eLearning Update
Jan 13, 2025

E-Learning in District 303
Beginning Feb. 1, E-Learning Days Will Replace Snow Days
Dear D303 Families:
At last night’s meeting, our School Board approved an E-Learning plan that will take effect on Feb. 1, 2025. This plan helps ensure we don’t lose crucial instructional time when school buildings must be closed due to severe weather or an emergency. Currently, it is district policy to have a “snow day” when school buildings are closed. That policy stays in effect until Feb. 1. (Information on current procedures for severe weather is here.)
E-learning days help ensure that teaching and learning continue on days when school buildings are unexpectedly closed, and they count as regular school days. This maintains learning continuity and eliminates the potential need to add attendance days at the end of the school year to meet state requirements on instructional days.
Below is a summary of how E-Learning days will work. District leadership will work closely with our schools in the coming weeks to ensure they are prepared for potential E-Learning days, and additional information will be shared with you.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at communications@d303.org.
Thank you,
D303 Communications
Daily Work Expectations
Student attendance is marked at a designated time, but students can complete work throughout the day.
Staff is available for questions during regular school hours via Google Meet, email, or Schoology.
Early Childhood students and some elementary students may receive non-digital (paper and pencil) work; others will use Schoology.
- School-work time will total 5 hours.
E-Learning Day Structure Overview
Early Childhood & Elementary:
- Activities from two core subjects.
- All specials will post an activity; students choose at least one (e.g., art, music).
Middle & High School:
- Each class assigns 40-45 minutes of work.
Key Guidelines
- Work is designed to be independent; students should contact teachers for help.
- Teachers will respond during normal school hours.
Additional Details
Screen Time:
- Teachers determine synchronous (live video instruction) session times and share links via email or Schoology.
- Cameras must be on during synchronous sessions.
Student Assistance:
- Students can contact teachers for academic help through Schoology, Google Meet, or email.
- If families have technical questions or difficulties, we ask that they please use the district’s tech support link.
- For Non-Digital (paper and pencil) Work: Families scan a QR code or complete a Google Form to verify attendance.
- Digital Work: Schoology tracks attendance through login and online activity data.
- Opting out of an E-Learning day requires a call to the school’s attendance line to report the student’s absence.