George Ranch H.S.
GRHS Sunday Longhorn News 3-20-2022
Connect With Us!
Website: https://lcisd.org/campuses/georgeranchhs/home
Location: 8181 FM 762 Road, Richmond, TX, USA
Phone: 832-223-4200
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WeAreGRHS/?modal=admin_todo_tour
Twitter: @WeAreGRHS
A Message From Heather Patterson, GRHS Principal
Happy Sunday GRHS Longhorns,
Welcome Back Longhorns! I hope your Spring Break was full of fun with friends and family, relaxation, and making tons of memories! We are heading into the last stretch of the second semester so bring your BEST self to school each day ready to learn, work hard, and follow the campus expectations. Seniors we are heading into #SRSZN so hang on tight and enjoy the ride, because it will FLY by. Let your parents soak up every moment with you (they have earned it) and although there is still some work to do, we have plenty of Senior stuff planned for you to enjoy and close out this chapter in style! Make sure and check your email on Wednesday for a schedule of Senior events that are already on the calendar!
As the weather begins to warm back up this month, please make sure you are WELL within dress code. That means your shorts are LONG enough, shorts can be SEEN WELL BELOW those oversized t-shirts, no mid drift showing (which means the length of your shirt matters too), and no hoodies UP inside the building. Also, you should NOT be carrying a blanket around, if you feel the building is cold, bring a jacket or sweatshirt.
LESS THAN 100 21-22 Yearbooks Left! Better Hurry!
Yes....ID's are still mandatory....so dig yours out of your backpack!
If you do not have an ID at this point, you will need to purchase a new one for $5 in the library from 8:00-8:15am. If you choose not to, there will be a HOLD placed on your account for the end of year. (exemptions/graduation/final grades, etc) Remember No ID = No Tech visible! Please make sure you are following this rule as well as being in dress code and to ensure that you are not written up for non compliance.
The front office is open daily Monday- Friday 8:00-4:00pm to assist you. You can also directly email us or call 832-223-4200 during the same hours. We are happy to help!
Admin contact info (by last name alpha split):
Chris Cuellar - Assistant Principal (Alpha Split A-Dan) ccuellar@lcisd.org
Carrie Yanta -Assistant Principal (Alpha Split Dao-Hou) cyanta@lcisd.org
Jessie Eilenstine Assistant Principal (Alpha Split Hov-Mom) jessie.eilenstine@lcisd.org
Judy Momanyi - Assistant Principal (Alpha Split Mon-Sac) judith.momanyi@lcisd.org
Marqueshah Coy - Assistant Principal (Alpha Split Sad-Z) mcoy@lcisd.org
Nicholas Cavallo - Campus Athletic Coordinator (athletic questions/concerns) ncavallo@lcisd.org
Madelyn Gage - GRHS Nurse (Medical/COVID questions) madelyn.gage@lcisd.org
Sandra May - GRHS Nurse (Medical/COVID questions) sandra.may@lcisd.org
GRHS Counselors: (by last name alpha split)
Jamie Rufo (alpha split A-Dan) jrufo@lcisd.org
Stacey Richards (alpha split Dao-Hou) stacey.richards@lcisd.org
Abraham Vil (alpha split Hov-Mom) abraham.vil@lcisd.org
Alicia Henley-Stegent Dual Credit & (alpha split Mon-Sac) alicia.stegent@lcisd.org
Ashley Hunt (alpha split Sad-Z) ashley.hunt@lcisd.org
Carin Reeves 504/AP creeves@lcisd.org
- MONDAY is WORLD DOWN SYNDROME DAY - BUST OUT THOSE COLORFUL SOCKS for a 4th period advisory challenge and help us celebrate and spread awareness about just how special our Down Syndrome Longhorns are to us here at the ranch!
- GRHS FFA Spirit Night - Tuesday at Texas Roadhouse!
- Consequence Reminder Chart - Good Choices Matter at the Ranch!
- LESS THAN 100 (21-22) Yearbooks Left! Better Hurry!
- SENIORS One More TSI Opportunity! Sign Up Today!
- DUAL CREDIT (SUMMER AND 22-23 OFFERINGS) Deadline March 25th!
- NO PHONES/AIRPODS/HEADPHONES OUT DURING CLASSTIME and NO Hoodies pulled UP inside the building!
