Priority Registration for 2025-2026
Priority Registration for Before School & Extended Day
Priority Student Registration for the 2025-2026 Before School and Extended Day Programs is Open from April 1, 2025 through April 15, 2025!
***The 2025-2026 PRIORITY Registration Links
can be found at the bottom of this newsletter.***
Watertown Community Education is pleased to offer a priority registration period for the 2025-2026 Before School and Extended Day Programs. The priority registration period will open at 9:00 am on Tuesday, April 1, 2025, and will close at 11:59 pm on Tuesday, April 15, 2025.
Priority registration is available to the following students:
RETURNING STUDENTS - Students actively enrolled in the 2024-2025 Before School and/or Extended Day Program as kindergarten through grade 5 students at the time of 2025-2026 priority registration (4/1/25 - 4/15/25). *Students enrolled in the 2024-2025 PreKindergarten Extended Day Program are not eligible for priority enrollment as incoming 2025-2026 kindergarten students.
SIBLINGS OF RETURNING STUDENTS - Students entering kindergarten through grade 5 for the 2025-2026 school year who have one or more siblings who are actively enrolled in the 2024-2025 Before School and/or Extended Day Program as kindergarten through grade 5 students at the time of 2025-2026 priority registration (4/1/25 - 4/15/25). *Students entering PreKindergarten in the 2025-2026 school year are not eligible for sibling priority.
PREVIOUSLY WAITLISTED STUDENTS: Students who were registered as kindergarten through grade 5 students for the 2024-2025 school year Before School and/or Extended Day Program during the initial new student registration period (6/3/24 - 6/23/24), AND whose registration fee to activate their waitlist status was paid by the initial deadline of July 22, 2024, AND who remain active on the 2024-2025 Before School and/or Extended Day Program waitlist at the time of 2025-2026 priority registration (4/1/25 - 4/15/25). Students who were previously waitlisted for the 2024-2025 PreK Extended Day Program are not eligible for 2025-2026 priority registration.
STUDENTS OF WPS EMPLOYEES - Students entering kindergarten through grade 5 in the 2025-2026 school year whose parent and/or legal guardian is an active employee of Watertown Public Schools at the time of 2025-2026 priority registration (4/1/25 - 4/15/25). There is no priority available for students of WPS employees entering PreKindergarten in the 2025-2026 school year.
Priority registration does not guarantee a space for your student in the program. Priority registration is not first come, first served. If the number of priority student registrations received exceeds the total program capacity and/or the capacity of a single grade/age grouping, a lottery for enrollment will be held on Wednesday, April 16, 2025. Families will received an email notifying them if their student is being offered a space or has been waitlisted on or before Wednesday, April 30, 2025. Priority registration status will not be honored for any students who are registered after April 15, 2025.
Priority registration for opens at 9:00 AM on Tuesday, April 1, 2025 and closes at 11:59 PM on Tuesday, April 15, 2025.
If you are registering more than one student and a full program lottery for priority enrollment is needed, all students in your family/household will be considered one lottery number when placing your students in the programs. We will place siblings at the same time to the best of our ability and to the extent possible according to their individual grade/grouping availability. There is no guarantee that if one student in a family is placed that all students will be placed.
In the event that a full program priority enrollment lottery is not needed (such as only select groups or schedules are at capacity and require a lottery for enrollment), lotteries for specific grade groupings and/or specific schedules may be held separately. In these instances, the placement of a sibling in another group does not imply priority for the sibling student who is subject to a lottery. There is no guarantee that if one student in a family is placed that all students will be placed.
Returning Before School and/or Extended Day Program students, students who were active on the waitlist but did not receive space will not be charged a registration fee.
New siblings of returning Before School and/or Extended Day Program students and/or new students of WPS staff will be charged a one-time, registration fee of $100.00 per child to activate their registration. The registration fee is due by Thursday, May 15, 2025. Please wait to receive payment instructions on/or before April 30, 2025, before submitting the registration fee payment.
Priority registration will be held online via Google Form. Links to the site-specific registration forms can be found at the bottom of this Smore.
You must submit a registration form for each student you are registering.
Once you submit your registration form, you will receive an email from the email address “Google Forms” that will provide you with a copy of the online registration form you submitted. Please check this form and the information you submitted thoroughly to ensure it accurately reflects the program and schedule you are registering for. **Sometimes this email from Google Forms may go to your junk or spam mail folder.**
Once a registration form is submitted, parents/guardians are responsible for emailing any schedule corrections to their form to both Debi Cornelius debora.cornelius@watertown.k12.ma.us AND Jeff Bodner jeffrey.bodner@watertown.k12.ma.us prior to 11:59 PM on Tuesday, April 15, 2025. After 11:59 PM on April 15, 2025, any corrections to your initial registration form will be considered a registration change. Registration changes after the April 15th deadline will nullify your original registration. You will need to submit a new registration and your student will no longer be eligible for the priority registration status.
