Pirate Press
Vol. 3, Edition 21
Principal's Postcard!
Pirate Families,
We have been talking to the student body daily about respecting our school grounds. Food trash, among other garbage, is left in the most odd places throughout the day. We are positive that your children are not allowed to leave garbage all over the place at home, nor are they probably allowed to throw milk and juice at windows and walls, and we would really appreciate that not happening at school as well. It takes time and resources away from other responsibilities and we want to be able to take pride in our environment daily! We appreciate any reinforcement of these concepts you can offer at home!
Thank you for your support as we work together to ensure that our children have every opportunity to become college, career, and life ready!
Ms. Gilbert
Attention 8th Grade Parents! PHS 9th Grade Course Cards and Course Progression
8th Grade Families - Submit a Baby Picture for the Yearbook
Upcoming WIDA Testing
Athletic Schedules
Monday, February 3rd:
"P" rotation day - 1,2,3,4,5,6 (lunch is based on the 4th- period teacher)
1:30pm-3:30pm- Girls Soccer Practice
6:00pm- Boys Basketball vs. Pineview at Pineview Middle School
Tuesday, February 4th:
"A" rotation day - 2, 3, 5, 4, 6, 1 (lunch is based on the 4th- period teacher)
9:00am- ATP Drill #4
1:30-3:30pm- Boys Basketball Practice
1:30pm-3:30pm- Girls Soccer Practice
Wednesday, February 5th:
"S" rotation day- 3, 5, 6, 4, 1, 2 (lunch is based on the 4th- period teacher)
1:30-3:30pm- Girl's Soccer
1:30-3:30pm- Boys Basketball Practice
Thursday, February 6th:
"C" rotation day - 5, 6, 1, 4, 2, 3 (lunch is based on the 4th- period teacher)
1:30-3:30pm- Boys Basketball Practice
6:00pm- Girls Soccer at John Long Middle
Friday, February 7th:
"O" rotation day - 6, 1, 2, 4, 3, 5 (lunch is based on the 4th- period teacher)
8:00am-9:00am- Honor Roll Celebration in PMS Auditorium
Pirate PRIDE in Action!
Teacher of the Year
Congratulations, Kelly Agrue!
SRP of the Year
Congratulations, Kelley Adams!
Help Your Pirate Become a Scholar
What can you do as a parent or loved one to help your Pirate at home? Start with reminding them to write in their planner every class, every day. What should or could they be writing?
1) What they did in class
2) What they need to do at home
3) Learning objectives or benchmarks
4) Upcoming due dates or tests
5) Extracurricular activities
6) Missing assignments
7) Supplies to organize at home
8) Reminders about speaking with a teacher
9) Grade tracking
Lost Your Planner?
Check with Student Services or the Front Office to buy a replacement with PBIS Pirate Points!
Why GPA Matters
GPA stands for Grade Point Average and is a numerical representation of student performance. It's important for determining a student's eligibility for school-based events, sports*, scholarships, college admission, etc.
To calculate your student's GPA:
1) Each quarter or semester grade gets a value:
A = 4 pts
B = 3 pts
C = 2 pts
D = 1 pt
F = 0 pts
2) Add all values together.
3) Divide by the number of classes (typically 6).
*Students who are interested in playing sports after Winter Break (Boys Basketball, Girls Soccer, Track) need to remember their FIRST SEMESTER GPA is what will determine if they are eligible. Student athletes must have a 2.0 or higher.
College & Career Corner
Is Middle School Too Soon?
Wondering if it's too soon to start thinking about college? While exact plans don't have to be set, it's good to have an idea of what's available and what's required to make that goal a reality. From interest inventories to financial planning, it's a good idea to know things your family can consider now...because time flies, and high school graduation will be here before you know it!
AVID Scholar of the Month Segment
Pirate PRIDE Spinning Wheel!
Students will be selected at random using the spinning wheel. This selection will take place on a weekly basis. Spinning wheel prizes include: Pirate gear, snack coupons, PBIS points (25/50/75/100), Innovation Lab with 2 friends, Pirate Treasure Box, Kona Ice or Jackpot. We had several winners this summer and are excited to continue rewarding students for positive actions!
FAST Report Requests & Parent Letters
Parents, if you would like to get a detailed report of your child's FAST tests, please contact Mrs. Kassabaum at kkassaba@pasco.k12.fl.us to request an Access Code.
Visit this site https://fl-familyportal.cambiumast.com/#/ and enter the required information for the detailed Math & Reading report.
Medication for Self-Carry or Clinic
Students may only carry and self-administer medications with required documented authorization (medical provider & parent). The medication must be brought to school with the documentation by the parent. The child will be given a copy of the authorization to carry with the medication. The prescription labeled box or note from the medical provider is also required. Students may not carry medication that is not authorized or labeled.
Medication may also be accessible for your student in the school clinic, if needed. Parent should bring the medication, prescription label or note from the medical provider and then sign the parent medication authorization form. The student would then access the clinic for the medication.
One Stop Food Shop - Pantry
Sponsorship Opportunity
Athletic Participation Fees Are Due PRIOR to First Game
Report an Absence
You can now report an absence online. The link is below and is also on our school website.
Report Suspicious Activity
Fortify FL is a suspicious activity reporting tool that allows you to instantly relay information to appropriate law enforcement agencies and school officials.
CLICK HERE to submit a tip.
Students can also report a tip in their mypascoconnect dashboard using the Fortify FL icon.
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Thank you Central State Glass!
Central State Glass stopped by to deliver some wonderful giveaway items for our staff! Thank you for your generosity and partnership! 👏