Construction Update
The construction will also impact student drop off and pickup. We will follow a similar procedure to previous years, but the families with students last names A-K will drop off and pick up at the east side of the north gym and exit to the east out the main east entrance/exit. This will be a change, but should allow us to move through drop off and pick up safely and quickly. Look at the image below to learn more. Contact Cody at cody.tibbetts@vmbulldogs.com if you have any questions.
The bids for the footings and site work came in a bit under budget. Work will start sometime in September, so access to the elementary side of the building will be limited until the 26-27 school year. All visitors will check in on the east side of the building at the secondary entrance for both the 24-25 and 25-26 school years. The new addition will be ready to go by August of 2026.
Bids for the construction of the building addition will go out in December of 2024. We will have a better idea of the timeline of construction later this school year.
More information about the plans can be found below. We are looking forward to a great finished project and we are excited for our students and staff. It's always a great day to be a Bulldog!
School Starts Today and Fan Fest is Tonight
Fan Fest is also on Friday, August 23
- 4:30 pm- High School Football Scrimmage
- 5:00 pm- Introduction of Cross Country Teams
- 5:00 pm- High School Volleyball Scrimmage
- 6:15 pm- Parade of Athletes (Grades 7th-12th Only)
- 6:00-10:00 pm- Entertainment- Downtown at the Van Meter Fire Station
The rest of the 24-25 School Calendar is available for download below.
School Arrival/Dismissal Times and Transportation- Contact Mr. Pelz for Bussing Information
Transportation Director, Quin Pelz has contacted families who require bus transportation with more information, but in general, here is what you can expect:
- Seating will be assigned by the bus drivers.
- We will pick up rural students and drop them off at the school first. Pick-up times have been emailed by Quin Pelz. If you still don't know your pickup time, email Quin at quin.pelz@vmbulldogs.com
- Busses will then pick up Crestview, west Van Meter, and Daycare students at 7:55 a.m. and drop them off at the school.
- Parents can start dropping kids off at 7:55 a.m. Families with last names beginning with the letters A-K use the North Gym East Side. Students will enter at the Activities Entrance near the north gym concession stand. Families with last names beginning with the letters K-Z use the secondary side of the building to drop off their children after buses drop off.
- At 3:05 p.m., students who walk home from school will be dismissed.
- At approximately 3:10 p.m., Daycare, Crestview, and west Van Meter student bus riders will be dismissed from school and taken to their dropoffs
- At approximately, 3:20 p.m. rural student bus riders will be dismissed and taken to their homes.
- At 3:30, students who are getting picked up by their parents will be dismissed. Mr. Tibbetts and Mr. Lamoureux will provide more specific information on what pickup and drop-off will look like, but the image below should help. Parents should not arrive prior to 3:20 p.m. to pick their child up from school.
- The start time for HS students is 8:45 a.m HS students shouldn't arrive prior to 8:45 unless they have an early morning class.
- Any early dismissal will be adjusted to the corresponding times. i.e. 1:05 pm instead of 3:05 pm, etc.
Advertising on the Video Board
All of the commercial spots are filled, but there is room for the two levels identified below. We'd love to have your support for our programs.
Options for supporting our programs are in the image below.
School Breakfast and Lunches in 24-25
Free and Reduced Lunches
Get Involved
We have four organizations that do a great job of supporting Van Meter Schools. They are always looking for members. Be sure to reach out to them if you are interested in helping out.
Van Meter Education Foundation- Contact Luke Haverstick at lhaverstick@hotmail.com
Van Meter Elementary Parent Committee Contact Amanda Dougherty at mnddougherty@gmail.com
Van Meter Performing Arts Boosters Contact Scott Prickett at prickettsd@gmail.com
Van Meter Athletic Boosters Contact Amy Giesking at - amy.giesking@gmail.com
Athletic Website and Schedules
Contact Us
Email: firstname.lastname@vmbulldogs.com
Website: www.vmbulldogs.com
Location: 520 1st Avenue, Van Meter, IA, USA
Phone: (515) 996-2221
Facebook: https://facebook.com/VanMeterSchools/
Twitter: @vanmeterschools