Following the priority registration period, Watertown Community Education administrators will assess the number of students registered and determine whether a lottery for priority registrations will be needed. An email will be sent to all families who submitted a registration form stating whether or not a lottery is needed. Following this general email announcement, Community Education administrators will send an individual confirmation email to each family confirming their registration and announcing next steps to accept your student’s space on or before Wednesday, April 30, 2025. This will include the amount of your first tuition payment (for September 2025 tuition) which will be due by Thursday, May 15, 2025. Please do not send in your first month’s payment and/or the registration fee for new siblings of returning students until you have received the email.
Please see below for 2024-2025 Before School and Extended Day Program general program information including tuition rates, program schedules, and hours, etc.
Watertown Community Education and The Before School and Extended Day Programs:
- Watertown Community Education, a department of Watertown Public Schools, is pleased to offer an optional, fee-based Before School Program for WPS students in Kindergarten through Grade 5 and an optional, fee-based Extended Day Program for WPS students PreKindergarten through Grade 5.
- PreKindergarten students are not eligible for the Before School Program.
- The K-5 Before School Program and the PreK-5 Extended Day Program are available to students with confirmed enrollment in the program beginning on their first full day of school.
- The Before School and Extended Day Programs are not academic programs. These are social and play-based programs offering students a schedule of activities each day that include a balance of structured and unstructured time. We offer arts and crafts, movement activities, group-based activities that are both student- and teacher-led, and free playtime with a variety of toys and materials. Students enrolled in the Extended Day Program will spend time outdoors daily, weather permitting.
- The K-5 Before School Program runs from 7:15 AM – 8:05 AM. Students can be dropped off anytime within these hours. Kindergarten students enrolled in the program will be walked to their daytime kindergarten classroom or meeting area at 8:05 AM each day.
- The PreK-5 Extended Day Program runs from 2:30 PM – 6:00 PM. Students can be picked up anytime during these hours.
Enrollment options for The K-5 Before School Program:
5 day per week enrollment (only registration option)
Enrollment options for The PreK-5 Extended Day Program:
5 day per week enrollment
3 day per week enrollment (schedule must be Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays)
2 day per week enrollment (schedule must be Tuesdays and Thursdays)
* No exceptions can be made to the days included in these enrollment options.
* Priority will be given to registrations for 5-day per week enrollment.
Tuition for The Before School & Extended Day Programs:
Click to view the 2025-2026 Before School and Extended Day Tuition Chart
The annual tuition is paid on a monthly basis and is broken down into 10-equal monthly payments. Your first month’s payment is due by Thursday, May 15, 2025, to secure and confirm enrollment.
We do not offer scholarships or reduced rates based on income. Child care vouchers are not accepted for these programs.
Please click on the priority registration link below for the school your student is confirmed to attend for the 2025-2026 school year.
2025-2026 PRIORITY CUNNIFF Before School and/or Extended Day Program Registration Form Link: https://forms.gle/BDmAkowJaBXnyVks9
2025-2026 PRIORITY HOSMER Before School and/or Extended Day Program Registration Form Link: https://forms.gle/xagzeJt3hPPQ5zZdA
2025-2026 PRIORITY LOWELL Before School and/or Extended Day Program Registration Form Link: https://forms.gle/NjqhEuPq8XFuy1uh7
**If you are not sure which school and/or site your student will be attending for daytime kindergarten through grade 5 for the 2025-2026 school year, please complete a registration form for any site they could attend. If you complete more than one site's registration form for your student, your student will be entered into the lottery for enrollment for all sites your complete a registration form for. Your student's lottery results for the daytime school site they are confirmed to attend are the only lottery results that will be honored. If you student is offered a space in the Before School and/or Extended Day Program site that does not match your student's daytime school placement, that confirmed space cannot be transferred to another school site. Your student's placement in a Before School and/or Extended Day Program site location does not make them eligible to attend daytime school at that site location. Your student's daytime school location is determined by the Superintendent of Watertown Public Schools and/or School Administrators, not by Watertown Community Education. Your student cannot attend the Before School and/or Extended Day Program at a school site different than their assigned daytime school placement site.