- ID's are mandatory EVERY DAY! If you need a NEW ID/Lanyard- you can purchase them for $5 in the library from 8:00-8:15 daily. Must be visibly worn on the TOP half of your body. NO ID = NO PHONE OUT AT ANY TIME!
- 22-23 LCISD Instructional Calendar
- Transcript and VOE Requests Procedures
It's time to ROCK YOUR SOCKS Longhorns! Help us spread Down Syndrome Awareness at the Ranch! 4th period advisory class that SHINES with highest percentage of MOST COLORFUL SOCKS ON (and have ID's visible) will win a POPSICLE PARTY during your TUESDAY Advisory! ROCK THOSE SOCKS LONGHORNS!
SUPPORT OUR GRHS FFA...and DON'T COOK on Tuesday! Dine in or Take out works! They will also have a BAKE SALE table on site that night, so grab some dessert too!
Please review the Consequence Reminder Chart we made. The majority of this is nothing new, just taken from the LCISD Student Code of Conduct (or my campus expectations since day one) and made into a chart to ensure clarity! Good choices matter at the Ranch!
Make sure you know what 3-4 inches is on those shorts and follow the technology expectations!
Do you have a passion for sports and for helping others? Are you looking to be a part of athletics but aren’t sure where you would fit best? The George Ranch Sports Medicine team is looking for incoming 9th, 10th and 11th graders to join our program! We want students with love for people, athletics and being a team player to help us support all of Longhorn Athletics! If you’re interested in learning more about what a student athletic training assistant is and how you could become one, join our SportsYou interest group to learn more!
Longhorn Families...Save the Dates!
Hey Longhorns! We have an awesome way for you and the whole family to support the GRHS Choir & Booster Club on Sunday, April 3rd! We are offering a delicious lunch of chicken fried chicken and all the fixin’s provided by our friends at Reyna’s Cafe! To-go box meals will be served fresh and hot DRIVE THRU style - so you don’t even have to get out of your car. Can’t beat that!
Proceeds will go directly to the choir and support our end of year activities. You can scan the QR code attached to the flyer or visit the booster club website at https://george-ranch-hs-choirs-booster-club.square.site to purchase your meals.
Pick up in the back parking lot anytime between 11am-2pm. Please order by March 24th and spread the word to anyone you know who loves chicken fried chicken!
For any questions email jaccihotzel@gmail.com.
Hey Parents...Know Anyone That Wants to Work With GR-eat Kids? Send them our way!
STAY TIGHT Longhorns!
Mobile Learning Device (MLD) Posters Hanging In All Classrooms Since Day 1! Parents, if there is an emergency DURING CLASS TIME, and you need to contact your student, please keep them out of trouble by CALLING THE FRONT OFFICE at 832-223-4200 and we will get them a message! Thanks for your help in keeping instructional time sacred!
Behavior Reminders!
- No ID = NO PHONE (even during lunch/advisory) If you refuse to put them up, it's a write up.
- No "hood" (from hoodies) or beanie (covering ears) can be worn INSIDE the building.
- Phones must be put away at AT ALL TIMES during instructional time, unless there is an instruction purpose GIVEN by the teacher and the sign is on GREEN. If you refuse to follow this, it will be a write up. (Phones are allowed before the 8:15 bell, during your lunch and advisory, and after 3:40pm)
- Ignoring teachers/staff when they are asking you to put on ID or to put your phone up will be a write up. (That's just disrespect)
- In the hallways without an ID AND a pass during class time, will be a write up.
- Instigating, participating, or videoing an altercation (regardless of how small) will be a write up. If you are part of a fight, you will be placed at ALC.
Have you seen the 2022 - 2023 Instructional Calendar yet?
DOWNLOAD A COPY HERE ▶️ http://bit.ly/3Ce8ADe
SENIORS...Next NEWSLETTER coming out this Wednesday to your LCISD Email! Be on the look out!
Monday, March 21 - Senior Moms will be at school during lunch periods to hand out Prograd Waivers and take payments of $15.
Thursday, March 31 - Prograd Scholarship forms must be turned by 11:59pm.
