%, exceptional 36-40%)
30% = Social Competency / Cooperation (Does the student follow expectations?
Do they demonstrate personal and peer safety? Do they use equipment properly?)
10% = Homework/Assignments (Google Classroom, etc…) /
Preparation (properly attired with athletic wear
Digital Learning
Sixth grade Coding win students just finished coding variables, random numbers and shapes in JavaScript to create Robots. They are now moving into using Sprite to create more realistic animations.