Beacon Bulletin
Week of October 28th - November 1st "A Week"
Important PPES Information
Hello Piney Point Families!
- Last week, our entire school participated in a Clue game. Students received daily video clues made by our teachers. They then had to used their inference and deduction skills to find out what happed during the night at PPES. Congrats to our winning classes Mrs. Hepp's class and Mrs. Pizzidilli's class. They are MASTER detectives. They receive a movie treat and popcorn. The entire school will also earn apple cider for being great participants.
- It's Red Ribbon Spirit Week. Let's celebrate being drug free. Please see the list of daily spirit days below.
- We will be having our Book Character Parade on Thursday. Students may wear their costumes to school. We has that there are no masks, props or wigs. We love to celebrate our love of books but do not want too many distractions to the learning environment. Please be sure to bring your book with you as we are parading.
- Parent volunteers- this is a friendly reminder that you may volunteer in the classroom during your designated time. However, we ask that you do not travel with the students to specials, lunch or recess. We love having you here to work with our teachers and helping our students. We ask that you please follow our guidelines. PPES Volunteer guidelines
- Our 5th grade students will be visiting the Calvert Marine Museum. Parents we ask that you please have your student wear their field trip shirt for easy identification of PPES students when out of the building.
Don't forget to re-register your Weis card for the year. The LAST DAY TO REGISTER IS OCT 31ST.
This is one of the PTA's biggest sources of income. Last year Weis gave us $3,950! When you shop Weis gives a portion of your purchase to our school. It's quick and easy to sign up! You must re-register each year.
To re-register or to sign up, visit Weis4school.com
- There are so many fantastic things happening in our efforts to support SMCPS students with disabilities. Please use this survey to share your praise, story, or news about successes in your school or department!
- Parent Pick-Up reminder... If you are changing your child's mode of transportation for the day to Parent Pickup you must send an email to Jayne Worch at jdworch@smcps.org and Melissa Adkins at maadkins@smcps by 2:30 PM to be added to the list. You will not be added anytime after 2:30 and will need to come in the front office to pick up your child after dismissal. Thank you for your help with this procedure. Dismissal is a VERY busy time of the day. We want to make sure all of students get home safely. Routines are very important to our student success. If at all possible please try to not change the mode of transportation unless it is absolutely necessary.
- October 31st is the Book Character Parade at PPES. All students are welcome to participate. Students may wear their costume to school this day. However please keep in mind the following:
- Costumes must be school appropriate, nothing scary, violent or bloody.
- Costumes must have a book associated with them. Children are encouraged to have the book to carry during the parade.
- No masks, wigs, head gear or weapons/props are permitted.
- If your costume is a blow-up costume, please have a plan to remove it after the parade. These costumes can not be worn during class time in the building due to space in classes.
- The is a student only event. Due to lack of parking, parents are not permitted to attend. Thank you for your understanding.
Please take the time to read this newsletter in its entirety. It is jam packed with information to keep our Beacons shining bright!
~Mrs. Zeier
Book Character Parade- October 31st!
October 31st is the Book Character Parade at PPES. All students are welcome to participate. Students may wear their costume to school this day. However please keep in mind the following:
- Costumes must be school appropriate, nothing scary, violent or bloody.
- Costumes must have a book associated with them. Children are encouraged to have the book to carry during the parade.
- No masks, wigs, head gear or weapons/props are permitted.
- If your costume is a blow-up costume, please have a plan to remove it after the parade. These costumes can not be worn during class time in the building due to space in classes.
- The is a student only event. Due to lack of parking, parents are not permitted to attend. Thank you for your understanding.
Math Tips and Tricks:
The Math Learning Center, the organization that wrote our Elementary Bridges Math Curriculum, offers resources that you can use at home to build mathematical confidence and increase ability with your student. These activities offer students the opportunity to use their modeling and reasoning skills to solve real world scenarios.
Each week, we will provide clickable links for families to explore and engage with the strategies that students are also exposed to in their classrooms. Enjoy!