Wednesday, April 20 - Kendra Scott Jewelry Pull at 7pm live on Facebook
Friday, April 22 - Last day to turn in Prograd Waivers and payments
Needing Junior parents who want to volunteer to help with Prograd on Sunday, May 22 after graduation. You will earn points for your student next year. If interested please contact Monique Degeyter at mdegeyter@me.com or 281-989-1466
SENIORS...still need to order something for graduation? Click this BALFOUR link below!
Need a Smart Tag Replacement? They cost $5 and you MUST USE THE LINK BELOW!
While you are TEMPORARILY OUT you still have access to your teachers CANVAS pages to help you stay as connected as possible during this short period. Once you get back we will work with you (during advisory/before/after school) to get caught up.
- GRHS Nurse - Sandra May sandra.may@lcisd.org
- Your student's Assistant Principal (listed below by last name alpha split)
Admin contact info (by last name alpha split):
Chris Cuellar - Assistant Principal (Alpha Split A-Dan) ccuellar@lcisd.org
Carrie Yanta -Assistant Principal (Alpha Split Dao-Hou) cyanta@lcisd.org
Jessie Eilenstine Assistant Principal (Alpha Split Hov-Mom) jessie.eilenstine@lcisd.org
Judy Momanyi - Assistant Principal (Alpha Split Mon-Sac) judith.momanyi@lcisd.org
Marquesha Coy - Assisitant Principal (Alpha Split Sad-Z) mcoy@lcisd.org
In the email please include:
- Student Name
- Grade Level
- Student ID
- Date of Confirmed POSITIVE
ID's Mandatory! We GIFTED you a NEW one this semester! It's up to your to wear it!
- NEED A NEW LANYARD/ID BRING $5 to the library between 8:00-8:15am!
- GRHS ID's must be VISIBLY WORN on the TOP half of your body. If you refuse, you will have disciplinary consequences. NO more temporaries will be given out.
ONLY 100 left!
Remember Longhorns, the earlier you order the better the price of the book! Order today!
Questions? Get in touch with Mr. Terrando at 832.223.4236 or via email at thomas.terrando@lcisd.org.
Click the link below to order your 21-22 yearbook now!
Click the PDF Link Below for Early Pick Up Procedures
Have a New Driver? Need a VOE? We have you covered!
Verification of Enrollment (VOE) Request
If you are needing to request a verification of enrollment (VOE), to obtain a student permit or license, please email Mrs. Lujan at blujan@lcisd.org
In the email request, please include student's id number. Please note that it takes 1 business day to process VOE request.
Please note that VOE expires 30 days after it is signed.
Child Support/ Verification of Enrollment Letter
If you are needing to request a VOE letter for child support, please email Mrs. Hall at rhall@lcisd.org
This letter will list the student's expected graduation date and confirm the student is currently enrolled.
Please note that it takes 1 business day to process VOE letter request.
GRHS Admin Team Support
Our Admin Team is ready and willing to support! We are available (via email) during business hours and will be promptly getting back with you for assistance.
Please feel free to reach out to your child's Assistant Principal (alpha split by last name) for student specific concerns or assistance.
Heather Patterson - Principal hpatterson@lcisd.org
Brian Forshee - Associate Principal bforshee@lcisd.orgChris Cuellar - Assistant Principal (Alpha Split A-Dan) ccuellar@lcisd.org
Carrie Yanta -Assistant Principal (Alpha Split Dao-Hou) cyanta@lcisd.org
Jessie Eilenstine Assistant Principal (Alpha Split Hov-Mom) jessie.eilenstine@lcisd.org
Judy Momanyi - Assistant Principal (Alpha Split Mon-Sac) judith.momanyi@lcisd.org
Marqueshah Coy - Assistant Principal (Alpha Split Sad-Z) mcoy@lcisd.org
Nicholas Cavallo - GRHS Campus Athletic Coordinator (athletic concerns/questions) ncavallo@lcisd.org
Counselors, College Career Facilitator, and Registrar Squad!
