September News
Focused and Ready!
Washington District Elementary School
Welcome to the Nest
Serving Grades Pre-K through 5th Grade in Westmoreland County Virginia
Important Dates for this Month
- 9/2- No School Labor day
- 9/6- Interims go home
- 9/4 & 9/5 - Dental Smiles Program
- 9/10 - Ledo's Pizza Fundraiser (all day)
- 9/10 - Book Fair Sept. 10 -24
- 9/12- Early Dismissal (Parent Teacher Conferences 2-6 pm)
- 9/12 - Literacy Night 2 - 6pm in the gym (in conjunction with parent-teacher conferences)
- 9/13- No School, Teacher Work Day
- 9/19 - McDonalds Fundraiser (4-8pm)
- 9/24 - School Pictures
- 9/24 - Last day of the Book Fair
- 9/2 - 9/27 - PreK & Kindergarten VKRP testing window
- 9/2 - 9/27 - K - 3 VALLS testing window
Attendance Matters!
Our students need to come to school and learn......everyday
As early as the first month of school, chronic absence (missing 10 percent or more of school days) can be an early warning sign of academic trouble, whether a student is in kindergarten or high school. Children who miss too much school in kindergarten and first grade often struggle to read proficiently by the end of third grade.
WDES School-Wide Incentive Program for Students
School-wide Incentive Program
Weekly and Monthly incentive with rewards
Get points for doing the Right thing
How to get points
Point cards collected each week and tallied
Golden Dust Pan - weekly winners
Golden Tray - weekly winners
What is Literacy (VDOE)
Literacy primarily refers to the ability to read and write. However, an expanded definition of literacy also carries additional significance.
Literacy Instruction
The goal of literacy instruction in Virginia is to ensure that all children have the necessary skills to become successful readers, writers, speakers, and listeners with the critical thinking skills that are required to be successful as they progress and transition through the stages of their lives.
Lexia® Core5® Reading (Pre-K–5)
The student’s units’ target is the number of units a student should aim to complete in a week in order to drive the student towards their end of year grade level benchmark (or substantially closing the gap to this benchmark).
This research-based measure considers the average amount of time it takes to complete units, how many units are in each grade level of material, and the student’s Performance Predictor range. This target corresponds to the student’s usage target and is a rate of two units per ten minutes of usage.
When students complete a unit in Lexia, they receive a certificate of completion and a prize to celebrate their success.
Back to School Night was a Success!!
I want to thank all the families that came out to "Back to School Night" on August 28, 2024. We had a great turn out.
Teacher Conference - Thursday, September 12, 2024 from 2-6pm
Early Dismissal for Students @ 12:30
Come speak with your child's teacher and get a update on their strengths and struggles. By appointment only and you will need to contact your teacher to sign up.
Teacher workday/professional development day
No School for Students on September 13, 2024. Enjoy your day!
MATH Activity to try at Home!!
Nurse's Corner
With the fall season approaching, we would like to send a few reminders to ensure your child’s health and safety.
- Keep your children healthy. Dress them warmly for the cold weather and make sure they have hats and gloves once it gets colder. Remind children not to share hats, clothing, or hair brushes. Encourage them to wash their hands regularly. Students should be encouraged to start their day with a healthy breakfast. Studies show improved test scores when children eat breakfast.
- Illness: If your child has been ill, he/she should be free of a temperature without the use of fever reducing medicine for 24 hours before returning to schoo1. Medications: Medication consent forms must be completed and signed by the parent for over the counter medication brought in by the parent each school year. If a child, by order of a physician must receive prescription medications then the medication form must be signed by the physician and parent. All medications (over the counter and prescribed) must be kept at the clinic and administered by the nurses’ office.
- Health Concerns: Please inform your school nurse of any severe allergies, surgeries, accidents or new health problems that have occurred.
- Screenings: During the school year vision screenings will be conducted by the school nurse. If your child wears glasses please remind him/her to wear them every day. You will be notified by a letter sent home with your child if your child does not pass the screening. Please nofity the nurses’ office of eye doctor recommendations. A hearing screening will also be done by the nurses’ office with letters sent home if your student does not pass.
- Flu facts/ respiratory virus information: According to the CDC guidelines the ideal time to get your flu shot is in October. The flu is a contagious viral infection of the respiratory tract. The season for the flu usually peaks November to April. A variety of respiratory viruses occur during the fall/winter months as well. Stay home and away from others until your symptoms are getting better and you are fever-free (without meds) for 24 hours!