Bryn Mawr Bulletin
December 2024
Note from Mrs. Beverly
Dear Bryn Mawr Families,
Can you believe it is already December? Wow! As the winter months are here, I want to remind all families to please send your student into school with the proper winter gear for going outside to play. This includes a warm winter jacket, hat, and mittens/ gloves. If it snows and the temperature and wind chill allow students to go outside, students will be allowed to play outside in the snow if they have their snow gear with them. This includes snow pants / snow suit, boots, warm coat, hats, and mittens / gloves. If students do not have proper snow gear, they won't be allowed to play in the snow, and will be asked to stay on the blacktop to play with their friends their.
Thank you to all of our families that attended parent-teacher conferences on November 19th. It was wonderful for our families and teachers to meet and collaborate. A special thank you to families that dropped off notes of appreciation and gratitude for staff on this day too.
Brooke Beverly
Bryn Mawr Principal
Congratulations to Ms. Dupuis, Country Bank's Teacher of the Month!
Ms. Dupuis was nominated by Allie Collins and her family!
Important Upcoming Dates
December 5- Cyberbullying & Internet Safety Presentation (Virtual)
December 9- PTO Meeting (SWIS/ Hybrid) 6:30 pm
December 10 - Report Cards Distributed
December 10- Kindergarten Gingerbread STEAM house building
December 11- Kindergarten Gingerbread STEAM house building snow date
December 10 - December 20, 2024 - Second Grade New Year’s Around the World Stations
December 12- Wellness Activity- McCoys Action Karate with Grade Level Presentations
December 18- Chrismahanukwanzamadan School-Wide Enrichment Assembly
December 20 - Last day of school before December break
December 23-January 1- No School Winter Break
January 6- PTO Meeting (SWIS/Hybrid) 6:30 pm
January 17 - 1/2 day of school- Professional Development Day (No Satellite)
January 20- No School MLK Day
January 22- Winter Concerts
January 23- Winter Concert Snow Date
PTO Staff Holiday Appreciation Luncheon- Donations Needed
2024 Bryn Mawr Holiday STAFF Appreciation Luncheon
On Wednesday, December 18th the PTO is able to provide lunch and show appreciation to the 55 staff members at Bryn Mawr!
We need your help, please!
- Setting up for and cleaning up after the luncheon
- Beverage donations
- Dessert donations
- If homemade, an ingredient list is needed
- Raffle Prize donations (not exceeding a $50 value per item)
- Store Gift Cards to Target, Walmart, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Dunkin', Starbucks, etc.
- Pro Tip: more gift cards vs. larger values = more raffle winners!
- Example: If you're planning to donate $50 total in store gift cards, please consider 5 of $10 value or 2 of $25 value so more staff members will win prizes!
- Gift certificate to TeachersPayTeachers.com
- Themed baskets
- Sport or event tickets
- Seasonal home decor items
- Movie tickets
- Store Gift Cards to Target, Walmart, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Dunkin', Starbucks, etc.
Raffle donations can be sent in with your student or dropped off at the main entrance on any date prior to the luncheon. Raffle donations should be marked that it is for the Staff Appreciation Luncheon and not teacher specific.
"Shop for me" option!
To choose this option, simply complete a direct donation on the PTO website, indicate which school it is for, and your school rep will shop your contribution towards the Staff Appreciation Luncheon on your behalf! Please donate by December 17th to ensure there is enough time to shop! (Suggested donations: $5 for a case of soda, $10 for a dessert, $20 towards a raffle prize).
In order to volunteer in the school, you must have a current CORI/SORI on file with West St.
Questions? Please contact the PTO at auburnmapto@gmail.com
Family Focus: Math & Science at Home
Children are filled with curiosity! By exploring math and science concepts at home, you can help them find answers to all their questions and continue to foster a curious spirit. In our ever-evolving world, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) skills have become increasingly important. Below are some engaging math and science experiments that you can explore together at home.
Fun Math Activities for Home
Kitchen Math: Turn your kitchen into a math zone! Let your child help you cook by measuring ingredients for recipes. Discuss fractions, ratios, measurements, and even elapsed time as you cook together!
