Paradise Intermediate
School Opening - September 2024
Welcome Phoenix!
Welcome Paradise Intermediate students! We are so excited to begin another school year in our amazing school! This year promises to be bigger and better as we welcome close to 200 new grade 6 students to our building. We have some big things planned for this year, so get ready for some fun-filled days of connecting, having fun and learning together. Go Phoenix!!!
Important Dates
Wednesday, Sept. 4th - First day of school for students. It will be day 1 on our schedule.
Wednesday, Sept. 4th - Grade 7, 8, 9 students may begin leaving property for lunch.
Monday, Sept. 9th - Cafeteria services begins.
Monday, Sept. 9th - Student data forms due on RYCOR
Wednesday, Sept. 11th - Online School Clothing Store Opens
Thursday, Sept. 19th - Paradise Intermediate Open House / Curriculum Night
Thursday, Sept. 26th - School Picture Day
Opening Day Procedures
- Classes begin for students on Wednesday, September 4th. Doors will open for students at 8:15 and homeroom will begin at 8:30.
- Homeroom teachers will be in contact with families prior to the first of day of classes in order to introduce themselves and provide students with their homeroom number and room number. If you do not hear from your child's homeroom teacher by 2:30, September 3rd, please notify us at paradiseintermediate@nlesd.ca
- Students will remain in their homerooms for periods 1-2 in order to meet with and get to know their classroom teacher. During this time, students will be assigned their lockers and locks, review schedules, etc.
- Following recess, students will follow their regular Day 1 schedule.
Parking Lot / Student Drop Off
- Please see below for a map indicating traffic flow on our parking lot
- The back of our building is restricted to bus drop off only.
- For those not availing of bussing, please use our student drop off lane or park in our parking lot at the front of the building.
- When using our parking lot, please park in family designated parking spaces.
- Our drop off lane is for single lane traffic only. Students can exit vehicles at any point in our drop off lane.
- The drop off lane is drive through only. Families who wish to park and wait for our doors to open are kindly asked to use our parking lot.
- Our parking lot is reverse parking only.
- The access road at the back of our building is for emergency vehicles only and is closed to public access.
Students are dismissed at 2:30. Students who take the bus will be dismissed through the doors at the back of our building.
Those students who walk or are picked up will be dismissed through our main entrance.
Families are asked to adhere to our parking lot procedures for both arrival and dismissal.
Information regarding bus routes can be found by accessing the Bus Planner Parent Portal and in the attached Bus Service Memo. Families are advised that there may be some changes to route numbers/stops from previous years and are encouraged to view their child's updated information through the parent portal prior to the first day of school. Each bus will have route numbers posted in windows by Wednesday morning, September 4th.
For those families of students who reside at two separate addresses need to complete the courtesy seating form below. Applications are asked to be returned no later than Friday, September 13th. Courtesy seating will be assigned in accordance with the Courtesy Seating Protocol. All courtesy seating requests will be processed by the end of September.
Paradise Intermediate uses RYCOR, for online payments and collection of school funds for field trips, fundraisers, sports activities and for any necessary school permission forms or documentation.
Access to RYCOR for families has been outlined below. Additional information will be made available in a separate email in the coming weeks.
Grade 6 Rycor Access - Parents /Guardians of students in Grade 6 will need to go to Rycor's NLESD login page and create an account. Once created, they will be able to add their child to their account by entering their child's Student Number and some other student information (for confidentiality purposes). Student numbers will be printed and provided to students in a memo during the second week of school.
Grade 7, 8 and 9 Rycor Access - Parents/Guardians of students in Grade 7-9 can access their Rycor account through their existing Powerschool Parent Portal account. Once logged into powerschool, please click on the School Fees and Forms link.
Reporting Student Absence
Paradise Intermediate uses the Safe Arrival app to report student absences. Families are encouraged to view the attached document and download the Safe Arrival app prior to the beginning of the school year. Families will be asked to use one of the three methods listed below to report if their child will not be in attendance on a particular day.
1. Using your mobile device, download and install the School Messenger app from the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store (or from the links at go.schoolmessenger.ca). The first time you use the app, select Sign Up to create your account. Select Attendance then Report an Absence.
2. Use the SafeArrival website (go.schoolmessenger.ca). The first time you use the website, select Sign Up to create your account. Select Attendance then Report an Absence.
3. Call the toll-free number (844) 408-9360 to report an absence using the automated phone system.
Please note that the system does not offer an option for a partial day absence. If your child will be absent for any part of the day, please enter as a full day absence and our Administrative staff will make any attendance changes when your child arrives at school and signs in at our office.
