Silverbrook Family Newsletter
Vol. 11 No. 24 February 21, 2025
Mission: Empowering ALL Students to be Successful Learners
2024-2025 Theme: Building SuperReaders!
Student of the Week
5 Red - Daisy Bolanos Marcial
5 Orange - Austin Doffek
5 Purple - Kinley Westphal
5 Blue - Henry Woltring
5 Yellow - Andrew Wolfert
6 Red - Ryder Frischmann
6 Green - Kailey Sager
6 Yellow - Caleb Mertes
6 Purple - Abigail Gostony
6 Blue - Riley Jassoy
Art - Tommy Wall
World Language - Amelia Naczek
Music - Emma Collier
PE - Grayton Christophersen
Staff of the Week
Your opportunity to nominate a Silverbrook staff member!
Do you know of a Silverbrook staff member who has made a positive impact on your child? Parents and students are encouraged to nominate a staff member of the week. Please use this form to submit a nomination. Every week the nominations are reviewed and announced on Monday mornings, along with the Students of the Week.
Congratulations, Semi!
6 Blue's Semi A was recently chosen as the Silverbrook Optimist Student of the Month for February. On Thursday, she was recognized at the club luncheon at New Perspectives. Semi's family, including three sisters, joined her as well.
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Spring Conferences will be on Thursday, February 27th from 3:30-7:30pm
These 10 minute conferences are assumed to be in person, however virtual or phone conferences are available upon request. If conference times have been filled for the evening or the conference date or times do not work for your schedule, please contact your child’s teacher to determine an alternate conference date/time. Key teachers and Interventionists have individual conference sign ups on Skyward as well.
Conference Scheduling Directions:
Login to Skyward Family Access
Click on the “Conferences” tab on the left hand side of the page
There will be 2 links to the right of your child’s name…
“View Scheduled Times” - this will list any scheduled conference dates/times you have set
“All Conferences” - this will allow you to sign up for conferences
Click on “All Conferences” and find the class that states your child’s house. Only one designated house teacher name will appear, but all house teachers will be attending the conference.
To schedule a conference time, click on the “Select a Time'' link, beneath the Status heading. A pop-up window will display available conference times. Select a time that you would like to meet with your child’s teachers.
Parent help for conferences
Thanks to all the families that have signed up to bring an item for the teacher's dinner. There are a few slots still available. The PTO is providing dinner for teachers on the night of conferences, however, we are asking families if they are willing to help supplement the dinner with snacks, dessert and beverages. If you are able to help, please sign up on the Sign up Genius. Thanks in advance!
Friday - February 28th - Fluorescent Friday (wear neon/bright colors)
School Dance
Silverbrook School Dance is on Friday, Feb. 28th from 3:15-4:45. This dance is a fundraiser for the West Bend Full Shelf Food Pantry.
The deadline to turn in permission slips along with cash or food donations was Friday, February 21st. Any late permission slips will only be accepted on Monday, February 24th by the end of the school day. Students who try to turn in their slips after Monday will not be able to attend the dance.The Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra Youth Concert has been rescheduled to Thursday, 5/22 from 10am-11:00 at the Silver Lining Stage at the West Bend High School.
2nd Annual West Bend Track Camp
Camp Details
When: Tuesday-Friday, June 10-13, 9:00-10:30 am (Check-in starts at 8:30 am on Tuesday).
Where: West Bend High School track
Who: Boys and girls going into grades 4-9 (Fall 2025)
Cost: Pre-Register by June 2 for $25.00/athlete ($20.00 for additional same family sibling).
Walk-Up Registration fee is $30.00
Camp Features
Introduction to and practice at a variety of track and field events
Focus on proper warm-ups, running form, and stretching
Mini-workouts and games
A Friday “meet” to show off new skills (if possible)
High school coaches and athletes
For More Information
Contact Coach Hartman at 262-335-5570 ext. 312730 (school) or 920-470-1215 (cell)
or email at bhartman@wbsd-schools.org OR
Coach Wanie at 262-335-5570 ext. 311507 or email at mwanie@wbsd-schools.org
Second Step
Week of 2/24/2025
5th Grade
No Lesson
6th Grade
Lesson: Conflict Solvers
Summary: In this week’s lesson, your child will use their conflict-solving expertise to help solve a realistic peer conflict.
Upcoming school activities
Week of February 24
Activities and clubs run from 3:10-4:05
February 24
- JA Biztown - 5 Yellow
- State FBLA Competition in Wisconsin Dells
February 25
- JA Biztown - 5 Red
- Intramural Football
- Silverbrook Swifties
- Workspace
February 26
- JA Biztown - 5 Orange/5 Blue
- Mathcounts
- Expect Respect
- Strings of Steel
- Bravo!
- Winter Guard (3:10-6:00pm)
- Workspace
Febraury 27
- JA Biztown - 5 Purple
- Spring Conferences (3:30-7:30)
- West Bend Rock'n Jazz Fest / Viking Attack @ SLAC (6:30-8:30)
February 28
- Alternate Schedule
- Student Council Dance (3:00-5:00pm)
- Fabulous Friday Dress Up - Kids Dress as teachers, teachers dress as kids
March 1
- Choir Solo & Ensemble @ Badger
- Orchestra Solo & Ensemble @ WBHS
- Band Solo & Ensemble @ Badger
- Winter Guard (12:30-5:30)