The Yeti Report
January 2024
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In This Issue
- Dates to Remember
- Notes from Principal Savage
- In-Person Academic Support
- Immunization Reminder
- Oregon Civics Bee
- MOA Location Map and Office Hours Reminder
January 17 - Last Day of Quarter
January 20- Martin Luther King Jr. Day- No School
January 21- Grading Day- No School
January 22- First day of Quarter 2
Stay Tuned-- Coming in February
- In-Person Academic Support Sessions
- Middle School Track and Field Sign Ups
Notes from Principal Savage
How quickly time flies!
As all of you should know, we are at the end of semester one! Semester two starts on January 22nd. With the exception of those that are new to us, your student’s semester two schedule should already appear in your ParentVue and StudentVue pages. You just need to change the term the focus is set on.
With the start of semester two, we are excited to announce that we will be able to start offering limited in-person academic help two days a week starting on February 4th! I say limited, only in that we cannot accommodate more than about 8 students at any given time. The good news is this means that your student will get very focused help. You will be able to request help in 30, 60, and 90 minute increments. The day prior to the help session, a teacher will confirm the time we are able to schedule your student for help. Please see communication in the form of a letter that will be sent out.
At the end of the semester, I look forward to being able to announce who our attendance and academic superstars are! Please keep an our on our social media for those announcements!
Winter iReady growth assessments will be administered in your students' English and math classes starting January 22nd. PLEASE remember our commitment to full, authentic participation. We had a 96% participation rate in the fall, and the information we gleaned from those results were invaluable.
Speaking of assessments, mark your calendars for April 15-16; April 28-May 1; May 7-9; May 20-22; and May 27-29. These are dates that we have set aside to schedule our OSAS testing. Though it is likely we will not need all these dates, they are the ones we have set aside for assessments and make-up assessments. Just as with last year, we will conduct our assessments in-person. You will be notified a few weeks prior to the start of testing where that will take place for your student.
I am amazed at how quickly the year is passing! That must mean we are having some fun!
As always, thank you for sharing your children with us!
Natosha Savage
Online Learning Coordinator
Does your student need some academic support? Want to come to the MOA offices for in-person help session with a teacher? You're in luck! - Starting February 4th- MOA will be offering in-person academic support on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from 1:30pm-3:45pm in our conference room! More information to follow!
Exclusion Day is coming! Does your student have all the required vaccines? Please have your student up to date on all the required vaccines by February 19th.
Click here to see the link of required immunizations for your student.
2nd Annual Event- Essays Due February 4th
Each participating student -6th, 7th 8th-graders are eligible- must submit an essay that identifies a community problem and proposes a solution using founding principles and civic virtues A panel of judges will select finalists to participate in regional civics bees to be held in several locations around the state. The top performers in regional bees will be invited to participate in the state bee, which will be held in Salem in spring 2025. Both regional and state civics bees will feature a quiz-style competition and engagement with judges about the students’ essays. The winner of the Oregon Civics Bee will be invited to participate in the National Civics Bee in Washington, D.C. in fall 2025.
MOA Grades 4-8 Location Information
We've moved to Oakdale Middle School! MOA is located in room 216. Our phone hours are 8am-3:30pm. Please note that due to our small office staff, we will have limited phone coverage between Noon and 12:30pm. If you reach our voicemail, please leave a message and we will return your call!