ASASP Union Times
March 15, 2024 Mid-Month Edition
Greetings and Salutations ASASP Members!
Happy Spring Holidays...
As spring break approaches at the end of next week, you should all be planning to immerse yourself in your family, friends and your own personal peace of mind. Please step away from the madness that is PGCPS and realize that the upcoming break is your time.
Whether you are going to the zoo, the Bahamas, or to sleep, do you!
ASASP wants you to know that PGCPS will be here when you return, but if you don't take care of yourself and relax your mind, you may not be here for PGCPS or anyone else. I know you love what you do each day on the job, but let your hair down and let it go.
Here comes Peter Cottontail, hopping down the bunny trail, hippity, hoppity Easter's on it's way........ Now you all know that I don't own the rights to any these clips or songs, they are here for your education, entertainment and enlightenment only.
Happy Spring Holidays,
Jeffery Parker, Executive Director ASASP
ASASP Staff and Board Members
Staff and Board Of Directors 2024
As of
March 15, 2024
1300 Caraway Court #204
Largo, Maryland 20774
Jeffery Parker - Executive Director
David Dzidzienyo - Membership Specialist
Dr. Carlene Murray - Membership Specialist
Veronica Matherne - Office Manager
ASASP Board of Directors - Representatives
1. Mr. Brian Galbraith - President
2. Mr. Danny Miller - Vice President
3. Mr. Danny Miller - Treasurer
4. Vacant - Secretary
5. Ms. Jennifer Williams - Board Member (Unit 3 Board Member)
6. Ms. Dana Brown - Board Member (Unit 3 Board Member)
7. Ms. Dee-Onn Everette - Board Member (Unit 3 Board Member)
8. Ms. Simone Malloy - Board Member (At Large)
9. Ms. Nichelle Williams - Board Member (At Large)
10. Ms. Jewel Preston - Board Member (Elementary Principal)
11. Ms. Michelle Towles-Monroe - Board Member (Middle School Principal)
12. Dr. Ronald Hollis – Board Member (High School Principal)
13. Crystal Bright-Mundell (Wing Coordinator/Elementary AP)
14. Mr. Thomas Childs - Board Member (Secondary Assistant Principal)
15. Vacant - Instructional Supervisor
A Word from our National Affiliate
The Board Welcomes Mr. Thomas Childs
Thomas Childs Fills Secondary Administrator Vacancy
The ASASP voted unanimously at the monthly board meeting on the Monday, March 11, 2024 to have Mr. Thomas Childs to serve in the Secondary Assistant Principal that was vacated last year. I would like to welcome Mr. Childs and thank him for the service he vows to commit to the this body of work.
Mr. Childs is currently a Vice-Principal at Parkdale High School and has been employed with PGCPS for the past twenty-four years. Prior to working in PGCPS, he was an educator and police officer in the District of Columbia for about thirty years. Mr. Childs brings to this board a wealth of knowledge and invaluable experience.
Superintendent's Town Hall May Not Be Posted On Website.. Unless You Demand It!
All Town Hall meetings this year are posted on the PGCPS website but the March 12th video may not see the light of day. That's the one that everyone is talking about this week. While other school districts in various parts of the country are trying to deny access to books and knowledge, PGCPS may try to silence Union speakers that demonstrated their 1st Amendment Constitutional rights to free speech. Contact the Chief of Communications, Ms. Tejal Patel to make demand that the video is posted just like all the others. If necessary we will start a petition or if you have the video email me at jeffery.parker@asasp.org
House Holds Town Hall at Fairmont Heights HS on Tuesday, March 12th!
We Don't Need Anymore Answers Mr. House........... We Need Soluutions!!
This past Tuesday night, March 12, 2024 at Fairmont Heights wasn't just any Tuesday evening at Fairmont Heights HS. Superintendent House and his team held one of several town hall meetings they have hosted this year. Unfortunately their were not a lot of spectators on sight, probably about 40, maybe 50 including staff from Sasscer. However, at one point in the meeting it was announced that there were over one thousand participants online.
