FHS November Newsletter
November 1st, 2024
We have so many awesome things going on at FHS, and we love sharing with you!
10/18 Wall of Honor Induction Ceremony
On October 18, our FHS students got to be a part of the Wall of Honor induction ceremony, where FHS alumni Brad Rose, Suzan Kessel, and Paul Wohlers were recognized for their amazing achievements. The 3 inductees then spent the afternoon in classes talking to our students about leadership and their life and career experiences.
10/24 Emma Benoit Assembly
On October 24, Emma Benoit, the most sought-after national speaker on youth suicide awareness and prevention, came to FHS to share her story. Students had the opportunity to preview 60 minutes of her documentary, followed by a Q&A session with students. We are very grateful for the opportunity to have Emma here meeting with our students, and are very appreciative that the Fairfield Mental Health Alliance made this happen.
Student Athlete and Choir Recognitions and Achievements
We had many FHS students who earned recognitions and achievements this month in various activities!
Congratulations to Bailey Belzer, Layla Terrell, Xavier Kessel, and Dylan Adam for being selected to the Iowa All State Choir and to Simeon Claussen for being selected as an alternate!
Congratulations to FHS Dance and Drill Team Members, Alexis Megrath, Addison Qualters, and Sarayu Tejada for receiving Division 1 ratings at the Iowa State Dance and Drill Team Association's Solo Qualifying Contest!
Congrats to All-Conference Volleyball Team Members:
1st team - Lilly Bergren
2nd team - Faith Jones
Honorable Mention - Claire Thompson and Isabel McCready
ALL 13 of the junior and senior FHS volleyball team members also received All-Conference Academic Honors!
We are so proud of our FHS students!
Winter Sports are Beginning!
Winter sports practices are starting! Below are starting practice dates, and coach contacts:
Girls Basketball - November 11 - Contact Coach Jerrod Belzer, jerrod.belzer@fairfieldsfuture.org
Girls Wrestling - November 11 - Contact Coach Steve Miller, cedarvalley641@gmail.com
Girls & Boys Bowling - November 12 - Contact Coach Melinda Chatfield, melinda.chatfield@fairfieldsfuture.org
Boys Basketball - November 18 - Contact Coach Nate Perkins, n8nperkins@gmail.com
Boys Wrestling - November 18 - Contact Coach Steve Miller, cedarvalley641@gmail.com
End of 1st Trimester Date and Big Board
The end of the 1st trimester is Friday, November 15. 2nd Trimester classes will begin on Wednesday, November 20.
Our Big Board is still available for you to see any upcoming assignments, projects, assessments, and performances! Please use the link below to access!
November Upcoming Events
Here is a list of upcoming events in November:
11/11 - Veterans Day Assembly, 9am
11/14 - Band and Choir Concert, 7pm
11/15 - End of First Trimester
11/18 and 11/19 - No School
11/20 - First Day of 2nd Trimester
11/21 - Winter Sports - Meet the Trojans, 6pm
11/27-11/29 - No School, Thanksgiving Break
We are so grateful for all of the amazing things going on at FHS! As always, if you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Mahon by email at mallory.mahon@fairfieldsfuture.org or by phone at 641-472-2059. GO TROJANS!!!