Tiger Tracks
January 2025

January 2025 Edition
Admin Announcements
We're already halfway through the school year! To streamline our morning routine and ensure a punctual start, we kindly ask that students exit vehicles independently during car rider line. Parents, we also ask that you no longer exit your vehicle in the morning drop off line.
We're gently reminding families about the importance of arriving at school on time. Being punctual helps students feel settled and ready to learn, and it minimizes disruptions to the classroom. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this matter.
To maintain a timely start to the school day, please note that the car rider line will conclude at 7:45 AM. This will allow us to begin our instructional day at 7:50 AM as scheduled.
Upcoming Events
Title 1 Parent Engagement
The Parent Resource Room is available for you to visit during school hours, Monday-Friday. Stop in to help with preparing materials for teachers or grab some resources on several different parenting topics. Room 804 welcomes you to come visit!
I look forward to seeing you!
Family Engagement Policy: You can view our current school and district Family Engagement Policies on our website, request a paper copy to be sent to you, or come by the Parent Resource Room!
The link to view is https://www.rps.catoosa.k12.ga.us/title_i/policies___plans
Volunteer Opportunities & Events:
Room Parent (contact your teacher)
Parent Resource Room
Tracy Wilson, Parent Involvement twilson.rps@catoosa.k12.ga.us
Let's Talk Lunch
New Lunch Payment System
The Catoosa County Public Schools Child Nutrition Department is excited to announce a transition to a new online meal payment and processing system to better serve our students and families. The current provider, K12 PaymentCenter, will cease operations at 4:00 PM on Friday, December 13th, 2024, and the new system, EZ School Pay, will begin accepting payments on Friday, January 3rd, 2025.
For more information, click HERE to visit the Child Nutrition District Website.
To set up your EZSchoolPay account, click HERE. You will need to know your child's lunch account number.
You can apply for free or reduced lunch by using this link: www.lunchapplication.com
Gym Notes
Notice to parents! If you need to communicate something important to Coach Mc, please hand write a note and send it in with your child. I receive ALL of the notifications for the entire school as a co teacher. Unfortunately, the messages meant for just myself get lost in the masses. Thank you.
Counselor Corner
Character Education Trait for January is Trustworthiness, which means worthy of confidence or
We are so excited to be able to have mentors meeting with students at RPS this year. Mentors
typically commit to meet with a student on a weekly basis to provide students with support and
encouragement from a positive adult role model. There is a Mentor Training Class at Heritage
High School on Friday, January 24, 2025 at 8:30am. If you are interested in mentoring a student
at RPS, please contact Karen Farmer, RPS School Counselor by phone 706-937-5437, email
kfarmer.rps@catoosa.k12.ga.us or through Class Dojo. I look forward to hearing from you about
your willingness to participate in this wonderful opportunity!
PBIS Class Rewards for Fall Semester:
o Class of the Month: Bomar (September), Slatton (October), and Dobbins (November)
o Café Cubs: Terry (September), McClure (October), and Helton (November)
o Hallway Heroes: Robinson (September), Neuman (October), and Crawford (November)
Library Lessons
Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a research-based framework for
teaching and supporting positive behaviors for ALL students. This school-wide approach
to discipline focuses on building a safe and positive environment in which all students
can learn. The benefits of implementing PBIS include improved school culture, reduced office discipline referrals, reduced suspensions, increased instructional time, improved
social and emotional development, improved school safety, and increased student
At RPS, our PBIS Expectations for all students are Responsible, Polite, and Safe. Our
behavior charts describe expected behavior in each setting of the school. Each area has
its own behavior chart posted in that area. Classroom teachers also have created a chart
specific to that class so students understand the routines for each classroom.
Throughout the school year, students are taught what it looks like to be responsible,
polite, and safe in every setting during the school day. These lessons will be re-taught
and reinforced throughout the school year and become a part of the instructional
PTO Happenings
PTO will be having a fundraiser selling Double Good Popcorn January 21-25. Be on the lookout for information to come home soon.
RPS PBIS Fundraiser
RPS Annual Strawberry Fundraiser
Catoosa County Recreation Spring Sports
Connect with Us!
Whitney Hood, Principal
Michele Cribb, Assistant Principal