In Fifth Gear
Week T H I R T Y S I X - May 17, 2024
BES Families,
Please register your child for the 24-25 school year in Skyward. Registration must be completed each year. If you have any questions, call Shelly or Charlotte.
Thank you!
5th Grade Continuation Celebration Information!
Click the picture or the link above
We're on the final countdown to our 5th Grade celebration! Check out the list of activities below. We can't wait to celebrate your 5th grader! Use the link to RSVP for the Continuation!
Important Dates!
- 21 - Field Day (more info BELOW)
- 22- Hop and Pop Day (for 5th graders during specials)
5th grade walk to city park from 9:00-1:00 - 23 - Last Day of School; Early Release at 11:45 am
5th Grade celebration/ awards @8:00am
Field day
The Middle School Course Verification Window will be open in Skyward on May 15, 16 and 17. During this window, students and parents will be able to view 6th grade requested courses and verify that the listed courses for the 2024-25 school year are accurate. Please click the link below for Instructions on how to view courses in Skyward, additional information regarding changes to requested courses, and how to access the Course Verification Request Change Form.
Student Dress Code as the weather warms up...
● Pants must fit properly and be worn at the waist level
● Students are to wear appropriate shoes or sandals at all times.
● Proper underclothing must be worn at all times. Underclothing must not be visible.
● Shorts or skirts must be long enough to extend mid-thigh and allow students to be able to stand, sit, and/or bend with modesty
● Opaque or colored hosiery will not be considered pants when worn with a shirt
● Shirts must cover the midriff at all times
● Tank/tube tops with proper underclothing must be worn with an over blouse buttoned halfway up.
● Sleeveless blouses/tops must have the outside edge of the sleeve touch the outside edge of the shoulder.
A Few Things...
Dear Parents,
The health and safety of all students is important to the staff at Bransford Elementary. We are asking that if your child has been out sick this week and has been diagnosed, please call the campus and let the nurse know.
In an effort to keep our students healthy and in the classroom, I wanted to share a few lifestyle hygiene habits. We can’t keep everyone from getting sick, but we sure can try.
Wash your hands!! Before you eat, after you eat, when you use the restroom, after PE, after you sneeze, anytime you can. When in doubt, wash your hands.
If you cough or sneeze, use your sleeve. (The students can demonstrate this for you)
Respect personal space. Keep a little distance between you and your friends, and you and your teachers.
Only visit the nurse for things that cannot be taken care of in the classroom. At any time during the day there may be a sick student in the clinic, so the healthiest place to be is in the classroom. Teachers have band aids for little cuts and scrapes.
Wear weather appropriate clothing. If there is snow on the ground, students should wear closed-toed shoes, pants and a jacket.
While we practice these healthy habits at school, we also ask that you do your part in assessing your student’s health at home. If your student has a fever of more than 100.0 degrees, or is experiencing vomit/diarrhea, district policy requires them to stay home. Only when your student has been symptom free without the use of any medication for more than 24 hours may they return to campus.
In the event that your student is staying home from school, please call the front office and let us know. As always, we are here to answer any healthy hygiene habits questions.
Thank you,
Andrea Bernsen, MSN, BSN
School Nurse
Important device information!!!
Students must bring headphones (that plug in with a headphone jack) each and every day- we use these in class and they use them in piano.
Thank you so much!
Please make sure they are charging their Chromebook every night and bringing it with them to school every day.
*Weak choice slips will come home if they are forgotten/ not charged.
students with phones and watches
Some of our students now have watches that they can send and receive texts with. Most are for communication with parents, but that is not always the case. We wanted you to have the exact board policy (related to elementary schools) for personal use devices. If a student has a device like this or a phone, they are asked to keep it in their backpacks during the school day because they are not permitted without administrator permission during school hours.
Electronic Devices and Technology Resources
Possession and Use of Personal Telecommunications Devices, Including Cell Phones and Other Electronic Devices
"An elementary school student or a student at an alternative school may access and use a personal telecommunications device or other personal electronic devices only with administrative permission."
District Information
Effective September 1, 2023, Texas House Bill 114 requires a student to be placed in the Disciplinary Alternative Education Program (DAEP) if the student possesses, uses, or is under the influence of, or sells, gives, or delivers marijuana, THC, or an e-cigarette to another person within 300 feet of school property or at a school-related event.
The District encourages all families to talk with their students regarding the dangers associated with vaping or drug usage and to discuss the implications of this new law with your children, emphasizing the importance of adhering to school policies and laws for their own welfare and for the betterment of the school community as a whole. Your cooperation and support in ensuring that our district remains a safe and healthy educational environment for our students is deeply appreciated.
Parents may find the full version of the Bill here:
Join Bransford's PTA
Bransford's PTA is an outstanding Parent-Teacher Association! Our PTA always puts the needs of students first! Please use the link below to go to their website, learn more about this organization, and join! You can even invite other family members and friends to join, too. Thank you for being willing to be part of the BEST PTA around!
The 5th Grade Team
Mrs. Cooper ~ Miss McAllister ~ Mrs. Estes
Conference 7:50-8:40
Lunch 1:00-1:30