Grapevine Mustang Band

Directors Notes
Good afternoon, Mustang Band!
- We are looking for a HOST FAMILY for a foreign exchange student. Please see info below.
ALL band forms will be collected online. The forms are avilable on the Parent Tab of the website and can be submitted here - https://forms.gle/h3nPNi1pX86DVn6A7.
- The FIRST installment of the 2024-25 band fees was due May 1, 2024. Please refer to the Band Fee Payment document for more information. If you have questions, please contact our treasurer - treasurer@grapevinehsband.com.
- The band calendar at grapevinehsband.com is your one-stop shop for all dates and times.
- Lessons are available for all members of the band program. Please go to https://www.grapevinehsband.com/private-lessons.html and set up lessons if you have not already.
- All Families can raise funds for their individual band account NOW with the RaiseRight Fundraiser. See below for details.
Weekly Schedule
Monday - 5/13
4:30pm - Leadership Training
Tuesday - 5/14
Spring Training
Wednesday - 5/15
Spring Training
Thursday - 5/16
Spring Training
6:30pm - Parent Information Meeting
Friday - 5/17
6:00pm - Jazz Band Concert
Saturday - 5/18
6:00pm - Band Banquet
5/22 - Graduation
Spring Training – 2024 – Important Information
Next week is Spring Training and the beginning of marching season! In addition to working on marching technique and making new friends, students will also be measured for their marching uniform and supplies will be ordered. Below is information we hope you will find helpful.
What to wear: Please wear light weight, athletic style clothing. In addition to aiding movement on the field, we can't get good measurements if you are wearing jeans, cargo shorts, hoodies, etc.
Volunteers: We need parent volunteers to help the uniform team with measurements on Tuesday and Wednesday. This is an easy, low commitment way for anyone (especially new parents) to learn more about the band and meet students and other parents. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080B4CAAA62AA2FA7-49516629-uniform
Returning students: Before you come to Spring Training, check and see if you will need new shoes, under uniform shirts and/or shorts, earrings, body tights, etc. Spring Training is your opportunity to order these items!
Supply Orders Q&A (.pdf, not gcisd email specific, see attached)
Online payment option: https://student-supplies-copy.cheddarup.com
WE ARE IN NEED OF A HOST FAMILY for the 2024-2025 school.
Her name is Friederike and she is 15 and from Hamburg, Germany and will be in 10th grade. She has a 4.0 GPA and a very strong English level. Please note she is a vegetarian. Friederike hopes she can join band and also plays basketball. She also plays guitar and enjoys music, art, and scuba diving!
Our students speak strong English and come with their own health insurance and spending money.
Amazon Wishlist
Booster Notes
***PLEASE READ: Important Spring Training Information for ALL Band Members
Next week is Spring Training and the beginning of marching season! In addition to working on marching technique and making new friends, students will also be measured for their marching uniform and supplies will be ordered. Below is information we hope you will find helpful.
What to wear: Please wear light weight, athletic style clothing. In addition to aiding movement on the field, we can't get good measurements if you are wearing jeans, cargo shorts, hoodies, etc.
Volunteers: We need parent volunteers to help the uniform team with measurements on Tuesday and Wednesday. This is an easy, low commitment way for anyone (especially new parents) to learn more about the band and meet students and other parents.
Please sign up via: Spring Training Uniform Measurement Volunteers
Returning students: Before you come to Spring Training, check and see if you will need new shoes, under uniform shirts and/or shorts, earrings, body tights, etc. Spring Training is your opportunity to order these items! If they are not ordered at Spring Training, the prices will go up and we cannot guarantee that you have them in time for marching season
Questions: Check out our Supply Orders Q&A
Supply Fee Payments: Parents/guardians will receive a supply order form on Thursday, May 16th at the Band Parent Meeting. Before leaving for the evening, you will need to fill this out and provide payment. The quickest way to pay is through our online payment system, CheddarUp. Here is a direct link for your convenience: Supply Fee Payments
Please email uniforms@grapevinehsband.com if you have any questions.
'24-'25 Show Shirts
Time to get your extra show shirts for the upcoming '24-'25 marching season!! We wear these at games, competitions, well...everywhere!! This order form is ONLY for the extra shirts for your family. The students get a shirt as part of their band fees and their sizing and orders will be taken care of at Spring Training next week. DUE FRIDAY, MAY 24 2024.
These shirts are unisex sizes that fit like a jersey. They are not a normal t-shirt material, quick dry, have a little stretch (but not much).
Attention SENIOR Class of 2025!
