The Wolves' Den
Parent Edition September 13, 2024, Semester 1, Issue 6
Mrs. Brand, School Principal and Mr. Paul, School Assistant Principal
Welcome to the Academy for Success
We are glad that you are here!! If you were with us during the first semester, welcome back! If you are a new student, we look forward to working with you and your family!
Welcome to the WOLVES' Den where our students are Working On Learning a Variety of Essential Skills! We look forward to working with each family to provide a supportive safety net for our students. Each week, we will send out a newsletter to share updates for The Academy.
Every Wednesday, unless noted by the district, will be a late start day. Classes will begin at 9:15am. Students can arrive on campus and report to the cafeteria at 8:50am. If your child is a bus rider, their bus will allow an hour later than the normal school days. We will dismiss at the same time, 3:25pm.
At dismissal, car riders and drivers will not be dismissed until our buses have loaded and are leaving campus. This will prevent parents from driving around the buses during loading and exiting campus. As a reminder, all student drivers MUST complete and submit a copy of their Aliveat25 completion certificate. If they drive on campus without an AFS parking permit, their car is subjected to be towed at the owner's expense.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Mrs. Brand @ pbrand@lexrich5.org or Mr. Paul @ jpaul@lexrich5.org or (803) 575-5300.
Important Upcoming Dates
Wednesday, September 18, 2024
- Late Start Day
- School open one hour later at 9:15am.
- Busses will arrive to the bus stop one hour later than normal
Friday, September 20, 2024
- Students will learning their academic coaching/enrichment assignment.
Monday, September 23, 2024
- Den Time will begin
- Students will be assigned Academic Coaching if they are failing a course with a 56 or less. If they are earning a 57 or better, they will be assigned to an enrichment activity.
Wednesday, September 25, 2024
- Late Start Day
- School open one hour later at 9:15am.
- Busses will arrive to the bus stop one hour later than normal
Friday, September 27, 2024
- Academy Day Schedule (No Den Time Scheduled)
D5 Foundation Gala
Den Time Opportunities
The goal of den time is to meet the academic needs of and build relationships with our students. We will use grades from Power Teacher to identify which students will need academic coaching during the school day. If students earn a 60 or above, they will participate in academic coaching.
Attendance Reminder
Our school day begins at 8:15am for high school and middle school. Students will be marked tardy if they arrive after that time. Students will sign themselves in through the front office.
Students need to be signed out for early dismissal by someone on their approved list. Anyone signing out a student for dismissal must provide a photo ID.
There will be NO early dismissal after 3:10 PM.
Please remember to provide documentation for your student's absences within 3 days of their return. This can be a parent's note or a doctor's excuse. You may upload any excuses to the Google Attendance Form link that's below this message.
Per District Policy, parent notes for illness can only be accepted within the first ten absences. If your student has over ten absences, it must be either pre-approved by the Principal or a doctor's note must be provided in order for the absence to be excused.
Report an Absence, Late Arrival, Early Dismissal
School Issued IDs
Parents and Guardians,
It is very important that your student wear their ID appropriately each school day. If the student does not have an ID, they can purchase a temporary ID for $1. If the student has lost or misplaced their permanent ID, a replacement ID can be purchased for $5.
We are unable to accept checks, debit cards or credit cards. Please send cash with your student to make a purchase of a temporary ID or replacement permanent ID.
1st infraction: Warning and item issued at no cost
2nd infraction: Warning and item issued at no cost
3rd infraction: MBI ($1 fine)
4th-5th infraction: MBI (Lunch Detention and $1 fine)
6th infraction: MBI (Lunch Detention and $1 fine)
7th infraction: Referral (1 hour After School Detention and $1 fine)
8th infraction: Permanent ID issued ($5 charge)
School Health Room Updates
Parents please be mindful of the following important information:
All prescription medication to be given at school needs an order from the
medical provider.
All over the counter medication needs to have a parent consent on file and
medication supplied by the parent.
Students are not allowed to carry medication in book bags unless they
have a signed order to self medicate for diagnosis of diabetes, severe
allergies and asthma. All other medication needs to be kept in the health
Students who need medical accommodations such as use of the elevator,
extra time between classes, or frequent bathroom breaks due to a medical
problem, must have a note from the medical provider given to the nurse.
Only injuries that have occurred in school on the same day will be treated
by the school nurse. Old injuries should be treated at home by parents.
All immunization records that are updated need to be turned into the nurse
as soon as you get a copy. Current immunization requirements for school
can be found on www.dhec.sc.gov/health/vaccinations
Please ensure that your student eats a good breakfast daily and keeps
hydrated, this helps them to have a good healthy day at school!
A Parent's Guide to Emergency Communications
School Breakfast and Lunch
The Student Nutrition Department is excited to announce that our district has a new website for the Free & Reduced Meal Application as well as the cafeteria meal payments platform.
Effective immediately, all meal applications & cafeteria meal payments for our district can only be accessed through www.linqconnect.com.
When registering for school, our Final Forms registration process links directly to the form at www.linqconnect.com.
Families should no longer use the lunchapplication.com or k12paymentcenter websites to access these items.
All student cafeteria accounts which had a positive balance at the end of the 22-23 school year within the previous system will be automatically transferred into LINQ. Families should be able to see any available balance before school begins.
*** For questions or concerns regarding these services, families can email the Student Nutrition department at nutritionservices@lexrich5.org ***
Dress Code
Friendly Procedural Reminders
- Students may enter the cafeteria for breakfast at 7:50am. If your child arrives to school after 8:05am, the student should be dropped off at the front doors of the Academy for Success and report to the main office.
- Student can wear a mask if they choose to do so. If a student needs a mask, they may get one at the front office. Masks should cover both the nose and mouth.
- IDs should be visible around the students' neck.
- The bell will ring at 8:15am for the school day to begin.
- No cell phones should be visible during instruction. Students should not use their phones after 8:15am. If they need to make a call, they should receive a pass to the front office.
- 10:10 rule: No student movement during the first and last 10 minutes of the class block..
- No movement during 1st, 3rd, 5th, and 7th blocks for high school and 2nd, 4th, 6th, and 8th blocks for middle school.
- Dress code with IDs: Shirts should be tucked in, pants should not sag, and ID required around the students neck at all times. Hoodies are not allowed. Sweatshirts should not have an emblem larger than the size of a quarter.
Connect with us!
Email: pbrand@lexrich5.org
Website: https://www.lexrich5.org/afs
Location: 11629 Broad River Road, Chapin, SC 29036, USA
Phone: (803) 575-5300