Shape Hunt: Go on a shape hunt around the house or outside! Challenge your child to find and identify different shapes in everyday objects, such as rectangles, circles, octagons, and triangles.
Math Puzzles and Games: Encourage critical thinking with math puzzles and games. There are many premade games like Sudoku, math crossword puzzles, and tangrams that are fun options for boosting problem-solving skills.
Math in Nature: Explore the math in nature by counting petals on flowers, estimating the number of
leaves on a tree, or measuring the height of different plants in your garden or yard.
Science Activities for Home
Volcanoes: Create a volcanic eruption with a simple baking soda and vinegar experiment. Add a little food coloring, and your child will be even more excited! It's an engaging way to learn about chemical reactions.
Magnet Mania: Gather various objects from around the house and investigate which ones are magnetic. This is a fun way to explore the concepts of attraction and repelling.
Grow Your Own Garden: Create a family garden by planting seeds and watching them grow. If you don’t have space for a garden, watching potted plants grow can be just as rewarding. This hands-on experience can be fun for the whole family.
Weather Watchers: Keep a weather journal with your child. Record the daily temperature, or graph the rainfall for a month. This can teach your child to predict, compare, and understand patterns around them.
By engaging in these math and science experiments at home, you can inspire a love of learning in your child and help them develop valuable problem-solving skills. Children love hands-on projects and the time to explore together—it's a fun way to bond and create lasting memories while learning and growing.
Happy experimenting!
Kindergarten News
Our kindergarteners are true little learners in our Bryn Mawr Community!
In reading we are beginning Unit 4 entitled Around the Neighborhood. We will focus on the people, jobs, and places in our town. This is a great time for your student to practice their address and phone number. We will continue to review the letters, sounds and high frequency words we’ve learned and begin to work on the letters/sounds Oo, Dd and our new high frequency words: you, do.
In writing, students are using letter/sound knowledge and high frequency words to build sentences. It is not our expectation to have words spelled correctly; students should be using the sounds they hear to write words to the best of their ability. We work hard to build confidence and independence in this area.
Addition continues to be our focus in math this month and we will begin the new year learning about shapes. We have been using terms such as greater than, less than, plus, equal, and sum as well as making pictures and models to solve problems. Listening skills are so important; you can help your student by asking them to repeat your words and look at the person who is speaking.
We look forward to some fun projects prior to our winter break. Along with introducing some holidays around the world, we will be doing a Gingerbread Man unit to retell and compare some different versions of the famous and mischievous Gingerbread Man. Please look out for information coming home about some donations that will help our students to complete some special STEM projects.
First Grade News
First grade is in full swing! Our students are working hard each and every day. In first grade, we are teaching students to become more independent. We are encouraging students to take responsibility for their own belongings, complete tasks on their own and make choices about their learning activities.
In reading, students have been learning about short vowels, blends and digraphs. Remember to practice reading nightly to increase fluency and accuracy.
In math, the students are learning different addition and subtraction strategies. Practice those math facts!
In science, we have been learning about light and sound. We are very excited for our in school field trip about sound with the Acton Discovery Museum in December.
As the weather is turning colder, please make sure that your child is dressed appropriately. We will be going outside as long as the weather permits.
Just a friendly reminder, if you are picking up your child, please have your ID or a picture of your ID on your phone. Although the teacher is familiar with you, another teacher or substitute may not be. Safety first!
Every day is a new adventure in grade one, we love seeing the joy on the children’s faces as they discover new things.
Second Grade News
The second grade students have been busy learning routines, rules, and developing a positive learning environment in class. We begin each day with restorative circles/morning meetings. This allows all children the opportunity to settle in and be prepared for the day ahead of them.
In reading, we have focused on identifying characters, plot and setting. We have read fantasy and realistic fiction, as well as expository text and fables. Be sure to continue to encourage the love for reading at home.
In math, students have been working on number sense and place value and now multi-digit addition along with problem solving. Becoming proficient with addition and subtraction facts at-home practice will ensure greater ease and understanding with the new math concepts to come.
Social Studies/Science:
The children loved learning about maps and creating a map with all the skills they were taught. We are now learning about different biomes and how living things adapt to their surroundings.
