September Parent Newsletter
From Behind the Desk of Principal Cattell
Open House is September 10th, 2024 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. Parents will be able to visit with their students' teachers. There will be a presentation for Parents / Guardians from 5:30 to 6:00 p.m. in the Auditorium with school updates and other important information. From 6:00 to 7:00 parents can walk around and visit their students' teachers at this time.
Please join us on Wednesday, September 11, 2024, from 6:30-7:30 pm, for a virtual presentation regarding the planned expansion of IgKnight Academy, to include 9th and 10th graders in the 2025-2026 school year. The expansion is pending the minimum required enrollment of ‘25 high school students. District administration will share details about future high school programming at IgKnight Academy, and answer questions submitted by stakeholders. To join the Google Meet, click HERE, or dial: (US) +1 216-816-0840 PIN: 712 737 935# If you have a question you would like to have addressed in the virtual session, please submit it HERE.
Updates From Assistant Principal Brian Kowalski
This year, Kaneland High School Juniors will have the opportunity to take the PSAT/NMSQT on Wednesday, October 16, 2024. This is an optional test for those seeing to qualify for the National Merit Scholarship program, an academic competition for recognition and scholarships. Registration is due by Friday, September 6, 2024, and students may sign up for the exam through the School Store in the Infinite Campus Portal. For more information, please click here.
From Assistant Principal Larry King
The student services office is staffed with counselors, social workers, a school psychologist, a registrar and secretarial staff. Students are assigned to a counselor alphabetically and are expected to work with that person all four (4) years of high school. Social workers and the psychologist take referrals as needed.
Among the services provided are...
-Academic counseling
-College & career counseling
-and Social/emotional counseling
Parents and students are encouraged to contact student service personnel with concerns or questions they might have.
A-C Erin Shore EXT 71242
D-G Kate Ozarka EXT 71218
H-Mc Anne Kuntz EXT 71211
Md-R Andy Franklin EXT 71214
S-Z Cyndi Violett EXT 71213
A-L Special Services John Markovich EXT 71216
M-Z Special Services Colleen Russell EXT 71212
College and Career Center EXT 71201
Social Work
Emily Dremel A-L
Calista Sarabia M-Z
School Psychologist
Allie Cox
Stay Connected!
Student Services: Canvas Link
From Dean Noe Escamilla
Over the next several weeks we, along with schools across the District, will be practicing our plans for fire, sheltering in place, intruder (A.L.I.C.E.), and evacuating the bus in an emergency. These drills are held as practice and to teach students what to do in these scenarios. These drills are coordinated with our District Safety Team and required by the Illinois School Code. For questions or more information, please contact 630.365.5100
College & Career Readiness Center
Nurse Office
Dear Kaneland parents,
Please, see the important reminders below from our Nurse’s office regarding school physicals and immunizations.
Physical Requirements for 9th graders:
A Current physical or a physical that has been done within a year of the first day of school (nothing older than 8/16/23).
Immunization records must be a current copy (completed with physical) and signed by Physician or stamped (not typed).
Illinois state exam must be signed and dated by Physician
The Health History section must be filled out by the Parent, signed and dated.
Physician to fill in Diabetes screening, Lead Screening and Physical Education portion.
Dental exams are also required for 9th graders but are not a part of exclusion.
Everything should be filled out on a physical exam but the list above is what will keep your student from being excluded.
12th grade Immunization Requirements:
2nd meningococcal shot
Shot must be on or after 16th birthday (if not, a physician’s note stating student is “properly immunized” for 2nd meningococcal shot, will suffice for state requirements)
If anything is missing from Physical or Immunization records (listed above) students will still be EXCLUDED from school beginning October 15, 2024.
IMPORTANT- Future doctor’s appointments (on or after October 15th) will not exempt you from state exclusion. We do not accept Sports Physicals. Please, do not turn them in to the health office; those documents go to the Athletic department, Stephanie Douglas email at
Feel free to contact the Health Office with any questions or concerns.
Akansha Garcia, RN, BSN PEL-CSN (Wed-Fri)
Morgan Sergeant, BSN, RN, Building Nurse
DevaDenay “Deva” Shamley, CNA, Health Assistant