Husky Happenings
May 14,2024
Important Dates
Wednesday, May 15- Kindy Kick-off
- (Session 1) 1:15-2:15PM
- (Session 2) 5:30-6:30 PM
- Countdown to Summer! Team day
- NPTO General Meeting 6:00-7:00 PM
- Here is the Google Meet Link if you choose to join virtual.
- Countdown to Summer! Under Day
Friday, May 17-
- North Field Day!
- Countdown to Summer! Voila Day
- Spirit Day- Grade Level North Shirts
May 21- Countdown to Summer! Xtra Recess Day
May 22- Countdown to Summer! Teacher Choose an Activity
May 23- Countdown to Summer! Zoom out for the summer (Last day for Kindy)
May 24-
- Countdown to Summer! Last Day 1st- 5th
- School dismissal at 10:30 AM
Field Day this Friday!!
Field Day is this Friday! May 17 - Half Day slots available.
We still have more slots available to see your child play on Field Day! A few half day shifts have been added! Most slots are from 9:30-2:30 pm. - Field Day Sign up Link
Parents, please note that you cannot come and watch your child on field day, only volunteers who have gone through the RAPTOR system may attend
5th Grade Breakfast
Calling all 5th grade families. Fifth grade breakfast will be here soon! Here is the Sign-Up Genius for the 5th Grade Breakfast.
We appreciate your help through this process.
Kindy Kick-off
Kdg. Kick Off- Wednesday, May 15
Two sessions- 1:15 & 5:30
Who is it for? All registered kindergartners who will be attending North in the fall of 2024.
What is it? Opportunity to gather and learn about the upcoming school year.
When? Wednesday, May 15
Session 1 - 1:15-2:15 pm
Session 2 - 5:30-6:30 pm
(Please attend during the time that will best meet your needs.)
Kdg. Screening- Friday, May 24 & Tuesday, May 28
- What is it? A chance for us to get to know our incoming kindergarten students and to informally assess their readiness skills.
- How does it work? A kindergarten teacher or reading specialist will meet briefly with each kindergarten student. This information aids teacher planning for the school year.
- When do we do it? On Friday, May 24 or Tuesday, May 28th. These are 20-minute sessions for each kindergartner.
- When do I sign up? Be prepared to sign up for an appointment on May 15th during our Kindy Kick-off.
- Assessment times? May 24 (8:10-11:20) or May 28 (8:15-12:00 or 1:00-3:00)
Parking Reminders
Parents may use our North main parking lot & Hickory Hall for drop-off and pick-up.
Please do not park on Woodstock Street. This lane is for our families driving into our parking lot.
Parents MAY NOT use Bernotas Middle School driveway and/or St. Paul's parking lot.
Lost & Found
The lost & found bin is full. Please pick up any lost items by May 23. All unclaimed items will be donated to Savers.
Upcoming Events
Staff Appreciation Week May 17th is Speech Pathologist Appreciation Day! Our speech therapists work hard at helping students with language comprehension, language expression, articulation, reading, and much much more! Please send a thank you to Mrs. Hensel, Mrs. Bakey, and Mrs. Buhs to let them know how much you appreciate them! The NPTO funds gifts each of them $5 gift cards in appreciation for all their hard work!!
Final NPTO general meeting of the year! - May 16th, 6 pm -7 pm, North Elementary Come learn about committees, vote for new board members and hear about plans for next year! There will be a zoom option available.
School Supply Boxes
North School PTO is offering School Supply Kits for the 2024-25 school year. It is not required but is an efficient way to get the necessary supplies at a discount for your student. The kits contain all the supplies needed (except art shirts and gym shoes) to save you shopping time. All ordering will take place online this year through our secure portal. The kits will be delivered to your student's classroom prior to our meet the teacher/supply drop off in August.
https://www.educationalproducts.com/shoppacks/ The school password is NOR404. The Main Sale Ends 5/21 and Late Sale Ends 6/16, so don't delay!
Garden Club
Last Garden Club is today! We meet at 3:30 pm at the garden (near the gym exit doors on the west side of the building) All are welcome! For the most up-to-date info like weather cancellations please email northgardencl@gmail.com to be added to the list. All North families are welcome to harvest food over the summer!
Spirit Wear
North Elementary Spirit wear is available to order year round here: Spiritwear link. Watch for monthly spirit wear discount/sale announcements via the NPTO Facebook page!
Like Us, Follow Us, Join Us!
Want to stay in the know? Be sure to follow us on:
Facebook: D47 NPTO
Sign-up for our Remind messages: Simply text @NorPTO to the number 81010
Bricks of Hope LEGO Drive
Join Crystal Lake Elementary District 47 in partnership with Bricks of Hope for a LEGO® Drive! Support sick children during their hospital stays by donating NEW LEGO® sets. The Bricks of Hope charity brings joy and hope through the gift of LEGO®. Drop off your donations at the school from now until May 17th. Read more about their mission here.
We need your feedback! 2024 D47 Communications Survey
Please take a moment to share your thoughts on our District 47 communications. Your input helps us improve how we keep you informed. This survey is anonymous and does not collect email addresses.
Click here to take this brief survey.
D47 Boundary Review
A new Boundary Update page is now available on the District website. It will be regularly updated to share new information and feedback opportunities. The boundary committee met for a second time on Monday, May 13. The page will soon be updated with insights from the discussions held during that session.
Transportation Open House “Meet the Bus”
Incoming kindergarten and PreK students are invited to “meet the bus” at the annual transportation open house. The event will be held Thursday, August 1, 2024, from 9am-1pm at the TJA bus garage, 1204 S. McHenry Avenue in Crystal Lake. Visit the D47 website for details. Flyer
National Night Out T-Shirt Design Contest
The Crystal Lake Police Department needs your child's help with designing the 2024 National Night Out T-shirt! They are calling on Crystal Lake 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders to submit their National Night Out t-shirt design by June 28th to Officer Stolzman at kstolzman@crystallake.org. The winning artwork will be featured on the official NNO t-shirt and handed out during the event. Learn more about National Night Out here: https://natw.org/.
6th Grade Course Placement
5th grade teachers and school administrators have spent the last few weeks carefully reviewing their students' needs for 6th grade. Beyond Encores of Art, Family and Consumer Science, Music, Spanish, STEM, plus Band per student choice, academic courses include Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Science. For a small percentage of students, enrollment in Extended Curriculum (EC) classes for Language Arts and Math has been considered. If students are eligible for EC classes, a letter will be sent home on May 15th. Full student schedules are available in August prior to the start of school.