Our GRHS Counselors, College Career Facilitator, and Registrar are ready and available to support you. The best way to contact them is via email and they will be getting back with you for assistance within 24 business hours. From schedule questions, college questions, transcript requests, to any student concern our GRHS team is here to assist you and your child. Feel free to email them with any questions or concerns. (Alpha Split by Student LAST Name for Counselors)
Jamie Rufo (alpha split A-Dan) jrufo@lcisd.org
Stacey Richards (alpha split Dao-Hou) stacey.richards@lcisd.org
Abraham Vil (alpha split Hov-Mom) abraham.vil@lcisd.org
Alicia Henley-Stegent Dual Credit & (alpha split Mon-Sac) alicia.stegent@lcisd.org
Ashley Hunt (alpha split Sad-Z) ashley.hunt@lcisd.org
Carin Reeves 504/AP creeves@lcisd.org
Lauren Ford - College Career Facilitator (CCF)- lauren.ford@lcisd.org
Marci Macha -George Ranch Registrar - mamacha@lcisd.org
Follow Us on Twitter! @WeAreGRHS Search for our hashtag #WeAreGR and see what is all going on with our Longhorns!
GRHS Spring College & Career fair was a HUGE SUCCESS. We had 25 colleges on campus today. Thank you to our college recruiters for meeting with our staff and students today. We appreciate Mrs. Ford, GR College & Career Facilitator, and out GR Counselors for organizing this showcase opportunity for our Longhorns!
Sheep heart dissections were fascinating in Mrs. Holmes class before Spring Break!
It may have been the FRIDAY before Spring Break but there were still GR-eat things happening at the Ranch! From Lip Sync Karaoke in Mrs. Bracksieck’s class, to PI Day celebrations and activities in Ms. Guidry’s class, to the first annual Senior Sonnet Coffeehouse hosted by GRHS Culinary and produced by AP Lit teacher Ms. Thompson, to Perseverance and resilience being modeled by Mr. Toups classes where student discourse was on point with rigorous real world math in action, to fun discussion activities for Sustainable Agriculture today!
Loteria Night 2.0 another successful community event!! Thank you to everyone who supported us and thanks to the amazing SHS crew!
Here’s the link to the GRHS Student News, Episode 23!
Big win for our JV softball squad! The team picked up a Championship win vs. Lamar in their Wharton JV tournament and came home with some hardware. All Tourney honors going to A. Dominguez, K. Jolley, and B. Bielitz! Proud of this team and coaches for coming back! #WeAreGR
GRHS Softball put up a battle against Ridge Point tonight. Fought hard but fell short. Great bats from K. Marlow, J. Johnston, and M. Garner. Looking to come back for more district play after the break! #WeAreGR
Longhorn Softball came away with a win tonight vs. Austin with a score of 16-1. Proud of this program across the board for going out and getting the win! Shout out to JV for staying and cheering on their teammates in the cold! Solid bats tonight and big defense! #WeAreGR N. Thompson dealing on the mound, HR by K. Deas, and HR by M. Burks!
The JV softball team came away with a win against Travis with a score of 15-10. The team fought hard to come away with their second district win. We are so proud of this group and their continued hard work. Varsity came up short in their fight against a competitive Travis team with a score of 1-3. Huge accolades going out to N. Thompson on the mound and a strong defense.
What a comeback!! George Ranch Varsity Baseball comes back from 1-8 to win 11-10 against Elkins H.S. in district game #1! #WWATR
The JV Longhorn Baseball Team took on the Seven Lakes Spartans in their first day of the KISD JV Baseball Tournament. The Horns ended up on the losing end of a close 6-5 game. Briggs Surratt got the start and pitched well I the early innings to give the Longhorns a chance in the game. Brandon Mays hit a homer and Trent Richards had a couple key singles to give the Longhorns a chance late.
The Freshman Longhorns lost to Tomball HS 3-2. The longhorns were led by Kirby Orth who pitched well against the cougars.
In a rematch of Last Monday’s tilt the JV Longhorn Baseball Team took on the Tomball Cougars Monday Night. The Horns and Cougars battled to a 3-3 tie. The Longhorns had strong starting pitching from Luke Pickett. Trent Richards’ had a key 2 RBI single that helped put the Longhorns up early. The Horns will look to continue their strong play as they head into the Katy ISD JV Tournament this weekend.
Freshman. Game 1 The Longhorns beat Palcios HS 11-0. Offensivley the longhorns were led by Blake Beheler (2 for 3) with 3 runs battled in and a double. Rysz threw a complete game with 8 strike outs. Game 2 The Longhorns beat Brenham HS 11-6. Offensivley the longhorns were led by Blake Beheler with two hits and 3 runs battled in. Also, Noah Montealvo added 2 runs. Both Yanta and Richards pitched well against the cubs.