Below is the link for Senior Dedication Ads for the 2024 Friday Night Guide! Friday Night Guide includes senior ads for Band, Cheer, Spirit Rustlers, Fillies, etc.
Time to purchase Senior Dedication Ads for the Friday Night Guide, Deadline is June 14!
Click here to purchase - https://mustangsfootball.sportngin.com/register/form/136177467
2024-2025 Band Booster Positions Needed
We are looking for several volunteers to take a leadership role with band boosters next year. Here is what we are looking for. Let Angela Hall know if you are interested in either of these positions. Angelahall_vp@grapevinehsband.com.
GHS Band Booster Uniform Manager
GHS Band Booster Co-Vice PresidentWe are still looking for GCISD Band Booster President Elect. Let Angela Hall know if you are interested in either of these positions. Angelahall_vp@grapevinehsband.com.
We are looking for Sponsors for the 2024-2025 School Year
Anyone can set up a sponsor for the band. Take the Sponsorship flyer attached and talk to any businesses or individuals you know that might be interested in sponsoring the band. If you need any help reach out to fundraising@grapevinehsband.com.
Scholarship Opportunities
Events for Students
Openings are still available for our HIGH SCHOOL BAND CAMP this summer. The details are below. To make your life more efficient, feel free to forward this email to your band families.
June 9-14, 2024
Beautiful San Marcos, TX!
Dr. Caroline Beatty | Director of Bands | TXST University
Dr. Kyle Glaser | Associate Director of Bands | TXST University
Members of the TXST instrumental studio faculty and other professional musicians
A unique feature of this camp is that the majority of the staff that are in charge of the campers are certified, experienced teachers.
Band rehearsals
Rotating classes on Improvisation, Leadership, Conducting, and Composition
Option for some instruments to participate in Jazz or Salsa ensemble
Option for top players to perform in chamber ensembles
Observing concerts from professional artists
Resident: $635
Commuter: $450
Rebates (see website for details) available for:
TMEA/ATSSB Region, Area, State participants
Double Reed players
10+ members from same school
Center Stage Brass, a professional brass ensemble based in DFW, is hosting its 6th annual summer camp this June -- it's a great opportunity for students to build their confidence, keep their chops in shape over the summer and, as a bonus, it's close to home! The camp is open to students who have completed 6th to 12th grade and/or at least one year in band. Here are some of the things we offer:
- Individualized instruction for middle and high school levels
- Chamber ensemble coaching
- Large brass Ensemble coaching
- Classes covering topics like Music Theory, Music History, Conducting, and more
- Fun and games!
- Guest artist performances
We meet 9am-4pm each day, daily lunch and a t-shirt is included, and there is a camp recital on the final day at 5pm. In addition to the members of Center Stage Brass, we will have a special guest artist that will be announced at a later date!
Center Stage Brass Camp Overview
- Dates: June 24th-28th, 9a-4p with a camp recital on June 28th at 5p
- Location: Lamb of God Lutheran Church in Flower Mound (1401 Cross Timbers Rd. || Flower Mound, TX 75028)
- Tuition: $350 (Price increases to $400 on June 2nd)
- Last Day to Register: Monday, June 17th
- Registration: centerstage brass.org/summer-camp/
The Lone Star Youth Orchestra will be holding auditions for the 2024-2025 season on Saturday, August 17th and Saturday, August 24th. Audition information and other details about the youth orchestra may be found online at www.lascolinassymphony.org/lsyo.
Auditions are by appointment only. Students can expect to perform two scales, a solo of their choice, and 2-3 excerpts that have been preselected for their instrument. E-mail the LSYO Manager at education@lascolinassymphony.org to request a registration form. Upon registration completion, the LSYO Manager will contact parents to schedule the audition.
The audition fee of $25 per student is fully refundable (provided that the student shows up for his/her scheduled audition). There are no other fee requirements to participate in the Lone Star Youth Orchestra.
Audition slots are filling fast and space is limited. Students should reserve their slot as soon as possible. No walk up auditions will be accepted.
Based in Irving, TX, the Lone Star Youth Orchestra is the only tuition-free youth orchestra in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. The orchestra is open to all middle school and high school students residing in the DFW Metroplex. Rehearsals are held on Wednesday evenings (6:30 to 9:00 p.m.) from early September through mid-May. The LSYO presents several public concerts during the season (in November, March, and May).