Primary (K-2):
Intermediate (3-5):
Looking for more activities? Click on Math at Home and then your student’s Grade Level.
Class Dojo
Important Dates and Events:
- October 28- November 1st- Red Ribbon Spirit Week
- October 31- Character Day Parade at school
- November 4- 5:30 PM- Watch DOG Pizza Party!
- November 5- No School for Students and Staff
- November 6- report cards cards available on HAC
- November 8- 2 hour early dismissal
- November 8- Spirit Day- Crazy Hair Day
- November 11- Schools and Offices Closed
- November 27-29- Thanksgiving Break
Piney Point Pics.....
We can Clue, can you????
Trunk or Treat!
Important Bus Information
- Be sure to look up your child's bus number, bus stop, and approximate times. The HERE COMES THE BUS app will allow you to track the bus. Please remember these are approximate times.
School Meals:
If you have not already done so, please complete the meal benefit application if you think that your family may qualify. If you do not qualify or choose not to fill out a form, your student has the option to purchase breakfast and/or lunch each day. Payment may be in the form of cash or check payable to PPES, or by creating a My School Bucks account. Pease see link below for the application and My School Bucks link.
My School Bucks
Click here to check your child's breakfast/lunch balance and add money to their account
NEW VOLUNTEER INFORMATION--Please read carefully
If you are planning on volunteering regularly for your classroom teacher, you will need to complete the SMCPS Volunteer application. However, if you are volunteering as a chaperone on a field trip, you do not need to complete the application. You will need to sign in and out at the Main Office using your state issued ID. If you do not have your ID you will not be permitted to enter the school or chaperone on a trip. We have a 100% ID CHECK, NO EXCEPTIONS! There is no application fee for school volunteers. Parental involvement is a key component to student success. Thank you for your support.
From the Counselor
Hi Beacon Families,
It’s been a pleasure getting to know all the wonderful students at Piney Point Elementary
School and begin to learn and practice character development within the classroom. We are all
working together to learn the golden rule, treating others the way that we would like to be treated
ourselves. Make sure you give your Beacon a special shout-out for all of their hard-earned Piney
Points for respect in Dojo!
Grades K-2
Students are discovering essential skills for learning like focusing attention, listening, and
showing respectful behavior at home, in school, and in the community using the research-based
program Second Step. We all learn better when we can show each other respect!
Grades 3-5
Drawing from the Steps to Respect Bullying Prevention curriculum, older Beacons are
serving as role models to the younger students and joining me in ending bullying at Piney Point
Elementary School! Students are becoming proficient at identifying bullying, knowing how to
respond in a situation as a bystander, and learning how to interact with one another in an assertive
rather than aggressive manner to get our needs met.
As we learn to be better bystanders who stick up for one another, your child may come to
you more frequently to talk about situations that they think could be bullying. If you are not sure
what to say, thankfully, Steps to Respect details a simple process for responding to these
The Four A Response Process
1. Affirm the child’s feelings:
-“You were right to come to me for help” or “I’m glad you asked for my help.”
2. Ask questions:
-“Tell me more”
-“Has this happened before?”
-“Did anyone try to help?”
“Are you telling me this to get someone in trouble, or keep someone safe?”
3. Assess the child’s safety:
-Determine what they need to feel safe now.
4. Act:
-coach or refer to coaching and let the child know what to expect next.
Feel free to contact me anytime about your Piney Point Elementary Student. I am so
excited to see where this year takes us!
Look forward to hearing from you.
Sarah Weinberg
School Counselor
Piney Point Elementary School
From our School Social Worker Mrs. Broom
Click on the link below to visit her classroom
From the Nurse
Vision and hearing screenings are required for all new students enrolled in Maryland Public Schools and all first grade students. If your student does not pass the screening the Nurse will contact you. Please contact the Nurse if you have any questions or concerns.
Attendance Matters!