Any questions regarding safe arrival can be forwarded to paradiseintermediate@nlesd.ca
Signing Out Procedures
We recognize that there are many circumstances that may require a student to leave the building throughout the day. These may include, but are not limited to appointments, illness, family emergencies, etc. In order to ensure accurate attendance records, and to ensure your child’s safety, we ask that all parents/guardians adhere to our signing out procedures:
We will require communication with home before a child leaves the building. Upon pick-up the student will come to the office to sign the sign out sheet and verify with the secretary that they are leaving with permission.
If communication with the home hasn’t been made prior to pick-up, then upon pick-up, contact must be made with the parent/guardian to ensure permission to leave the building.
Student Data Forms
A hard copy of Student Data Forms for this school year will be sent home with students on Wednesday, September 4th. Families are asked to verify your child's information, make any necessary changes on the form and return it to school no later than Monday, September 9th. All forms are asked to be returned, even if no changes are necessary.
Bell Schedule
8:15 - Doors opening / supervision begins
8:25 - Warning bell
8:30 - Homeroom
8:40 - Period 1
9:37 - Period 2
10:34 - Recess
10:49 - Period 3
11:46 - Lunch Begins
12:36 - Period 4
1:33 - Period 5
2:30 - Dismissal
School Calendar - 7 day cycle
The school calendar for the 2024-2025 school year is linked below. The calendar includes our school cycle of days as well as approved school closures for the upcoming school year.
A list of professional learning days will be available to our Phoenix families over the next few weeks.
Cafeteria Service
Chartwells will once again be providing cafeteria service at our school. Cafeteria service will begin on Monday, September 9th. Orders can be placed using the Nutrislice App. A reminder to families that orders must be placed prior to 7:45 am on the day of service and that cash orders will not be accepted.
Lunch Time Procedures
Grade 6
11:46 - 12:11 - Cafeteria
12:11 - 12:36 - Free Time in common areas (Gym, Learning Commons, fields on outside days)
Grade 7
11:46 - 12:11 - Students may leave property or remain in our cafeteria
12:11 - Students may remain off property until our warning bell at 12:34 or remain on property in the grade 7 hallway or common areas (Gym / Learning Commons following designated schedule).
Grade 8 and 9
11:46 - 12:11 - Students may leave property or remain in the grade 8 hallway our common areas (Gym / Learning Commons, following designated schedule).
12:11 - 12:36 - Cafeteria or remain off property until warning bell at 12:34 and classes resume*
*Please note that grade 7,8 and 9 students will be permitted to leave our property during lunch beginning on Wednesday, September 4th.
Cell Phone Policy
Student cell phone use is not permitted in the building. For students who do carry their cell phones to school, phones must remain locked in lockers while in the building.
Powerschool Access
During the second week of classes, students in grade 7, 8 and 9 will be provided with a letter that will include username/password information and directions on how to access powerschool.
This information will also be used for parents of our grade 7, 8 and 9 students to access our Rycor online payment service.
If you are having difficulty accessing your existing powerschool account or require assistance in creating a new accout, please email paradiseintermediate@nlesd.ca.
Class Lists
Class lists for the 2024-2025 school year have been completed. Classes have been assigned based on various factors that include but are not limited to programming, school scheduling and student supports. As a result, we will not be accepting requests for class changes at this time.
Allergies / Medications
We are aware of several anaphylactic allergies in our building. These currently include nuts, tree nuts, fish/shellfish and latex. This list will be updated as new information becomes available.
Those with medical forms pertaining to allergies or administering of medication (Form 301A) are asked to forward these to the office at your earliest convenience.
Curriculum Night
Our curriculum night has been tentatively scheduled for Thursday, September 19th. Our curriculum night will be an open house where families will have the opportunity to tour the building, meet our wonderful staff and engage with some of our leadership students who will be happy to assist with any questions that you may have. Additional information will be provided to families over the coming weeks as details regarding this event are finalized.
Staff Contacts
Staff information and email contact can be found on our website, paradiseintermediate.nlesd.ca
Home / School Communication
Regular home/school communication will be sent using School Messenger. Weekly newsletters will also be shared with families via email and will be made available through our website. Families are encouraged to reach out to homeroom/subject based teachers with any questions that they may have throughout the school year. Google classroom will also be used throughout the year as a regular form of communication from teachers to their students.