The varsity longhorn tennis team competed in the Lone Star Showdown. This tournament was stacked with talented players from 16 high caliber teams in the Houston area. Unfortunately, no one on the team brought home any hardware, but we earned many great wins against our district competitors. In the A boys doubles division, senior Cristian Johnson and sophomore Sebastian Johnson played well together throughout the day and got a big 8-0 win over Elkins. In B boys doubles, Santiago Allub and Diego Martinez defeated Dulles 8-0. In A girls doubles, seniors Sofia Frey and Jasmine Huynh took down the Elkins team 8-0. In B Girls Doubles, Gabby Champion and Rayne Ripoll fought hard in three very competitive matches. Maddie Sams and Michael Pearson also played very well in the A mixed doubles division earning a big win over Cinco Ranch. The team will take a little time off over spring break, but will be back in action the following week in Cy-Fair.
The JV Longhorn tennis team competed in the Clear Falls Tournament this week. Unfortunately, the tournament was rained out after a few rain delays throughout the day. Mixed doubles team of Zayne Smith and Caelyn Pham had qualified for the finals right before the rain picked up. In B Boys Doubles, both of our entries made it to face off in the finals against one another. Judd Roth and Ben Nicholie will be competing against Matthew Rose and Jonathan Mai for the gold and silver medals later this week. Freshman, Solana Argao was competing in the semifinals of the B Girls Singles division. While both of our B Girls Doubles entries were also competing in the semifinals when play concluded. Shoutout to doubles teams of Edie Oestreich/Sophia Crescini and Hannah Pham/Scotlyn Thiel for going undefeated during tournament play. The team looks forward to playing in the Cy Fair tournament the week after spring break and hopes for better weather!
The Longhorns soccer took on the Clements Rangers Tuesday Night. On the Horns Senior Night, the Horns were able to beat the Clements Rangers 3-2. The Longhorns got goals from Yoma Abobo, Edwin Avalos, and Rogelio Tristan.
The Longhorn Varsity Soccer Team lost a tough one in their final game of the season against the Dulles Vikings. The final score ended 2-0 in favor of the Vikings. We are so proud of their hard work and dedication to the program! Best of luck to all our Seniors on your next adventure you will be missed!
The JV Longhorn Soccer Team took on the Dulles Vikings Friday Night in their final game of the Season. The game ended in a 0-0 tie.
The JV Longhorn Soccer Team took on the Clements Rangers in their final home game of the year. The Horns lost the contest 5-0. The Rangers firepower was too much for the Horns to over come. The Horns will travel to Dulles Friday for their final game of the year.
The girls soccer came up with a HUGE win Friday when they took on Dulles in the last game of district play. Despite the cold temperatures and brutal wind the girls came away with a 8-0 victory. Taylor Holcombe came away with 3 goals on the night, with Brynn Johnson, Ava Costa, Annie Schoditsch, Krystin Moore and Amber Twilley all adding one goal each. Schoditsch assisted 4 of the Longhorn goals, with Moore adding 2, Johnson and Twilley 1 each. Excellent defense from Giselle Kattan, Mackenzie Smith, Hailey Moffett, Mea Daul, Bailey Crouch and Reagan Nichols. This win qualifies the girls for the Playoffs for the 11th consecutive year!
The girls soccer team traveled to Clements High School Tuesday night to take on the Lady Rangers. The JV team battled hard in the cold temperatures. The girls dropped their game to the Rangers 3-1. The varsity girls fought hard against a speedy Clements team and came up just short dropping the game 1-0. The girls play their last district game of the season on Friday when they host Dulles.
On March 16th, the varsity boys track and field team had one stop before the start to their spring break. Participating in the Clear Creek ISD Knight relays, the Longhorns placed 1st amongst 13 schools. Highlights of the meet came from Travis Morrey who placed 3rd in the 3200m run, Ife Famogun who placed 2nd in the 110m hurdles, Michael Meneley who placed 3rd in both the 110m and 300m hurdles, and Kaleb and Kyle Kiser who finished 1st and 2nd respectively in the Triple Jump. There were also first place finishes by the 4x200m relay who consisted of Shane Gardner, Kyjah Savery, Coy Cook, and Jeffery Ugo; while the 4x400m relay team of Isaiah Randon, Hymond Drinkard, Ife Famogun, and Michael Okoroha finished 2nd. Overall, that young men showed up during their break and left home with hardware. Congratulations to the young men who took time out of their spring break win the meet!
