News and events
September 2024 Paw Print
September 11, 2024
Upcoming events
September 24 - TNO Cafe Zupas
October 2 - Lifetouch Picture Day
October 4 - No School for Students
October 7 - No School for Students
October 17 & 18 - No School for Students
October 25 - Halloween Dance
A message from the principal
Hello MBE Families!
We have had a great start to our school year! Thank you for attending our MBE Open House evening. MBE Students are getting used to routines and structures these first few weeks of school and building positive relationships with their teachers and peers.
We are excited to offer Leader In Me again this school year! Our students will benefit from learning the 7 healthy habits for being a successful, happy kid! Please look for this information in our weekly communications from our classroom teachers. The students have a lesson and/or activity every morning on LIM or Leader In Me from 9:30-10am.
Arrival in the mornings: we do not have supervision outside until 9:10am due to morning staff collaboration meetings. Please do not drop your child off at MBE earlier than 9:10am. We want all children to be safe and ready for school. 9:15am the first bell rings to enter the building. When it gets cold students should not be waiting outside longer than 5 minutes.
Also, our first bell for departure begins at 3:50pm. Please pick-up your child between 3:50-4pm at the end of the day at the drive-up lane. Our MBE Main Office closes at 4:15pm.
Thank you!
Ms. Wahlin, MBE Principal
Spirit Apparel
Here is the link if you would like to order spirit wear for student(s) and their parents. There is no delivery fee if the items are being delivered to the school. Round 1 for ordering is due by September 23rd.
Lifetouch Pictures
Our picture day Is Wednesday, October 2nd. Watch for the order form to come home in your student's Wednesday folder on September 25th. You can order online at with Picture Day ID: EVTKH96GF
Reminders for Using the Parent Drop Off and Pick Up Lane
Parent Drop Off: 9:15am and Pick Up: 3:50pm Lane
Enter the Drop off/Pick Up Lane and continue to move forward, filling in the lane. Drop off or pick up your child curbside for their safety. During drop off, please stay in your vehicle and have your child exit once you come to a stop unless they need assistance with buckle restraints. If you need more time with your child during drop off or pick up, please park in the visitor parking or street side. We want arrival and dismissal to be efficient and safe for all.
Every Meal
We are excited to partner with Every Meal to offer a free weekend meal program to all our students.
Every Meal is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with a mission to fight child hunger through community and school partnerships. They strive to make a difference in children’s lives by focusing on food gaps like weekends, school breaks, and summer when they can’t receive food in school.
● Free for all families
● No qualifications required
● Students enrolled in the program will receive a 4-5 pound bag of nutritious, nonperishable food each week
● Every Meal does not collect information from families; privacy is protected
● Families may choose to participate in the program anytime throughout the school year
● Families may choose from a variety of different weekend food bag options
Volunteer news
Thank you to our AWESOME volunteers for all the help so far this year! We couldn't do it without you. If you would like to join us, sign up to volunteer! We have volunteer spots open to help with lunch, Picture Day (volunteers receive a free photo package), Book Fair (volunteers receive a voucher for $5 off at the fair), conferences, and the Halloween Dance (volunteers skip the line and get a voucher for concessions).
MBE Parent Group News
We are having our first Tiger Night Out (TNO) of the year! Please join us at Zupas on September 24th from 4-9. Zupas has offered to donate 20% of all proceeds that night to Morris Bye. Make sure you mention Morris Bye in order for us to get our donation!
The Morris Bye Halloween Dance will be on Friday, October 25th, from 7:00- 8:30 p.m. $2 Admission Per Child (parental supervision required). There will be dancing in the gym with a DJ from Bach to Rock, Halloween Crafts for $2, a Photo Booth, Glow items, concessions, and lots of fun! More details will be sent home in your student's Wednesday Folders. Do you have additional ideas for our Halloween Dance Party?
The Parent Group will be sponsoring a dinner for our teachers at fall conferences. We will be asking for donations for additional items. Stay tuned for more information on how you can contribute.
Visit our WEBSITE for more information on upcoming events, meeting minutes, and how YOU can help support your student's elementary school experience!
Attendance Information
Pre-K to Grade 3 Parenting Education and Family Engagement Workshops
See the flyer for Pre-K to Grade 3 Parenting Education and Family Engagement Workshops here.
This e-newsletter is published by Morris Bye Elementary School. Questions, comment or concerns about the school e-newsletter? Contact us.