December 2024 Parent Newsletter
Boletín para padres de diciembre de 2024
Message from the Principal, Sandra Calkins
Dear Mission View families-
As we approach the end of the semester, we want to take a moment to reflect on the remarkable progress and growth our students have made throughout the first half of the school year. This time of year not only allows us to celebrate accomplishments but also to set intentions for the upcoming months. Please join us on December 19th for our December Data and Desserts at 9:00am. This is a time for students to share their growth and progress with their families while enjoying some tasty treats.
One of the standout events this month is our school-wide performance, Noche de Gala on Tuesday, December 17th at 5:30pm. This festive celebration allows students to showcase their talents in music and dance. Families and friends gather to enjoy stunning performances that highlight the hard work and dedication of our students and teachers. A special thank you to everyone who contributed to the success of this event, from the performers to the behind-the-scenes staff. A Special Thank you to Ms. Swift, our Music and Mariachi Teacher for coordinating and instructing the performances.
As we wrap up another year, we want to take a moment to express our heartfelt gratitude to our many community partners. Their generous and ongoing support play a vital role in enriching the lives of our students and families, and we are truly thankful for their commitment to our school community.
This month, we'd like to highlight a few of our exceptional partners:
- South Tucson Lions Club for sponsoring 20 students and providing them with clothes, books, and gifts. They also sponsored all of our Turkey Troy winner turkeys and pies.
- Pueblo Optimist Club for sponsoring 5 families and providing them clothes, gifts,and food boxes.
- South Tucson Fire Department for sponsoring 8 families with food boxes.
- Operation School Bell for sponsoring 70 students with clothes and toys.
- Knights of Columbus for sponsoring 2 families and providing food boxes.
- Mission View Optimist Club for sponsoring 1 family and providing clothes and gifts.
- Shop with a Cop for sponsoring 2 students with clothes and toys.
- United Hearts of Arizona Foundation for sponsoring 20 of our students and providing shows and jackets.
- Arturo Nido Foundation for sponsoring 6 families with food boxes and gifts.
- Coaches for Charity sponsoring 25 families and providing food boxes.
- El Triunfo Bakery for pastry donations for our Noche De Gala fundraiser.
Please continue to teach your children how to show and write Thanks you cards to show gratitude. Adults are always the best examples for children.
These partnerships not only support our students academically but also help foster a sense of belonging and community.
Thank you families for your ongoing support and partnership in your child’s education. Wishing you and your family a joyful holiday season and a happy new year!
Parent Teacher Association (PTA)
THANK YOU to all who made donations for our Cyclovia event. With our food vendor partnerships, we were able to raise more than $200 during this event.
PTA will also be selling Winter Grams this month. Winter Grams will be $1.00 each and will be delivered on December 19th. Winter Grams will include a personalized note and 2 mini candy canes in the shape of a heart. Students may buy them for classmates, friends, or staff members. Parents may buy them to send to their child or staff members. They will be for sale after school from Monday, December 2 - Friday, December 13th. A flyer is coming soon!
Noche de Gala Event will be on Tuesday, December 17th at 5:30 pm. PTA will be selling hot chocolate and pan dulce. Volunteers are needed to help with decorations for this event as well as selling items before the performances. Please email esther.delvalle@tusd1.org if you are able to volunteer. A flyer is coming soon!
Please join us for our PTA meeting on December 10th at 3:00pm. Snacks will be provided and a raffle for attendees. At our next PTA meeting, we will be finalizing plans for our Noche de Gala event such as how much we will be selling the items and the 100th day of School (January 21st). Please join us in sharing your voice to making these upcoming events successful!
Family Events
Counselor's Corner
We are extremely thankful to have all the support that we get from various individuals and companies who are so generous this season.
The change in weather has caused us to think of disease prevention. In November, we learned that being thankful boosts the immune system, keeping us healthy. Having warm supportive relationships helps to keep us happy, healthy and sane!
In December, Character Strong counseling lessons will focus on empathy. In addition, grades four and five will explore family traditions and problem solving. Grades three, two, one and kindergarten will begin talking about healthy choices as well as empathy exercises.
This is a short month as far as time spent in school. Let’s go for 100% of our kids being on time and here every day, unless they are sick of course. Teachers can’t teach your kids if they aren’t here! And teachers begin teaching the minute the morning bell rings.
You all help make Mission View a special place to work and learn.
Have a wonderful winter break!
Your counselor,
Jan Milligan
Dates to Remember
- Dec. 6- Student photos with Santa, prepaid orders only
- Dec. 11- Tiendita, 7:45-8:25am
- Dec. 13- Last Day for After School Programs, except Mariachi
- Dec. 16- Spirit Day- Wear Flannel
- Dec. 16- Last day of after school mariachi
- Dec. 17-Sprit Day Day- Tree Topper Day- Wear hats, antlers, etc.
- Dec. 17- Noche de Gala, 5:30 pm, all families are invited
- Dec. 17- 4th Grade Holiday celebration, sponsored by tennis coaches
- Dec. 18- Spirit Day- Wear Festive Sweater
- Dec. 19- December Data and Desserts, 9:00am- Please come join your child's class so they can share their progress and growth, while enjoying tasty treats
- Dec. 19- Spirit Day- Holiday Pajama Day
- Dec. 19th- Last Day of School this quarter
- Dec. 20, 2024- Jan. 5, 2025- NO SCHOOL, WINTER BREAK