Fort Worth Youth Orchestra
Audition materials are available for the 2024-2025 season of the Fort Worth Youth Orchestra! Our ensemble offerings include two full orchestras, two string-only orchestras, a wind ensemble, a jazz band, and a chamber music program. FWYO members enjoy weekly rehearsals with the area's finest musicians, and several performance opportunities throughout the concert season. Please consider sharing audition information with your students!
To be considered for placement in an FWYO ensemble, prospective students must complete an online application and submit an audition video recording. The initial submission deadline is Wednesday, May 1, but we will continue to accept auditions to fill out the ensembles as needed. More information can be found on the FWYO website, at fwyo.org/audition. Please note, a financial aid program is available to lower the tuition cost!
If your student wishes to be considered for more than one ensemble, only one application & audition is needed. They should prepare the audition material for their first choice ensemble, and if the audition is not accepted for placement, their submission will automatically flow into consideration for other ensembles.
We are grateful for your work to prepare greater Fort Worth's talented young musicians, and we look to you as key partners. We believe the FWYO ensembles supplement and do not replace school programs. We work hard to schedule our rehearsals & concerts to avoid conflicts with school events, and our Wind Ensemble does not begin rehearsals until after marching season, given the increased demands that time of year.
If you or your students have any questions about this process, please feel free to contact us at orchestra@fwyo.org!
The Denton Bach Society 2024 Competition for Young Musicians
Information and Instructions
EVENT DATE: Saturday, April 20, 2024 from 9-5
Location: First Presbyterian Church, 1114 W University, Denton TX 76201
Specific audition times will be sent once all scheduling is complete
Pianists/Instrumentalists from 9AM-1PM. Vocalists from 1PM-5PM
ELIGIBILITY: Contestants must be enrolled in a public, private or home school high school program,
Grades 9-12. Students of voice, piano or an orchestral instrument may enter.
Students residing in Denton County or these adjacent counties are eligible: Denton, Collin, Cooke,
Rockwall, Tarrant, or Wise. Competitors must have turned 14 years of age by September 1, 2023.
REPERTOIRE: Contestants are to prepare two challenging pieces of contrasting styles.
Selections must be approved by the student’s instructor and by the DBS audition committee. Audition time
will be limited to 10 minutes. Participants may not be required to perform selections in their entirety, but
the full 10 minutes will be heard.
ACCOMPANISTS: Contestants must provide their own accompanist as needed. Their name and contact
information must be provided on the entry blank.
FEE: An entry fee of $40, made payable to The Denton Bach Society, is to be mailed with the completed
application form to the physical address below, OR via Pay Pal at www.dentonbach.com.
Deadline for entry: postmarked by Sat April 6, 2024
AWARDS: The winner in each division (Instrumental, Piano, Voice) will receive a cash award of $500.00,
a $150 Gift Certificate courtesy of Pender’s Music, and an opportunity to perform at a
Showcase Concert Sunday May 5, 2024, 4PM at First Presbyterian
APPLICATION FORMS: may be obtained at Pender’s Music 314 S. Elm, Denton 76201in Denton,
or downloaded from the DBS website: www.dentonbach.com.
Please mail completed application and $40 fee to
Beverly Hoch, 3819 Monte Carlo Lane, Denton, TX 76210.
Postmark may be no later than Sat, April 6, 2024.
Option 2: A clear photo of the completed application may also be e-mailed by April 6, 2024 but in this case, the fee
must be paid online via Pay Pal, as described above under “FEE”.
beverlyhoch@hotmail.com OR dentonbach@gmail.com
On April 20, after you perform, you may leave.
Winners will be contacted by 9:00PM pm on April 20th
Questions may be addressed to:
Beverly Hoch, Competition Chair
beverlyhoch@hotmail.com 940-597-8106
Stay Connected
Here are the links to stay connected!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GrapevineMustangBand
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ghsmustangband
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/grapevinehsbandFB Grapevine Mustang Band Parent Page : https://www.facebook.com/groups/2772812576066464/
Raiseright (Personal Fundraiser)
Start Raising Money NOW!
Students/Parents should login and update their CHARMS information. This is our primary form of communication, and it is important to have accurate information. Charms is not an option to make a band payment.
If you have any questions, or have trouble logging in to your account, please contact Mr. Slate (brandon.slate@gcisd.net).
All students and parents must join the Remind Groups. We use Remind to communicate quickly during events and will only send out messages that are important for everyone. Visit the band website for details.
Instrument Cleaning
Grapevine Mustang Band
Email: james.rees@gcisd.net
Website: grapevinehsband.com
Location: 3223 Mustang Drive, Grapevine, TX, USA
Phone: 8172515249