With the holidays quickly approaching we wish to thank you all for your continued support not only for your child, but their teachers. Together we are better!
Wishing you all a holiday season filled with peace and happiness!
The Second Grade Team
Second Grade New Year's Around the World Donations
We are still looking for donations for some packs of markers and bags of seedless grapes. Please sign up to help!
Title 1 Math News- Ms. Lobao
We are so proud of the progress students have made in math this trimester! Students have been working hard in showing their thinking, learning new strategies to problem solve, and persevering when needed.
In first grade, we have been solving basic addition and subtraction facts within 20. Students have been practicing many strategies including counting on, doubles, and near doubles. They have also been using creative tools to help them add and subtract (ask your child what a Rekenrek is!). Please have your child continue to practice these addition and subtraction facts at home.
In second grade, we have been working on three-digit place value as well as a review of basic addition and subtraction facts. Students have also been drawing models to show their thinking when solving word problems. Please have your child practice skip counting by 2s to 20, as well as 5s and 10s to 120. Please also have them practice their addition and subtraction facts within 20. Being automatic with math facts help children tackle harder math problems more confidently.
Cyberbullying & Internet Safety Webinar- Save the Date 12/5/24 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Overview for Cyber Safety and Bullying Presentation:
Worcester County District Attorney Joseph D. Early, Jr.’s Office is excited to bring our prevention education programs to the parents of Worcester County. Our Cyber Safety and Bullying presentation is the most requested prevention program we offer for the students of Worcester County. Our parent presentation includes topics such as defining bullying and the various forms of harassment, including cyberbullying. This presentation will also inform participants of urgent issues encountered when using social media and the legal ramifications of harassment. Internet safety tips
are provided, along with addressing how your children’s personal use of social media can affect their future opportunities and personal relationships. District Attorney Early’s Office will also provide tips on how to recognize and resolve these situations, as well as how to create a safer digital environment at home.
Presentation provided by Julia Baronowski of Community & School
Outreach, Office of District Attorney Joseph D. Early, Jr., Worcester, MA
Any further questions can be sent to Julia.Baronowski@mass.gov
ZOOM Meeting Link
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 890 6343 7119
Passcode: 911788
Wellness Information 2024-2025
This was also shared 11/17/24
Dear Auburn Community,
In an effort to keep our student and staff population healthy this cold and flu season, we need everyone’s help. If a student is not feeling well, they should be kept home to rest. We must verify all unreported absences, so please notify the school of their absence as soon as possible. Here are some helpful points to keep in mind to determine if your child should come to school:
Fever, Vomiting and/or Diarrhea: Keep your child home. Your child should remain home until 24 hours have passed without incidents of sickness or fever, without the aid of medication (such as Tylenol or Motrin).
Coughing/Sneezing/Runny Nose: If your child has a persistent cough that is frequent or distressing, please keep your child home. If they have mild cold symptoms, without fever, and with normal energy level and appetite, your child may come to school. If your child is still recovering from an illness and won’t be able to keep up with the demands of the school day please keep your child home to allow for rest and recovery. We encourage at-home covid testing for covid-like symptoms.
Other Diagnosed Illness (Ex. Flu/RSV): Return to school is based on symptom improvement and based on doctor’s recommendation. Please notify your child’s school nurse and see the above criteria for more information.
Diagnosed Illness Requiring Antibiotic Treatment (Ex. Conjunctivitis/Strep): Keep your child home until they have been on antibiotics for at least 12-24 hours depending on doctor’s recommendations.
Rashes: Rashes from an unknown source or widespread rashes should be assessed by your child’s primary care physician prior to your child attending school.
If you have any questions or concerns about your child’s health, please call your child’s school nurse. If you have concerns about your child’s academic progress or standing in relation to medical absences, please contact your child’s principal.
APS Music Fundraiser- Spaghetti with Santa
Spirit Wear Sale
Auburn Holiday Sale
Shop now for Auburn spirit wear during our holiday sale! Choose from hundreds of designs and garments, all with home delivery guaranteed by December 23rd!
Enjoy a limited-time savings of 25% sitewide with great gifts for the entire family! In addition, all orders over $75 will receive free shipping. Shop Now!