BES Weekly Update
Sunday, September 8, 2024
Bransford Elementary Mission Statement
To create a positive learning environment for all students that integrates the Arts into Education.
Greetings from Ms. Gerdes
The weather this weekend is incredible! I am grateful for the cooler temps along with the gorgeous sunshine. It was the perfect weather for the weekend.
This Thursday we have our first PTA Meeting of the school year. I encourage you to attend the meeting to understand the great ways PTA supports our school. We plan to begin at 6:00 pm in the cafeteria.
Yearbooks are for sale! See below for additional information. Each year we have many students who do not order at this time and want to order when they are delivered in late May. We cannot guarantee there will be inventory for all at that time so please order now if you are interested.
Wishing you all a lovely week!
All My BESt,
Ms. Gerdes
A Peak at our Week
Reading a GRRRRREAT book!
Game time practicing math concepts
Rainy Days = INDOOR Party with the Principals
ELAR in Kindergarten
Mrs. Brock introducing this year's Lunch Bunch Book Club!
ELAR in 3rd Grade
School Hours are 7:40-3:00 ~ Doors open at 7:20
Things To Do
Instead of asking your child 'How was your day?' try:
-What made you smile today?
-Can you tell me an example of kindness you saw/showed?
-What did you do that was creative?
-Who did you sit with at lunch?
-Tell me something you know today that you didn't know yesterday.
-If you could change one thing about your day, what would it be? Why?
-What made your teacher smile today?
-What did you today that made you proud?
It is common for our children to tell us simple answers after working hard all day at school. Try asking about their day in a different way to encourage detailed replies.
Morning Melodies
Purchase a 24-25 BES Yearbook!
Upcoming Dates
9/12 - PTA Meeting at 6pm in the BES Cafeteria
9/16 - Dot Day - wear dots
9/17 - CEC (Campus Excellence Committee)
9/23 - STUDENT HOLIDAY - No School for Students (Professional Learning for Staff)
10/1 - SPIRIT NIGHT at Chicken & Pickle from 6-8 pm
GCISD District Information
Three Facts About the VATRE
GCISD registered voters will be asked to consider adding three cents to the Maintenance & Operations tax rate through a voter-approved tax ratification election on the November 5 ballot. Here are three quick facts:
Even with the VATRE, GCISD’s total tax rate will be lower - Even with the three additional pennies from the passage of the VATRE, the GCISD total overall tax rate (M&O plus I&S) will be lowered by $0.0014.
Funds are not subject to recapture - Tax funds collected through these additional three pennies would stay within GCISD and not be subject to recapture, meaning that 100 percent of these funds would remain in the district.
The three-cent increase to the Maintenance and Operations (M&O) tax rate would generate approximately $6 million - These funds would be for school district operations, which includes instruction, staff, transportation, maintenance, extracurricular activities and other daily operating expenses, excluding projects included in the recent bond. Bonds are paid for by a separate Interest & Sinking (I&S) fund, which is debt service.
Learn more at
Tres datos rápidos sobre la Elección de Aprobación de Ratificación de Impuestos (VATRE, por sus siglas en inglés: Voter-Approved Tax Ratification Election)
Se les pedirá a los votantes registrados de GCISD que consideren añadir tres centavos a la tasa de impuestos de Mantenimiento y Operaciones a través de una elección de ratificación de impuestos en la boleta electoral del 5 de noviembre. Aquí tres datos rápidos:
Incluso con el VATRE, la tasa de impuestos de GCISD será más baja - Incluso con los tres centavos adicionales de la aprobación de VATRE, la tasa total de impuestos en general (mantenimiento y operaciones, más el servicio de deuda) de GCISD se reducirá por $0.0014.
Los fondos no están sujetos a recaptura - Los fondos de impuestos recaudados a través de estos tres centavos adicionales permanecerán en GCISD y no estarán sujetos a recaptura, lo que significa que el 100 por ciento de estos fondos se mantendrán en el distrito.
El aumento de tres centavos en la tasa de impuestos de Mantenimiento y Operaciones (M&O) generaría aproximadamente $6 millones - Esta financiación sería para las operaciones del distrito escolar, que incluye instrucción, personal escolar, transporte, mantenimiento, actividades extracurriculares y otros gastos relacionados con el funcionamiento diario, excluyendo los proyectos incluidos en el reciente bono. Los bonos se pagan con un fondo separado de intereses y amortización (I&S), que se utiliza para el servicio de la deuda.
