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Good Day Panther Nation! I hope this email finds you well. Tomorrow marks the end of the first quarter of the year. And, we close out the week with parent-teacher conferences. I hope these go well for you.
I recently had a parent give me a copy of the nationally acclaimed book, The Anxious Generation. It is a fascinating and concerning read all at once. As I am working my way through the book, one theme in particular has piqued my interest.
With the onslaught of devices and other modern day technologies, the local community has been adversely impacted. While the premise of the book is on the negative impact ‘screens’ have had on our youth and society at large, even modern day conveniences like air condition have contributed to the fracturing of local communities. Where hot days used to force folks outside of the home, now, they stay inside.
A vision I have had – do have – and will always have is the local school being the centerpiece of the community. I see the District as the anchor in the community to bring us all together to raise up the next generation. This month’s Homecoming Parade is a great example of events and opportunities I see we can celebrate and build upon. The turnout was amazing…and the positive energy was palpable. This is one example; yet one that embodies where I believe we as a Central York family can grow from.
In the spirit of building community, we are going to host two Town Hall meetings this year. Our first one will be two weeks from today: Wednesday, November 6th. We will meet at 6:30 PM in the Atrium of the High School. Our next one will be in the spring. An agenda will be shared early next week.
If you have topics you would like to be addressed, please email Mr. Sutherland (rsutherland@cysd.k12.pa.us). We will compile the results to look for themes/ threads we can address. In the meantime, I would love to hear any ideas or suggestions you may have on how we can continue to build and grow our CY Community.
Any time you would like to get together, say the word. I will make myself available. I hope you have meaningful and productive conferences. I am here if you need anything. Always, Proud to be a Panther. Take care – pja
Peter J. Aiken Ed.D.
Central York School District