Saddle Up for Success 2024-2025
October 21-October 25
Saddle Up for Success
This week, we look forward to a continued strong start to 2nd quarter and being able to recognize our students this Friday at 8:20am for showing responsibility!
Important Dates
October 15-November 14: Food and Toy Drive Service Projects
- See details below about these STUCO sponsored events! Your help in communicating this to students and families is appreciated.
October 21: Make Somebody's Monday!
- You can use this staff favorites spreadsheet to celebrate a staff member with one of their favorites! Wear jeans in return!
October 21: BOE Meeting at MacArthur @ 4:30pm.
October 25: Hearing and Vision Screenings
- See details below from Nurse Melinda.
October 25: Character Strong Assembly
- New time is 8:20am-8:50am
- Wendy will be present for this as we have an ALT meeting at 8:30am. Wendy will join the ALT meeting after the assembly.
October 28-November 1: Red Ribbon Week
- See theme week below!
- Please note the change for October 31st!
November 7th: International Day
- More details coming soon about the schedule!
Hearing and Vision Screenings
Hearing & Vision screenings will take place October 22-25 at MacArthur.
- The sign up sheet is located on the lounge door so please sign up ASAP. There is flexibility in the middle of the day so if you cannot find a slot, please let me know.
- SPED — will try to get your students in advance.
- The screenings will take place in the extra classrooms in the basement next to the Tornado Shelter and will take no longer than 30 minutes per class.
RED RIBBON WEEK OCT. 28 through November 1st
Please note the change to the theme for October 31st. This change was made to make sure there wasn't any confusion about Halloween costumes (which are not permitted as the district does not recognize Halloween as a celebration/party day.
International Day is November 7th!
We are excited to host this year’s International Day at Patton Junior High on November 7, 2024! We now have over 20 families signed up to represent 18 countries for our students in grades 1-9. Schedules will be communicated soon after October 24th!
Specials Schedule October 14th-October 25th
October 21st: B Day
October 22nd: C Day
October 23rd: D Day
October 24th: A Day
October 25th: B Day
October 28th: C Day
October 29th: D Day
October 30th A Day
October 31st: B Day
November 1st: C Day
Updates and Reminders
- Kayla Teter is here for Kylie and Kate will be here through November 1st for Taylor.
- The district has set November 21st as our Thanksgiving Feast Day. I will work with our GC to make sure all plans are solidified.
- Teachers, please forward any messages regarding absences to Meg and/or Angie. Melinda calls parents of all students with no absence reason marked, and we don't want to call them if they have already notified the teacher.
Fall Pictures
See below for information on how to view and order fall pictures. Pictures will be arriving soon!
Your Commute
The closure of Hancock Avenue and Iowa Avenue beginning on October 21, 2024
Hancock Gate opens Monday through Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., beginning on October 28, 2024.
Changes to stop sign orientation at the intersections of Iowa Avenue/5th Artillery (near MacArthur Entrance)
Changes to stop sign orientation at the intersections of 5th Artillery Road/Sheridan Drive/Hancock Avenue (near Hancock Pool)
The primary reroute of Iowa traffic will be through Kansas Avenue, which goes right through a neighborhood. The speed limit in housing areas varies and can be as low as 10-15 MPH - be alert! Additional caution for pedestrians should be a priority, as foot traffic is expected to increase AND Bradley is an all-walking school.
As traffic flows adjust, we will need to encourage patience. Change is hard!
Assistant Principal News
Tornado Drill
Sometime next week, I would like you to walk your class down to the FEMA shelter and discuss expectations if there were a tornado. In the case of an actual event, classes would come in, go sit toward the back together and wait quietly until it passes. When you complete this, email me and I will check your class off as being complete.
Social Worker
Just a reminder that if you have a student that needs to see the Social Worker, we have a form in MAC Google Classroom under the topic Social Work.
What would a student need to see a social worker for? Here are some examples.
Resource for families, attendance/truancy, food insecurity, bullying, failing multiple subjects, substance abuse, behavioral issues (underlying), divorce, new transitions, or Hearts Aparts.
Michelle Speer is the Social Worker for MacArther Elementary and she is in our building Tuesday mornings and Thursday afternoons. Keep in mind though that her schedule is subject to change.
Coaching News
I am currently working on the breakdowns for the Kite Mini-Test Assessments for Grades 3-5 (thanks to Kylie for sharing this document!). It includes the name of each mini-test, the relevant standards, assessed content and skills, the number of items, and text complexity (where applicable). While this document is still a work in progress, I wanted to share it to help you identify which mini-tests may align with your essential standards. These assessments can also be used for CFAs, providing students with more exposure to the KITE testing format.
3rd Grade click here
4th Grade click here
5th Grade click here
Small groups during WIN time and 1:1 during lunches will begin starting Monday, Oct 21st. This week will just be introductions and explanations of the curriculum topic, as well as letting students know where they will go to receive their lessons. Session One of the Curriculum will officially begin the week of Oct. 28th. These run for 10 weeks.
We have a total of 32 students that will be receiving this Tier 2 support. The majority of the students will be seen by me, while our School Social Workers, Mrs. York and Mrs. Speer, will see a few students as well. Check your emails for specific details for students from your classes to know the schedule.
Mrs. Speer will also be pulling some of the students that were in the Yellow range. More details will be shared with you all once we have that planned out.
PreK support will be discussed as needed with PreK teachers and Admin Team.
If you have any questions/concerns about these groups, please let me know.
Part of the Character Strong Tier 2 Curriculum involves each student receiving Tier 2 instruction to have a mentor. This mentor will have quick daily check ins twice a day with their assigned student. More details to come on this but I want you all to be thinking about whether or not you would be willing to help mentor our kiddos.
If you have students with School Jobs, please email me the student name, teacher, title of the job and if you need a lanyard so that I can make their official MacArthur badges. Once I have them made, Angie will print them out for you. If you have questions, let me know.