Bird's Word for October 3, 2024

October 3, 2024
Achievement for all students is a top priority for us at Falcon Heights Elementary and for Roseville Area Schools. We seek to be in partnership with families in the education of all students. It is through a commitment to take your child/ren from where they are academically, socially, emotionally, physically and move them forward to becoming the best of who they can be today and into tomorrow. We believe this is possible through hard work and dedication of our students, families and staff everyday. Falcon Heights is a place of tremendous learning. As a school we are committed to creating a learning environment where all students can achieve everyday.
Our School Improvement Goals for this year are:
Literacy - The percentage of all students in grades K-6 at Falcon Heights school who are in the “low risk” or "college pathway" categories on the Fastbridge earlyReading/aReading standardized assessments will increase from 75.7% in the 2024 end of year window to 78.1% in the 2025 end of year window.
Math - The percentage of all students in grades 2-6 at Falcon Heights school who are in the “low risk” or "college pathway" categories on the Fastbridge aMath standardized assessments will increase from 85.8% in the 2024 end of year window to 87.2% in the 2025 end of year window.
School Culture - By May of 2025, all classroom teachers will have implemented 8 SEL lessons each month.
As part of our commitment to a positive learning environment, we practice the Falcon Way and work on creating spaces that all students feel they belong. Each classroom participates in weekly Social Emotional Learning lessons and activities. There are a variety of resources that our staff utilize such as Second Steps, Class Dojos, and Be Good People. We also have a handful of friendship groups that Ms. Natalee, School Social Worker, will run.
FAST (Fastbridge) - Formative Assessment System for Teachers
All students will participate in formative assessments in reading and math several times during the year. Teachers will use the data to inform their instruction as well as identify needs for intervention and enrichment.
Parent Drop Off & Pick Up Reminders
Those ten minutes at parent drop off and pick up at the east entrance are busy times! To help keep the traffic flowing smoothly, please pull all the way up around the circle drive and stay in your car. Have your child(ren) exit on the right side of the car, where there are staff to help open and close doors and assist them getting everything out. When they are out, keep traffic moving so the next car can drop off their child(ren). Thanks for your cooperation!
Background checks required
If you plan to volunteer at school or on field trips, all parents, guardians, grandparents and community members need to submit a background check through the district. To complete the background check, click this link, fill out the google form; at the bottom of that form, you will then click another link that takes you to Trusted Employees website, where the actual applications is filled out and an $8 fee is required. Background checks are good for one calendar year. If you have questions, please call the school office (651-646-0021) or reach out to your child's teacher.
Application for Educational Benefits
Our school offers healthy meals each day. We are continuing the Minnesota’s Free School Meals Program. All students can get one breakfast and one lunch free of charge each day at school. Additional items such as extra milk, entrees or meals (Breakfast- $2.25, Lunch-$4.95) will need to be purchased. Although no application is required to receive this free meal benefit, filling out the Application for Educational Benefits is still important! Your child(ren) may qualify for other benefits like reduced fees at school. Your application may also help our schools to fund resources such as paraprofessionals, social workers, reducing class sizes, discounts on fees for activities to name a few. Every household is encouraged to complete the application. Apply online using the qr code.
Big week next week for PTA events!
- Monday October 7th,
- 6:30pm - PTA Meeting in the Media Center or on Zoom. Check
- out the agenda for details and links. We’ll have 3 votes for membership:
- our standing rules, 9/9 meeting minutes and a purchase for supplies.
- Wednesday October 9th
- from 4-8pm, we have a fundraising dinner at
- Chipotle (on Snelling and C in Roseville).
- After $150 in sales, the school receives 25% of sales that use our code when ordering online or show our flyer in the restaurant. Thank you to Carol Brill for organizing this fundraiser! We hope to see you there!
- Thursday October 10
- - Help feed our teachers for conference night! Sign
- up to bring items to school to leave in the office or bring to the staff
- lounge – please bring salads after school – i.e. between 3:20-3:45pm to the teachers lounge. If you can’t bring something but want to contribute,
- donate to our hospitality fund which will go directly into supporting this event.
In other exciting news, we received our School Tool Box fundraiser numbers for this year. We sold 75 school supply boxes with School Tool Box this year raising $353.85 for the school. Through this program we helped feed 488 kids for a year through the 'One Box. One Meal. Two Kids.' program and Feed my Starving Children. Way to go! We’ll be working with School Tool Box again next year for school supplies.
All our best,
Lindsay, Maria, Deidre & Katie
FH PTA Board
Important Notice: New Immunization Requirements for Roseville Area Schools
Starting Monday, October 21, 2024, Roseville Area Schools will enforce the Minnesota immunization law. This is crucial for maintaining healthy and safe school communities. Here's what you need to know:
Students must meet one of the following criteria to continue attending school:
- Have received all required immunizations
- Have a scheduled immunization appointment
- Have submitted a notarized exemption form
Starting October 21, 2024:
- Students who do not meet the immunization requirements will be instructed to stay home until the requirements are met.
