Freedom Park Faculty and Staff
The New Look of Infinite Campus
Be on the lookout for the new look of Infinite Campus. You will be given an easier way to navigate while maintaining the same functionality. Teachers can now toggle a switch to replace their existing Infinite Campus with a new user interface.
Parent Conference Sept 21 - Oct. 8
Progress Reports September 29th
This year, progress reports will be available on Infinite Campus only. Please make sure you have grades for each subject area.
Early Release - October 8th
October 8th is an early release date for our students. Students will be released at 12 noon.
Child Find Due Oct. 1st
iReady Diagnostic - September 8th-October 16th
Fall Break - October 8th - 12th
No Shows
We are cleaning up IC! We know how frustrating incorrect or unnecessary sections in Infinite Campus must be. We need your help. Please complete the following form to help us clean house.
Man Your Station - Duty Stations
It is vital that all teachers/staff manage and be on time to their duty station. The safety of our children depends on your prompt attention to this matter. Morning duty stations began at 6:30am. Afternoon duty stations begin at 2:00 for connection teachers and 2:15 for all other staff/teachers.
Communication is Key
Please make sure your parents know when and how they can contact you. Also, make sure they have access to your primary mode of communication (Class Dojo, Remind, etc.).
Code of Conduct Acknowledgement
Your parents have been sent the following link to view this year's Code of Conduct, and complete the form acknowledging that they have read it. This information is for virtual and face-to-face students. The information was sent via the school newsletter. It can be found on the school website, Facebook, and Twitter pages. I have also sent it through the school Dojo.
Confidential - Student Records
Please be reminded, student records are confidential. Records must be kept secure at all times. If you check it out, it is your responsibility to keep the content confidential. It is also your responsibility to return the files for safe keeping at the end of your planning period.
Child Find - October 1st
Please complete your Child Find by Oct. 1st. You may check out your students' files through the Guidance Department.
Special Education - IEP
Please check your students records! If you have any questions, please contact the Special Education Department.
Response to Intervention - RTI
We will begin conducting and rescheduling RTI meetings that were cancelled due to the pandemic. Please expect communication regarding upcoming meetings. POC-Darville
Section 504
We will begin communicating regarding 504 meetings and reviews. Please check your email regarding guidance.
Teaching and Learning Department
Please view this weeks newsletter from the department of Teaching and Learning:
GNC Videos
The GNC videos are mandatory for all RCSS employees. The deadline for viewing them has passed. Please make sure you watch them. Turn in your certificate to Ms. Hughes. Please use the flyer below.
S.M.A.R.T Goals
This week we will be taking a look at your SMART Goals. Please make sure you have two uploaded to the TKES platform. We will communicate any concerns via email. Please review the following document before you create your goals.
COVID Point of Contact
The COVID Point of Contact is Mr. Bush, not the nurse. If a student experiences symptoms, please follow the following guidelines.
- Contact the front office and inform them that you need a student to be removed from class due to symptoms.
- Please wait for directions for where to relocate your class.
- Your classroom will be fogged. Please wait to be told to return to your classroom.
- Please use good judgement regarding symptoms.
Face Mask Required
Our school district continues to follow the CDC and Department of Public Health COVID-19 recommendations. Please see the link below that indicates that face shields are NOT alternatives to wearing a mask. They can be worn as additional personal protective equipment. If you have special circumstances or issues that need to be addressed, please contact Human Resources for guidance.
K-12 Remote Learning Plans
In August 2020, the Georgia Department of Education released K-12 Remote Learning Plans. Plans are provided for each content area, fine arts and physical education/wellness. They each include two weeks' worth of lesson plans that include "plugged and unplugged" activities. They have all been vetted by GADOE content experts and they all align to the Georgia Standards. In situations where a classroom would have to pivot to an online learning environment and/or if a substitute is used, these resources would be good supplements to the modules that teachers have prepared in Canvas. They are also great supplements for our face to face teachers.
Virtual Academy Attendance
If you are a teacher for the virtual academy, please use the following form for your attendance through the first two weeks of school.
Taking Attendance Virtually - What Counts?
Attendance for virtual students will be taken daily. Attendance is based on assignment completion or interaction with teachers. We cannot require students to use their video/camera to be counted present. Please view the PowerPoint below.
Freedom Park School
Phone: (706) 796-8428
Twitter: @FPSforthepark