Those of you that missed the event should be able to see it on the PGCPS Youtube page where all of the town hall meetings are housed. It should be coming on Friday if it is not already available.
Freedom of speech, must not be taken from those that speak out like the book bans other states.
PGCEA President Donna Christy pointed out her disappointment to such low in-person turnout. For nearly two hours, members online and in-person, asked the superintendent questions while he stood behind the podium on stage providing answers.
I spoke on behalf of the members of this union and the children we serve daily in our schools, offices, departments, bus lots, cafeterias, and nurse's office across this district. I hope that the words I shared on behalf of students, staff, safety, disrespect, a poor grading scale, and accountability among other things, do not fall on deaf ears.
If we do not use our voices to speak on behalf of the children we serve and disservice that is being done to them, then we will all be complicit in their demise.
Many of you responded online in the chat and others sent emails that expressed your pleasure with the words I shared on your behalf. I want to thank you for every encouraging word. I take my job representing you very seriously and I will not hesitate to speak your truth whenever, wherever necessary.
A few quotes from Tuesday Night:
"You can walk into any high school in this county and see numbers of students running and walking the halls causing disruption daily and still passing their classes."
"That was August when we met, It's March Mr. House, we don't need anymore answers, we need soluuutions....."
"As Black as I am, it pains me to have to say that, we are setting our own children up for failure."
"How are you planning to compensate all of these H. R. Partners, Food Service Managers, Nurse Managers, Principals, Vice Principals and other members that work overtime, nights, weekends covering the many vacancies not filled."
"Your student code of conduct has NO TEETH"
"We are doing our children a disservice Mr. House"
Andrew Jackson Academy Proud Administrators pose with PGCPS Board Member Jaunita Miller and I at FAME Celebration.
FAME and Band Leader Mcknight of Andrew Jackson expresses his plan to move to as many children as possible.
FAME Coordinator/Director Extraordinare Ms. Lewis greets dignataries and guests in attendance at the FAME Dedication.
These People Don't Love Me!
What You Gonna Do When They Come For You........
Don't Play Join ASASP Today!!
Every day we take calls in the ASASP office from your colleagues, many of whom are being targeted for whatever reason to have their job taken. Many are stressed due to toxic work environments, bullying, harassment and disregard from their supervisor or peers. Often times they come for you when you are already down, so down get sick and have to stay out too long or ask the wrong question in a meeting. I know these examples may seem extreme but they are very real. Protect yourself now.
Please take a few minutes to educate yourself or refresh your knowledge of the history and current struggles facing unions. The three videos provide and overall basis of union roles and responsibilities, as well as the limitations and obstacles unions face every day.
Let us know if like the information provided in these articles by clicking "LIKE." If you don't like it or see the benefit, let us know that as well. We want to make sure that we are providing what you need to know.
Negotiations Should Have Started In February But.......
Negotiations Are Currently On Hold!
At present ASASP and PGCPS are at an Impasse due to PGCPS' objection to open door negotiations. The administration doesn't want employees to be able to sit in and listen in real time to the process each day. Mr. House has made it abundantly clear that he does not want union members to know what is going on during the negotiations. We only ask that at least 20 members that are willing and able to follow specific guidelines, be allowed to sit in the room each day to observe the process
This is really hard for us to accept, granted PGCEA had open door negotiations last year under Dr. Goldson's administration. They literally had over a thousand members watching their negotiations online last year in real time, with Q.R. Codes and capabilities that allowed a certain level of participation from their members. We will be starting as soon as an agreement on this matter can be reached.
Transfer Process Update.
Greetings ASASP Unit II Employees:
In accordance with Article 3.03 B of the ASASP Unit II Negotiated Agreement, the Division of Human Resources is providing an electronic application process for all eligible ASASP Unit II members to apply for a transfer to a position to which they qualify for the 2024-2025 School Year. Transfer requests can be submitted from January 1, 2024 - June 30, 2024. Submitting a request for transfer does not guarantee approval and a new work location.