- These absences will be marked as unexcused.
Why this matters:
- This policy helps protect our most vulnerable students, who are unable to receive vaccines.
- It minimizes the time students miss due to disease outbreaks, as those not immunized may be required to stay home per the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH).
If your student is missing any immunizations, you will receive a notice from the school's health office. Please respond promptly to ensure your student can remain in school.
For questions or concerns, contact your school’s health office.
CogAT Testing for Students in Grades 2 and 4
All students in grades 2 and 4 will take the Cognitive Abilities Test™ (CogAT®). This test helps us identify students' strengths in reasoning and problem-solving, and if they need advanced academic opportunities.
The testing will take place from late October to November, over three different days.
CogAT evaluates students’ reasoning abilities in three areas:
Verbal → Using words for reasoning and problem-solving
Quantitative → Using numbers and patterns for reasoning and problem-solving
Nonverbal→ Using shapes and figures for reasoning and problem-solving
Teachers will guide students through practice problems to prepare them for questions they will see on the test. Families can support their children by making sure they get enough sleep and encouraging them to do their best.
We will use the test results to understand your child’s strengths and needs for advanced learning. Families will receive CogAT results in February.
If you don’t want your child to take the test, please fill out this form and return it to the classroom teacher by October 16.
If you have any questions about CogAT testing, please contact Trina Hira at trina.hira@isd623.org.
Pruebas CogAT para estudiantes en los grados 2 y 4
Todos los estudiantes en los grados 2 y 4 toman la Prueba de Habilidades Cognitivas™ (CogAT®). Esta prueba nos ayuda a identificar las fortalezas de los estudiantes en el razonamiento y la resolución de problemas, y si necesitan oportunidades académicas avanzadas.
Las pruebas se llevarán a cabo desde finales de octubre hasta noviembre, en tres días diferentes.
CogAT evalúa las habilidades de razonamiento de los estudiantes en tres áreas:
Verbal → Usar palabras para razonar y resolver problemas.
Cuantitativo → Usar números y patrones para razonar y resolver problemas
No verbal → Usar formas y figuras para razonar y resolver problemas
Los maestros guiarán a los estudiantes a través de problemas de práctica para prepararlos para las preguntas que verán en el examen. Las familias pueden apoyar a sus hijos asegurándose de que duerman lo suficiente y animándolos a hacer lo mejor que puedan.
Usaremos los resultados de las pruebas para comprender las fortalezas y necesidades de aprendizaje avanzado de su hijo. Las familias recibirán los resultados de CogAT en febrero.
Si no desea que su hijo tome el examen, complete este formulario y devuélvalo al maestro del salón de clases antes del 16 de octubre.
Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre las pruebas CogAT, comuníquese con Trina Hira al trina.hira@isd623.org.
Raider Athletics & Activities: Reminder for Children 8th Grade & Younger
As we approach the Homecoming game on Friday night, please remember that all children 8th grade and younger are welcome but MUST be accompanied by an adult at all Roseville Area High School athletics and activities events. No exceptions.
Drawing Baby Animals - MEA Break Camp! 🦦 🦌 🖍️
Looking for MEA Break activities for your child? Register them for this MEA opportunity: Drawing Baby Animals with Young Rembrandts! We'll begin with the heartwarming realism of nature's young, from a fawn to playful otters. Transition into Kawaii style, capturing those irresistibly cute, wide-eyed creatures. Add a twist as we imagine baby animals donning fashionable attire, blending humor with creativity, and dive into mythical baby creatures!
Thursday & Friday, Oct 17 & 18
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Grades K - 6
Aŋpétu Téča Education Center
Soccer Tykes with DASH Sports - Ages 3 to 6! ⚽️ 👟
DASH Sports Soccer Tykes camps provide players with an introductory experience to the game of soccer! Open to ages 3 to 6. Key elements of dribbling, passing, and shooting will be taught and practiced. Fun, skill-based games will be played to practice newly learned skills. Athletes should bring a water bottle (spikes and shin guards optional). Soccer balls are provided. Parent participation is recommended when needed for the younger players.
🗓️ Mondays, October 7 - 28
⏰ 4:30 - 5:00 p.m.
📍 Aŋpétu Téča Education Center
The Wonders of Learning - Summer Highlights! 🎥
What is it like to be part of Roseville Area Schools’ summer programming? Here’s a glimpse into student experiences from summer 2024! 🔍 Our district served students of all ages - from infants to adults - through a wide variety of programs. Watch this video to see why our families continue to #ChooseRoseville! 🎉 If you or your child participated in our summer programs, you may even see familiar faces in some clips. 😊