Points of P.R.I.D.E.
February 14, 2025
The Hundredth Day of School is Here!
And the Special This Week is...
Time to be Ready for Anything!
Oh the Weather is so Delightful...
Please remember to send your child with clothes for all weather. We will be outside until it "feels like " 10 degrees. Students need to bring warm layers to enjoy their outside time. Please send your child with a change of clothes, just in case.
We often have indoor recess in the morning but go outside in the afternoon.
FES Connects with Our Community
On February 12th, the Francestown Elementary School PTO helped celebrate and decorate the town with heartfelt Valentine’s Day spirit. Students created heart-shaped valentines, crafting garlands that now brighten various spots around town. This effort aims to show appreciation for the community and share a message of care and gratitude.
News From Ms. Curley
100th Day of School and Valentine's Day, Oh My!
Keeping Up with Ms. Sanchez
US Symbols and Turning 100 Years Old
This Just In from Ms. Parisi
All Things 100...
For the 100th day of school we worked together to try and build a structure that was 100 centimeters tall!
A Word From Mr. LeGraw
This week in PE, students worked on improving their hand-eye coordination through fun drills and mini games. Students learned some basic tennis skills to work on as well. Great progress was made this week!
Save the Date: 4th Grade Concert
4th graders and DCS 5th graders are invited to participate in a group performance at this concert with students from PES, AES, GBS, SMS, and CVHS!
Wednesday, March 19th 2024
6:30pm ConVal High School
Students are asked to arrive at 6:15pm
Attire: Wear all black!
In the interest of time, each choir will perform one song followed by the finale with all singers.
Lunch Menu
Follow the link to the lunch menu for FES.
It's That Time Again
Francestown Elementary School Handbook
Title I Support and Other Services
Did You Know?
Title I Intervention staffing is determined solely by free and reduced hot lunch numbers. Please consider filling out a form.
Looking for free and reduced hot lunch information? Click here or download the pdf.
We have food available through End 68 Hours of Hunger.
There are other services available in the community such as clothes, fuel assistance, and family support. Please contact Rachel Hill at 547-2976 or rhill@conval.edu for more information.
Crazy 8's Math Club Sponsored by the PTO
January 8 - March 10
- Grades 1 - 4
- 3:30 - 4:30
- Bring snack and water
P.R.I.D.E. Meeting and Community Lunch
February 21
- 11:30 P.R.I.D.E. Meeting
- 12:00 Community Lunch
Community Information
Website: fes.conval.edu
Location: 325 S. 2nd New Hampshire Turnpike, Francestown, NH, USA
Phone: (603) 547-2976