Please find information, instructions, and the form related to this process linked here. Should you have any questions, feel free to contact Sherry Ross, Senior Human Resources Partner, at sherry.ross@pgcps.org.
PGCPS Must Demand Accountability On All Levels To Improve Outcomes......
Administrators Don't Become The Fall Guy or Gal........
All ASASP members can expect the full support of this union in the event that you become entangled in any unfortunate situations while in the performance of your duties.
We will work with you to ensure that your rights are not violated in any way, form or fashion. We encourage you to share with us immediately, anything that is going on, that you suspect you may be blamed for down the road. We will keep in confidence your situation and proceed with next steps only when directed by you to move forward. The choice and decisions are yours.
Until officials in Prince George's County and across the state of Maryland get serious about Accountability, nothing will change. Mental health is very real, but most of the incidents occurring in PGCPS occur because there are No Real Consequences.
Sweeping these issues under the rug and keeping many of them from ever reaching the public is not beneficial the young people we serve, nor is in the best interest of the communities in the long run.
The Maryland General Assembly convened it's 2024 session on January 10, 2024. Speak with your delegate and representatives about the growing needs in our schools for reform and a return to order.
Vice Principal Juan Villao handling bus duty at Largo International High School.
Proud Principal Pam Adams Celebrates Thomas Pullen's Middle School Basketball Championship at Oxon Hill HS.
Oxon Hill HS Hosts Middle School Basketball Championship
Know Your Rights and Advocate For Yourself First!
Your Rights Are Our Business.....
Study Your Contract Every Chance You Get....
KNOW YOUR RIGHTS…..Cause You Need To Know, especially if you get Anonymous Complaints:
3.17 SLLA Test – Any unit member who has taken the School Leaders Licensure Assessment Test will be reimbursed for 100% of the cost of the test not to exceed $475 upon verification of success.
3.05C Evaluation – Individual performance objectives or job targets will be recorded in writing and signed by the evaluator and the unit member NO LATER than October 1st or within 30 days of assignment.
3.05 I – Unit members will be advised of complaints against them or adverse information concerning them and be given ample opportunity to address such complaints or adverse information when appropriate. Such information or complaints shall not be used in employee evaluations absent investigation and confirmation of the information by the supervisor.
3.05 J – Whenever a formal complaint is lodged against a unit member by a student, parent or any other member of the public, the appropriate school system official shall notify the member of the complaint, the complainant and the charge(s) in writing within 10 days of receipt of the written complaint. The unit member shall be provided the name of the complainant, except where prohibited by law or established by the board of education.
3.11 Discipline/Discharge
A. Whenever a formal complaint is lodged against a unit member, the appropriate school system official shall notify the member of the complaint, the complainant and the charge(s) in writing within ten (10) days of receipt of the written complaint. The unit member shall be provided the name of the complainant, except where prohibited by law or established Board policy. If such notice is not provided within 10 working days of the request, the complaint shall be dismissed.
B. A unit member, upon request, has the right to have Association representation at a meeting which is scheduled for the purpose of investigating whether the unit member has engaged in misconduct warranting discipline.
Two Week Outlook at ASASP-PGCPS!
March 18th Monday (Day 149 of 210) – ASASP
19th Tuesday (Day 150 of 210) – ASASP
20th Wednesday (Day 151/210) – ASASP
21st Thursday (Day 152/210) – ASASP
22nd Friday (Day 153/210) – ASASP
25th Monday - Spring Break
26th Tuesday - Spring Break
27th Wednesday - Spring Break
28th Thursday - Spring Break
29th Friday -Spring Break
PGCPS School Calendar 2023-24
Visit our ASASP Website for Updates as they come in….
Shout to the many Supervisors and Administrators for providing knowledgeable, program planning and support.
Links You Can Use:
MASSP – Maryland Association of Secondary School Principals
MAESP – Maryland Association of Elementary School Principals
Prince George’s County Board of Education
Maryland Department of Education
United States Department of Education