Para más información visite
Elementary Schools: September is Fruit and Vegetable Month and National Coloring Day is September 14
Get ready to celebrate the goodness of eating your fruits and veggies! Nutrition Services is excited to provide a fun coloring sheet for every elementary student. This is a fantastic activity to enjoy in the classroom or at home. Color your sheet and turn in your beautiful artwork to your teacher or the cafeteria by September 20! Watch it shine on the serving lines during the week of September 23!
We can't wait to see all the amazing artists show off their creativity!
This institution is an equal opportunity provider
Escuelas primarias: Septiembre es el Mes de la Fruta y la Verdura y el 14 de septiembre es el Día Nacional de Colorear
¡Prepárate para celebrar los beneficios de comer frutas y verduras! Servicios de Nutrición está entusiasmado de proveer una hoja para colorear divertida a cada estudiante de primaria. Esta es una actividad fantástica para disfrutar en el salón de clases o en casa. Colorea tu hoja y entrega tu hermosa obra de arte a tu maestro o a la cafetería antes del 20 de septiembre. Verás cómo tu hoja sobresale en las filas de la cafetería de la escuela durante la semana del 23 de septiembre.
Estamos ansiosos por ver a todos los artistas increíbles mostrar su creatividad.
Esta institución es un proveedor que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades.
High School Health Just Say YES - Freedom to Succeed Parent Preview
High School Principals - Please include the information below in your parent newsletter this week. A message with this same information will be shared through Skyward on September 6. The consent form mentioned in the letter will be live in Skyward on September 19. Consent reminders will be sent via Skyward as we approach the consent deadlines.
GCISD uses several resources and programs for high school health curriculum in order to be proactive in our delivery of education concerning human sexuality.
Freedom to Succeed will be presented to your student according to the campus schedule, found in the Parent Preview Letter linked below.
After the Parent Preview has been conducted, every parent will be asked to indicate their preference of participation for their child electronically in the forms section of Skyward or by completing and returning a paper consent form by the deadlines established on the Parent Preview Letter linked below for each campus.
These deadlines allow each campus time to adequately prepare spaces, supervision, and account for student attendance. Thank you in advance for adhering to these deadlines.
Salud en la escuela preparatoria- Solo dí sí: Libertad para tener éxito (Just Say YES - Freedom to Succeed)- Presentación Preliminar para Padres
GCISD utiliza varios recursos y programas para el plan de estudios de salud escolar en las escuelas preparatorias con el fin de ser proactivos en ofrecer una educación sobre la sexualidad humana.
El Programa Libertad para tener éxito (Freedom to Succeed) será presentado a su estudiante según el horario escolar que se encuentra en la Carta de Presentación Preliminar para Padres en el enlace abajo.
Después de que se haya realizado la presentación preliminar se pedirá a cada padre que indique su preferencia de participación de su hijo en la presentación; podrán hacer esto electrónicamente en la sección de formularios de Skyward o llenando y regresando un formulario de consentimiento en papel antes de las fechas límite establecidas en la Carta de Presentación Preliminar para Padres en el enlace que se encuentra a continuación para cada escuela.
Estas fechas límites permiten que cada escuela tenga tiempo para preparar adecuadamente los espacios, la supervisión y la contabilidad de la asistencia de los estudiantes. Gracias de antemano por respetar estos plazos.
ICYMI - In Case You MIssed It
Lunch Visitors may begin September 3rd
Lunch Visitors may begin on September 3rd. If you would like to enjoy lunch with your child, you need to arrive just prior to their lunch time, sign in on Raptor with your ID, and proceed through the office to walk to the Cafeteria. You must keep your Visitor Badge on at all times. Once you are in the Cafeteria, you may sit at the Visitor's Table inside or you may sit outside on the picnic tables. You may sit with your child and bring food - however, you may not feed other students and you may only sit with your child. We do ask you stay off your phone (of course, a picture is fine but only with your child) and we ask your child is not on technology. Take this time to visit, ask your child questions about their day, and enjoy each other's company. Once the lunchtime is over, say your goodbyes and exit the front door. Visitors are not allowed to join students in the classroom. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me, Ms. Shelly, or Ms. Charlotte.
Bransford PTA
BES Dads Club
Bransford Elementary is an Arts Integration School
Our BES Staff
Campus Communication
The BES Weekly Update is sent Sunday evenings at 5:00 pm.
Facebook - Bransford Elementary School
Twitter @BESTexans
Instagram @bransfordelementary
Location: 601 Glade Road, Colleyville, TX, USA
Phone: 817-305-4920