On Thursday night, March 10th, the varsity boys track and field team participated in the Generation Park invitational hosted by Summer Creek High school. In the field of 11 teams, the boys took 5th place overall. Highlights of the meet came from Kaleb and Kyle Kiser who placed 1st and 2nd in the triple jump; Kyjah Savery, who placed 3rd in the 400m dash; and Shane Gardner who placed 1st in both the 110m and 300m hurdles. The boys will compete again at Clear Falls on March 16th during spring break.
The Freshmen and Jv Boys took on the Knight Relays Thursday evening. The boys had a great performance and showed what hard work brings. Freshmen boys- take 1st in the 4x100 m race(Joaquin Barlow, Anthony Lenette, Brandon Everett, Jett Roberts. In the 4x200, the boys was able to place 2nd place(Joshua Akaluso, Jett Roberts, Joaquin Barlow, Christian Lee). In the final relay, freshmen boys received 3rd, (Joshua Araya, Aidan Creech, Joshua Akaluso, Brandon Everett.) Lansana Kallon finished 3rd in the 1600m race. Aidan Creech placed 3rd in both hurdle events (110m,300m). In field events, Vernon Greene placed 2nd in shot put, Joshua Akaluso placed 2nd and Sean Johnson placed 3rd in triple jump. Jv Boys- Jackson Muckelroy placed 2nd in the 100m. Chris Chijioke placed 1st in the 200m. Rogelio Hernandez finished the 400m 2nd place. William Neel competed in the 3200m and placed 3rd. Adrian Falkquay ran both hurdle races and placed 1st in the 110mh, 2nd in the 300mh. In the 4x100 and 4x200 relays we were able to finish 2nd place. (Dylan Smith, Christopher Chijioke, Jackson Muckelroy, Adrian Falkquay.) (Colin Mclemore, Gregor Jones, Chris Chijioke, Jackson Muckelroy.) In the 4x400, Rogelio Hernandez, Adrian Agadah, Gregor Jones & Sheldon Goodman placed 1st! Kachi Okoye placed 3rd in Triple Jump. Micheal Spear finished 2nd in High jump. In Pole Vault, we placed 1st-3rd with Carson Lee, Kaden Zepada & Carson Poss.
On Thursday March 10th, the Varsity girls travelled to Summer Creek High School to compete in the 3rd Annual Generation Park Track and Field Invitational. This was one of the hottest meets in the state, with talent from all over Region 3 coming to display their very best. The girls team battled hard all day, putting forth a huge team effort with point contributors coming from all over the team. The distance squad was highlighted in particular as they swept both the 3200 and the 1600, setting up the girls from GR and the ladies from Shadow creek in an epic 4x400 show down. The girls took care of business and brought the trophy back to Richmond! Point contributors were the following. 100 meter dash: A’Marie Khan 2nd 200 meter dash: A’Marie Khan 2nd 400 meter dash: Madi Gentles 6th 800 meter run: Ava Curtis 1st 1600 meter: Sophia Nguyen 1st, Lexi Harkrider 2nd, Ashley Pierson 3rd 3200 meter run: Sophia Nguyen 1st, Lexi Harkrider 2nd, Madison Haldiman 3rd 300 meter hurdles: Elle Collins 6th 4x100 meter relay: (Chiemela Azuike, A’Marie Khan, Samantha Smith, Journie Franklin) 5th 4x200 meter relay: (Chiemela Asuike, Kalen Goodman, Samantha Smith, Journie Franklin) 2nd 4x400 meter relay: (Yfem Stephens, Ava Curtis, Chiemela Azuike, Madi Gentles) 4th Triple Jump: Kalen Goodman 4th High Jump: Raina Thomas 2nd Pole Vault: Taylor Reeves 1st, Meredith Morrey 2nd This was one of the best team efforts of the season, as we faced a true regional preview. Hold your heads up high and continue to work Ladies! Greatness is right around the corner!