As we embark on a new school year, we want to highlight a key area of focus this year at Piney Point Elementary School: attendance. This year, we will be placing greater emphasis on ensuring that every student attends school regularly and on time.
Good attendance is crucial to your child’s success. Consistent presence in the classroom not only helps students stay engaged with their lessons but also builds habits of responsibility and discipline. It enables them to fully participate in educational activities, benefit from continuous instruction, and achieve their academic goals.
We understand that there may be circumstances that affect your child’s ability to attend school, and we are here to support you in any way we can. However, we encourage you to prioritize school attendance and to work with us to address any barriers that might arise.
Together, we can help our students thrive and reach their full potential. Thank you for your support and cooperation in this important matter.
Student Accident Insurance Information
Please review the following documents in regard to student accident insurance.
Spanish versions available:
Informative Letter to Parents - Span.
School Messenger Text Messaging
School Messenger Text Messaging FAQ's
Schoology is a very helpful tool and resource for teachers, students, and families. Please ensure that you are able to access Schoology for updates and information from the school and your child's teacher. If you need support in obtaining your Schoology log in information please email schoology@smcps.org for support. Please click Parent Notifications for directions to ensure your notifications are set to receive important information about your student.
Do you have the Schoology App?
Log Into the Schoology Mobile App
If you already have a Schoology account, download the Schoology app from Apple App Store, Google Play or the Amazon App Store. Tap the app icon to open it on your device.
You can use an email address or username to log into the application, depending on how your account was set up:
Log in through your School
Use the keyboard to enter SMCPS. As you type, matching choices populate in the list. The name, ID number, city, state, and zip code for the school should appear below.
Tap the name of your school or organization when it displays.
Use the email address or username to log in to the application, that was sent to you via email from Schoology with an app password. If you are an SMCPS student or teacher this is NOT your SMCPS password.
Tap LOG IN to complete.
If you are able to sign in with Google, and you are an SMCPS student or staff, please use that login process and follow the provided instructions in the prompts.
Want to enable notifications? Please check this document
Missing a Laptop Charger?
Need to purchase a laptop charger?
You can do one of two things:
1. Email your child's teacher or the Library Media Specialist Miss Hazuda (sjhazuda@smcps.org) that you wish to pay for the missing laptop charger. A fine then can be assessed so that you can pay using My School Bucks, sending in cash, or a check (made out to SMCPS).
2. Go directly to the DELL store. You can purchase directly from their website and have it shipped to your home.
Ensure one of these links is being used:
www.dell.com/mpp/smcps (click Shop Recommended Solutions to get to the discounted power cords)
www.dell.com/mpp/smcps-chargers (leads directly to the purchasing portal)
If you purchase from Dell, please make sure that you label the charger with the student's first and last name before sending it to school. If you have any questions, please contact your child's teacher or the Library Media Specialist Mrs. Anderson (lwanderson@smcps.org).
Birthday Treats
Birthday treats present the potential for allergic reactions for many of our students. They also interrupt instruction. However, we understand that some students enjoy celebrating their birthday with their friends at school. Because of all of these factors, birthday treats may NOT be edible. Gift bags with stickers, pencils, crayons, erasers, and/or other small toys are acceptable. They can also be shared at recess or the end of the day which doesn’t compromise instructional time. Parents who wish to provide birthday treats to a class are asked to notify the homeroom teacher in advance and to drop them off in the front office as early as possible.
PTA News
Join the PPES PTA
Don't forget to join the PTA or to renew your membership for 2024-2025. The cost is $20 per family. The grade with the most PTA memberships will get a free pizza party! PTA members get VIP access to events and news via our PTA newsletter. By becoming a member, there is no obligation to volunteer or attend monthly meetings. Join here: https://tinyurl.com/PineyPointES
Be a PTA Volunteer
Website: http://ppes.smcps.org/
Location: 44550 Tall Timbers Road, Tall Timbers, MD 20690
Phone: 301-994-2205