OLHMS Weekly
Special Update 9-16-22
Quick Update and Reminder!
Mustang Families,
We performed two safety drills today. Our scholars and staff completed these drills with the utmost respect. Thank you to our newest 6th grade thespian, who acted as if they were having an allergic reaction and needed the epipen, our allergen drill is complete. Thank you to our entire school for performing our 1st lockdown drill, all classrooms were prepared and performed well. If your child comes home and discusses this with you, please reiterate that drills are done at all schools and often in the workplace and that there are no concerns.
After the lockdown drill, we told our scholars that if you see something or hear something, then you should say something. If you have a concern that someone may harm themselves or someone else, you should immediately talk to a parent, teacher, or administrator. Please reiterate that at home. Thank you for your partnership in our safety efforts. Your reinforcement with your children of our drills and other safety talks greatly assists all of our teachers and staff. Always remember, your children are our children. Your children are our most precious commodity and together we will continue to keep them safe.
District 123 6K Run/Walk with World Vision: Tomorrow, September 17th at 10:00 we will host our annual 6K walk/run in conjunction with World Vision to raise funds for clean water projects and education for the children of Africa. The cost is $25 per participant. Registration includes a t-shirt, race bib with a photo of a child you will be assisting, and a finisher's medal. Online registration is open and available. If you planned to run here is the LINK to “Join the Team.”
Do not forget next week we will be hosting our OLHMS Open House on Tuesday, September 20th from 6:30pm-8:00pm. We are looking forward to a great evening at OLHMS! Families can expect to visit classrooms with each grade level hosting two presentation opportunities with teacher teams from 6:40pm-7:05pm and 7:10pm-7:35pm. All of our Encore Staff, Counselors and Clinicians will be located in their respective school spaces.
We will also be hosting a Parent University session, "Keeping Our Kids CyberSafe" on Thursday, September 22nd from 6:30PM- 8:00PM at Oak Lawn-Hometown Middle School. Scholars will be hearing about Cyber Safety during the day. Our parents, guardians, teachers and grandparents are all welcome to attend this informative session on a very relevant topic that impacts children and their families. A High Technology Cyber Crimes Specialist, will be presenting proactive strategies, expert insight, and invaluable resources designed to empower you to combat cyberbullying and sexting.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Dr. McNichols