HES Family Newsletter
October 1, 2024

HES Family Newsletter - October 2024
We're halfway through our 2nd 6 weeks and we're really moving along. Teachers are digging into curriculum and providing engaging experiences for students across the campus.
We have a couple opportunities coming up we'd love to invite you to where you can share feedback and get more information about HES with our principal, Mrs. Carter. Parent input is one of the most vital ways for us to continue to grow and build positive relationships while nurturing young minds. Please join us at one of these "Coffee with Carter" dates coming up!
Our Busy Classrooms 👷🏻♂️
Pre-Kindergarten by Naomi Butler
In Pre Kindergarten, we've really gotten the hang of Choosing Love and settled into how to do school, including the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag as well as the Texas flag. The unit we'll be immersed in this month is Looking Outside. Our guiding question is, "How are the seasons different?" We'll start with Fall changes. Next we'll explore winter here and other places. Spring week will include using our senses to learn about Spring, and we'll finish the month with the things we do in the Summer. We're getting quite good at rhyming words and patterns! We will keep working with common shapes, rote counting 1-15, counting 1-5 objects and we started subitizing! We're improving our name writing as our names are very important to us. We'll focus on letters P, J & D. We are looking forward to growing & learning!
Kindergarten by Toriah Brooks
1st Grade by Debora Abrego
2nd Grade by Holly Hand
We have been very busy learning and growing in second grade! In Reading Language Arts in October we will be discussing the theme of texts read, studying the structure of texts, and examining the elements of drama along with reviewing nouns and verbs. In Social Studies we will discuss government services, community services, and practice good citizenship. In Math, we are learning place value, counting and comparing numbers up to 1,200. We are still practicing our math facts fluency up to 100 daily.
Our wonderful young scientists will learn all about how energy is all around us.
We would like to remind our parents and families to be checking their student’s calendar in the take home folder every night as well as making sure they are reading at least ten minutes a night and studying their math facts. Thank you for your support in your child’s education and as always please reach out to your child’s teacher with any concerns.
3rd Grade by Amber Lopez
Upcoming Units of Study:
In reading, students are working on identifying the central idea, text structure, and author's purpose of a non-fiction text. In writing, we are working on writing, editing, and publishing letters to a friend. In social studies, students are learning about how the government works. In math, we are working on word problems and graphing data. In science we are learning about force and motion.
Reminders for Parents:
Students are able to check out 2 library books from the library. We ask that you have your child read to you at least 10 minutes each night. Also, ask them questions about what they are reading to help grow their comprehension skills. For math, please have students work on learning their math facts.
Notes From Around Campus 🏫
Counselor's Corner by Shae Owens
We are Choosing Love at HES! The Choose Love at School Program emphasizes the simple, universal teachings of courage, gratitude, forgiveness, and compassion in action. During the month of October, we will continue to focus on the character value of Courage in our Choose Love Enrichment classes as well as in our daily Choose Love time each morning. Students will review that courage means choosing to work through difficulties and do the right thing, even if you feel afraid. We will continue to practice finding and using our courage by taking “Brave Breaths'' and using “Brave Poses”. Students will also continue learning to identify feelings in themselves and others. It takes courage to express our feelings, make good choices, tell the truth, admit mistakes, ask for forgiveness, and to be kind.
Below are optional activities that students and families/ caregivers can use to practice Choose Love skills and concepts at home. The following discussion starters and activities can be used with your children to extend their learning of Courage beyond the classroom/ school.
“To me, courage is……”
“I show courage at school by….”
“I show courage at home by…..”
“I show courage in my community by……”
“It takes courage to show my feelings because….”
· Students show a family member how to do a Brave Breath or Brave Pose.
· Talk with your family about why it is important to practice courage.
Students will also learn to use Courage to make healthy choices for their bodies and minds as we celebrate Red Ribbon Week, October 28-31. More information will be coming home about the activities taking place during this special week, so please look for it in your child’s daily folder as the time gets closer.
Shout Outs from The Specials Team
HES Technology Lab - Mrs. Price
During the month of October in the HES computer lab we will be diligently working on our TypeTastic Typing program. We will also be learning how to be good digital citizens and how our digital footprint leaves a lasting impact for everyone. COMMONSENSEMEDIA.ORG is a great internet tool for you and your child to use at home and share with members of your family.
HES Music Class - Mrs. Abt
October is an exciting month in the music department. First grade students will begin working on music for their Winter program in December. The other students will learn instrument procedures and begin playing the classroom instruments. They will also sing action songs, practice rhythms, and learn the difference between high and low pitches.
HES Library Center- Mrs. Wilson
THANK YOU everyone for supporting our book fair! Now that the book fair is over, we will read some books celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month (September 15-October 15), and, of course, some creepy yet informational books about spiders and bats!
PE @ HES - Coach Franklin
For the month of October our P.E. students will be learning more about team games and sports. We will explore various different games that include many different sports!
HES Art - Ms. Oneill
It will be a fun month of learning new things! To celebrate Day of the Dead students will be creating Day of the Dead masks, and Papel Picado –Mexican papercuts–using tissue paper. Friends will also create 3d black cats and drawing pumpkins to celebrate Halloween!
Building Balance & Friendships
Book Fair finds with Mrs. Wilson
Improvisations w/ Xylophones
Things to Know in SPED from Karla McDonald
October is Dyslexia Awareness Month. International Dyslexia Day will be on October 8th.
In our ECSE Life Skill class students will begin the Unit "Look Outside" where we will learn all about the seasons, night, and day. In Science our focus will be on the Texas and US flags as well as talking about our basic needs, food, clothing, and shelter. Our Literacy time will center on the letters Pp, Jj, and Dd as well as blending short one-syllable words. Our Math learning goals will be counting to 10, matching numerals to sets up to 10, learning our colors and shapes.